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<nebkat> frankdrey: ?
<frankdrey> >.>
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<Curly-Brace> hey
<frankdrey> hey
<Curly-Brace> sooo, I'm back...
<frankdrey> guess what i'm doing :D
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> 2.2 :D
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<Curly-Brace> uhhhh
<Curly-Brace> old android phone modding??
<frankdrey-phone> The /first/ Android phone
<frankdrey-phone> G1
<frankdrey-phone> HTC dream
<Curly-Brace> wait, is that the first one?
<Curly-Brace> I thought the Motorola Droid was the first
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<frankdrey-phone> O.o
<frankdrey-phone> Hell no
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<Curly-Brace> awww
<Curly-Brace> I thought I had the first one
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<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> no, i do :3
<Curly-Brace> fiiine
<Curly-Brace> you mind if I ask for help for another issue? D:
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<frankdrey> Curly-Brace, catch me in an hour :P
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<Curly-Brace_> (back)
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<Curly-Brace> hey
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<Curly-Brace> hey
<Curly-Brace> wb
<frankdrey> hey :D
<frankdrey> ok, so what was the issue?
<Curly-Brace> extracting proprietary files, but I got them now :)
<Curly-Brace> just waiting for the thing to compile
<frankdrey> oh cool :P
<frankdrey> takes a while lol
<Curly-Brace> shouldn't take more than a few minutes, right?>
<Curly-Brace> (joke)
<Curly-Brace> last time it took maybe 5 hours on this machine :/
<frankdrey> heh
<Curly-Brace> well, its done with the C code at least, and on to the C++
<Curly-Brace> come to think of it, last time I wasn't compiling the kernel too :\
<frankdrey> :o
<Curly-Brace> out of curiosity, how would I compile JUST the kernel?
<Curly-Brace> I mean, I know there are guides (,
<Curly-Brace> but can I do that without downloading all the kernel stuff again?
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<frankdrey> Curly-Brace, I'm not sure...I've not messed with these new fancy build systems
<Curly-Brace> no problem, I think there's a guide I see now - thanks
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> I use prebuilt for my G1
<Curly-Brace> well, my project here is supposed to be a kernel mod
<frankdrey> oh :
<frankdrey> *:P
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<rhcp> Anyone know how to use the Android NDK?
<Curly-Brace> I'm running into an error' cannot find symbol' while trying to build from source - any ideas?
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<Curly-Brace_> hello
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<Tackras> hello
<Tackras> i have a question
<Tackras> i need to wipe my data and cache, if i want to flash cyanogenmod 11 on a cyanogenmod 10.2 device ?
<Tackras> ???
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<Tackras> hey
<Tackras> i need to wipe my data and cache, if i want to flash cyanogenmod 11 on a cyanogenmod 10.2 device ?
<Tackras> ok thx for support ...
<Tackras> i will test it now
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<Curly-Brace> hey
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<n-iCe> hi
<Curly-Brace> I just built cyanogenmod from source!
<Curly-Brace> Unfortunatly, I am having some trouble flashing it to my device
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<Curly-Brace> hey
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<Ravenheart> hi
<n-iCe> hi
<Devourz> hi
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<shamr0x> Anyone available to help me troubleshoot a Samsung Mesmerize? I tried installing a ROM and Bootloader without backup now I have the bootloader installed but I cannot install the ROM from the SD card it says it can't mount the sd card
<n-iCe> shamr0x: reboot recovery, and try again
<shamr0x> @n-iCe: when I try to install the ROM from sdcard it just shows the "installing update" and then reboots into a different recovery. I can go back to the old recovery by holding down vol up/down but it just does the same thing, I was going to try to use ODIN but now it doesn't even let me mount to the PC.
<shamr0x> so I can't even access the SD card to try a different recovery
<n-iCe> phone
<shamr0x> It is a Samsung Mesmerize for US Cellular.
<shamr0x> This was a project I had started awhile ago, but my other phone got run over yesterday so now I am forced to try to get this one working.
