nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<sascha_> hey guys. short q I'm trying to install cm 10.2 on my n7000 intl. I followed the instructions on the wiki page and patched the hardcore speedmod, and I have CMW installed and can use it. But I can't get back into my old system. I wanted to backup all data first, but wanted to tht with titanium, therefore I thought I would do that with root. Is this behaviour normal? Is the kernel only working with cm 10.2? Or should it al
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<FedeHle612> Hello?
<FedeHle612> I would like to know, what is the lates firmware i can use with Voodo Sound on a Samsung I9000B?
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<FedeHle612> Is there anybody in here?
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<t333n0m> hi
<t333n0m> could any1 tell me if codeworkx or any1 else working on 4.4 cm versiob for i9100g?thx
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<syla> how to unlock sgs2 T___T i tried tried tried and nothing working for me :(
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<bitfed> !supported
<bitfed> !supported t0lte
<bitfed> !device t0lte
<bitfed> !device GT-N7105
<bitfed> !help
<bitfed> !device Galaxy Note II LTE
<bitfed> !device N7105
* bitfed jumps off a bridge
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<hyperbolic> hey Flashed to CM10.1.3 stable and I am unable to make a call. right after I try to make a call it says "Call ended".BUT people can call me and I have 3G/internet connection which is really weird.Note that I didn't touch the RIL.Also, I tried flashing ONLY the modem but same problem.Any ideas ?
<hyperbolic> SGS3
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<kekkokk> hi guys, can i ask you a thing about cyano & samsung i9300?
<Flumdahl> dont ask if u can ask, just ask!
<kekkokk> everything is much faster than stock samsung, obviously, but there's a thing that i can't make working properly, audio. i mean, the loudspeaker will distort at max volume and same if i record the audio from the mic. it's too distorted compared to samsung's framework recorded videos. they're perfect. don't know is my fault because even in stable release, no one mention this problem that i think is a big problem. also trie
<Flumdahl> its because u can play louder with cyanogenmods rom
<Flumdahl> the gain is higher than stockrom
<Flumdahl> and i guess its the same for mic
<Flumdahl> dont record at max or play up music at max
<Flumdahl> and problem is solved.
<Flumdahl> :P
<kekkokk> i tried some measurament and the gain seems to be +- the same. i think cyanogen lets the low frequencies get out of the loudspeaker and probably samsung is equalized
<kekkokk> there's a method to equalize the enteire audio output, not only from dsp manager (wich only change some apps output, not everything)
<kekkokk> ?
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