nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<mattdawg> To anyone out there. I installed the nightly onto my ntoe 2 and I can't get the network to connect
<mattdawg> Am I missing something?
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> is mako the codename for nexus devices?
<nebkat> diegoviola: witamy
<diegoviola> like, if i want to install cm 10.2 in my device i need this?
<diegoviola> nexus 4
<nebkat> diegoviola: jest kod za nexus 4
<diegoviola> wat
<nebkat> diegoviola: tak, mako = n4
<diegoviola> ok
<diegoviola> but is there only mako, not other devices that are n4 with different codename?
<diegoviola> like there are many s3 with different codenames
<diegoviola> sorry
<n-iCe> there is no other nexus 4
<diegoviola> ok thanks
<diegoviola> i'm getting this
<diegoviola> will this have the fastboot i need
<diegoviola> in order to flash
<diegoviola> sorry for many questions :(
<diegoviola> i'm n00b
<n-iCe> I think, I don't use Win
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<diegoviola> i don't use windows alos
<diegoviola> also
<diegoviola> i'm on archlinux
<n-iCe> right
<frankdrey> diegoviola, nano /etc/pacman.conf
<frankdrey> add at the end
<frankdrey> [bbqlinux]
<frankdrey> SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
<frankdrey> Server =$arch
<frankdrey> and then do pacman -S android-sdk ;)
<frankdrey> erm
<frankdrey> -Syu
<frankdrey> oh you just want adb?
<frankdrey> well then pacman -S android-sdk-platform-tools
<diegoviola> i want to flash cwm on my n4 and install cm 10.2
<diegoviola> so fastboot i think?
<frankdrey> you'll need to add the bbqlinux like i said
<frankdrey> yup, in there
<diegoviola> ok ty
<diegoviola> :D
<frankdrey> i could download the tar...but this actually installs it
<frankdrey> and bbqlinux repo has lotsa goodies :D
<frankdrey> the sdk, host tools, etc.
<diegoviola> that tar is the same as the android-sdk-platform-tools in bbqlinux repo?
<diegoviola> ok ty
<frankdrey> that tar will give you android sdk
<frankdrey> then you have to download platform-tools FROM sdk
<diegoviola> ok ty
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<frankdrey> oh btw, you should try bbqlinux sometime :P arch-based distro for android devs, made by cody
<diegoviola> nice
<diegoviola> does it use archlinux packages from the repos, like is it up-to-date as arch?
<frankdrey> yup
<diegoviola> nice
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<DJ-Rack> can some one help be debug my phone to find out why is it crashing all the time ?
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<DuperMan> omg omg omg repos sync for 11.0 ^^
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<a-st> good morning =)
<a-st> Wayland_ACE: any hints how to fix this?
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<DuperMan> rm -fr $workdir/out -> try again?
<a-st> It did :-\
<a-st> *I
<a-st> DuperMan: I'm going to try a clean build again :)
<DuperMan> ah. well that was the point :) cheers.
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<a-st> Wayland_ACE: Thank you very much. I thought it was already merged :
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<Wayland_ACE> a-st: not yet
<Wayland_ACE>,n,z this changes is not merged yet
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<a-st> Wayland_ACE: Thank you very much, nice job :)
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<rodcorporation> Hi guys. Do you known if CyanogenMod 10.2 has support to S pen on Galaxy Note 2?
<DuperMan> yes.
<DuperMan> it does.
<nebkat> DuperMan: hey
<DuperMan> AGES nebkat
<DuperMan> sup?! horrible timing :?
<DuperMan> :/
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<kephu> hi
<nebkat> DuperMan: Package Complete: /home/nebkat/Work/android/cm/out/target/product/find5/
<DuperMan> :-O f! dared boot it?
<DuperMan> I tackled too much, took to rockbox in the lull right before now :)
<kephu> can anyone recommend a good i9100 kernel to go with the latest stable CM 10.1? The default one has this noted glitch when sometimes autorotate breaks, but the ones I tried (mostly flavors of dorimanx) have this thing where games sometimes tend to... stutter randomly, sometimes for seconds at a time
<kephu> man, that was a long question there
<DuperMan> could be they be trying to fake a workaround for the bug, constantly nagging to restart the gyroscope service?
<DuperMan> nahhhhhhhhh
<kephu> hm?
<DuperMan> I personally can't and I doubt you'll find one, but there's no harm in looking
<DuperMan> :)
<nebkat> DuperMan: oppo has good recovery :)
<kephu> soooo... no recommendations then? :P
<nebkat> yeah id boot it if recovery wasnt derped
<nebkat> stuck on installing update
<DuperMan> :) blamerecovery
<DuperMan> I was gosh-stounded that it synced the sources so nicely on the first go (second, honestly)
<DuperMan> anyhows time for me to be lazy, earned that for a change ;) l8rs
<nebkat> DuperMan: you have connection issues?
<nebkat> DuperMan: enjoy your lazy time ;)
<DuperMan> danke ;)))
<fishxz1> nebkat: is it possible for u to take a look at my log? i have connection problems since im using cm and i posted a log here:
<nebkat> fishxz1: its not an easily recognizable issue
<nebkat> and i dont do s2
<fishxz1> hmm ok :(
<Ravenheart> nebkat, oppinion - LG G2
<Ravenheart> if you have the time ofc sir
<nebkat> Ravenheart: if im a sir, ofc i have time :)
<nebkat> getting it on contract?
<Ravenheart> yeah
<nebkat> personally i think the design is a bit weird
<Ravenheart> well if they don't get N5 by december 1st
<nebkat> could you get xperia z1?
<Ravenheart> its too expensive
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<spY|da> dobar dan
<Ravenheart> my main concern is if its gonna get cyanogen love
<Ravenheart> dobur da e spY|da
<spY|da> how can i take a look why the wifi speed is low on my htc one?
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<Ravenheart> i'd run some pings
<nebkat> spY|da: dobar dan
<nebkat> Ravenheart: it probably will eventually
<nebkat> but lg is bad
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<a-st> next issue :(
<a-st> Wayland_ACE: Any hints what could cause this issue?
<frankdrey> I think it's pretty clear on telling you where the errors are...
<frankdrey> wait
<frankdrey> you need java6
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<a-st> d'oh forgot to change JAVA_HOME
<frankdrey> :p
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<a-st> wtf? oracle requires a login?
<frankdrey> O_o
<a-st> frankdrey: sure it's a java issue?
<frankdrey> a-st, quick google search says so
<a-st> it fails with openjdk6 too
<frankdrey> try sun jdk6
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<a-st> builds with jdk8 :D
<frankdrey> xD
<a-st> Oh no...same error-...
<frankdrey> xD
<a-st> ah i need to clean first :)
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<a-st> So let's see if it works with jdk6 now :)
<spY|da> a-st, what are you trying to accomplish?
<a-st> spY|da: I'm trying to compile CM11 for my i9100
<a-st> it failed because the wrong jdk was used
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<spY|da> ok then. good luck
<a-st> Thank you very much :P
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<a-st> Did someone try to compile cm using jdk8? :D
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