<n-iCe> mesmerizemtd ?
<shamr0x> it's the SCHI500
<n-iCe> is this the phone?
<shamr0x> Yes this is it
<n-iCe> did you follow the install wiki?
<shamr0x> so I tried to follow the wiki step by step. I had no zkernal file
<shamr0x> so after doing some research I was able to get the bootloader installed via Odin instead of heim
<shamr0x> I then loaded the CYN MOD onto the formated SD card
<shamr0x> booted to recovery and when I tried to install from zip, it deleted the recovery and now I can boot to either the recovery which is like 4.0 something or if i let it boot normal it boots to a 6.0 recovery instead of the phone rom.
<shamr0x> and now I can't even get my computer to see it as a USB device. This was a junk phone that i wanted to learn this process on but now I am being forced to figure it out and im on a time constraint.
<shamr0x> I downloaded the default ROM also but like I said I can't even access the SD card at this point
<n-iCe> just boot the Mesmerize into download and flash the recovery
<n-iCe> easy, heimdall flash --kernel zImage --recovery recovery.bin --no-reboot
<shamr0x> I don't have a zImage in the recovery
<shamr0x> all that is in the zip is a recover.bin
<shamr0x> I get the error could not fine file "zImage"
<shamr0x> *find
<n-iCe> is your phone in here?
<shamr0x> Negative. I did fine the stock ROM elsewhere tho
<n-iCe> easy, heimdall flash --recovery recovery.bin --no-reboot
<n-iCe> use that then
<shamr0x> the problem now is that when I put the device in download mode
<shamr0x> the computer doesn't detect it, I can't install a driver for it
<shamr0x> So previously I used zadig to set that up, but now I can't set a driver to it
<n-iCe> well, reinstall drivers, change cable, change usb port
<n-iCe> Make it work
<shamr0x> wow ok so swapping usb ports reset it haha
<shamr0x> I was able to flash the recovery
<n-iCe> good
<shamr0x> so now hypothetically I should be able to install the ROM from the zip file on the sd card correct?
<n-iCe> now, go to the custom recovery, don't let it boot or will reset your stock recovery
<n-iCe> that's why the --no-reboot
<shamr0x> ah
<n-iCe> from there, move the rom using adb push, same with gapps, flash both, and that's all.
<shamr0x> holding down all vol and power to boot into recovery correct?
<n-iCe> no idea about your device, google it
<n-iCe> holding Volume Up, Volume Down, & Power.
<n-iCe> that's what CM wiki says.
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<shamr0x> trying it with a sideload now
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<shamr0x> never done this once in my life, appreciate the help so far!
<n-iCe> :)
<shamr0x> so I got an error on the phone after sideload
<shamr0x> assert failed: run program
<shamr0x> e: Error in /tmp/
<shamr0x> is this just a bad ROM should I try a previous release?
<n-iCe> whre is the rom
<RudyValencia> I love my galaxy s3
<shamr0x> I have it in the sdk folder
<shamr0x> so its in the same root folder as the abd
<n-iCe> called
<shamr0x> it's called
<n-iCe> why would it say Error in /tmp/
<n-iCe> do this, adb push /sdcard/
<shamr0x> it says error: closed
<shamr0x> I can't access the sdcard from this recovery either it says it can't mount sd card
<shamr0x> but if I boot into the default recovery I can see it fine
<n-iCe> did you mount it?
<n-iCe> adb shell mount /sdcard
<shamr0x> same error
<shamr0x> let me restart the phone
<n-iCe> no
<n-iCe> restart recovery
<shamr0x> says no such file or directory
<shamr0x> do i need to partition the sd card or something?
<n-iCe> to fat32
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<n-iCe> shamr0x: can you format it on windows?
<shamr0x> I can now i couldnt even mount it before
<shamr0x> ok I formated it to fat 32
<shamr0x> and copied the ROM file over
<n-iCe> good, so you can mount it now?
<n-iCe> good
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<shamr0x> ok so I can't get it to mount the sd card in recovery to install from zup
<shamr0x> zip*
<shamr0x> error: Can't mount /sdcard/
<shamr0x> when I try to sideload it takes the package but when it goes to the "Restarting abdb,,, Finding update package... Opening update package.... Installing update.... Assert Failed: run_program ("/tmp/", "cdma") == 0
<shamr0x> E:Error in /tmp/update.zi[
<shamr0x> Let me try a different ROm file
<shamr0x> trying a stable release
<n-iCe> "mount /sdcard" option under Mounts and Storage
<shamr0x> same error
<shamr0x> for that ^
<shamr0x> still dl different rom
<shamr0x> Does it matter that in CW Recovery under neat the version it says
<shamr0x> Warning: No File-contexts
<n-iCe> you did not encrypt a shit right?
<shamr0x> not sure what that means but it was just a standard Fat32 format through windows
<shamr0x> sending the new rom to the phone via sideload
<n-iCe> ok, if that does not work, format using this:
<n-iCe> should work
<shamr0x> I get the same error
<shamr0x> how can I format the phone to start with just a fresh recovery file
<n-iCe> flash the sdcard with the software
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<n-iCe> I mean, format.
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<shamr0xium> @n-Ice: my computer crashed out, BSOD
<shamr0xium> did you respond to my last question about the fresh recovery file
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<n-iCe> flash the sdcard with the software
<n-iCe> shamr0x: to go to stock recovery you will need to flash your stock rom
<n-iCe> wich should be here
<shamr0x> both the roms my phone trys to boot into are CW
<n-iCe> ?
<shamr0x> well not now
<shamr0x> but like before if i let my phone reboot
<shamr0x> it would boot into clockwork 4
<shamr0x> now its booting into 6.
<shamr0x> I think that was from when I had rooted the phone last year
<n-iCe> by the way
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<n-iCe> I think I got your problem
<n-iCe> you think sdcard is your external sd card micro?
<n-iCe> go to, sudo adb shell
<n-iCe> external should be something like, external_Sd
<shamr0x> How do I do that
<shamr0x> i typed sudo adb shell in command and it says not recognize
<n-iCe> change usb port
<shamr0x> can't get it to mount again
<shamr0x> question
<shamr0x> when I use ZAdiag
<shamr0x> what driver is the best to install
<shamr0x> WINUSB orlibUSB
<n-iCe> should be detected by shell
<n-iCe> no idea what's going on then
<shamr0x> ok i just flashed the recovery
<shamr0x> I am now booting into recovery for the "first time"
<shamr0x> trying a different SD card
<shamr0x> that one is not mounting and I can't format it
<shamr0x> but my 16gb one moutned right up
<shamr0x> so hypothetically i should be able to put the CWM zip on the external SD card
<shamr0x> and install zip through Recovery correct?
<shamr0x> ok so if /sdcard is the internal storage
<shamr0x> That's what won't mount
<shamr0x> Can't mount /sdcard/
<n-iCe> move it to external card
<n-iCe> and flash it from there
<shamr0x> It is on an external
<n-iCe> yes
<shamr0x> I think this CW Recovery can't read external only internal sd
<shamr0x> I am reading some forum about it but i dunno
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<shamr0x> frustrated... Going to take a shot of vodka and start over
<shamr0x> I don't think my chrome has seen so many tabs
<shamr0x> Ok n-ice
<shamr0x> I repartitioned the sdcard inside recovery
<shamr0x> how do I put a recovery file on the internal sdcard
<shamr0x> Actually I think I can sideload now
<shamr0x> Now I just get error in /tmp/update.zi[
<shamr0x> Installation aborted
<shamr0x> I think these files no longer exist
<n-iCe> weird
<shamr0x> I killed it
<shamr0x> Tried to put the default firmware back on
<shamr0x> using odin
<shamr0x> now the thing doesn't even turn on haha
<n-iCe> o.o
<n-iCe> you bricked it
<shamr0x> firsts!
<n-iCe> charge it
<n-iCe> do you see any light or anything?