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<redraw> Hello, what is it needed to make a device supported by Cyanogenmod or any ROM? I have a Galaxy Pocket PLUS - S5301, and it isn't even ported unofficially...
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<jomp16> redraw: to get a unofficial port, port it yourself
<jomp16> The only thing you can get from CM team is support, the hard way is up to you
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<redraw> jomp16: I'm just asking why some devices are ported and another ones not...
<redraw> I talked to the only guy who was trying to port it to s5301, and he told me that its chipset drivers were closed so he wasn't able to compile the HAL modules
<redraw> so the ones that CM support have their chipset drivers open-source?
<frankdrey-pc> redraw, it's a LOT of hard work to port to a device
<frankdrey-pc> and it takes a lot of knowledge
<frankdrey-pc> the more popular a device, the more likely that there's a developer with the skill, knowledge, and motivation to port for it
<redraw> that's true. I respect.
<frankdrey-pc> and to answer your second question, it depends
<frankdrey-pc> some devices have a SoC with open source drivers
<frankdrey-pc> some have hacked together drivers
<redraw> thanks. sounds logical.
<frankdrey-pc> not an in-depth explanation, but that's probably the #1 reason :P
<frankdrey-pc> i'm not an expert, but with samsung...
<frankdrey-pc> it seems they do release some sort of drivers/source
<frankdrey-pc> but it's either broken or lacks documentation
<redraw> yeah, i imagine... i though it was a bit easier but not. Do you mean in
<frankdrey-pc> no
<frankdrey-pc> that's firmware
<frankdrey-pc> I mean
<redraw> copy that
<frankdrey-pc> search for your device
<redraw> is there..
<frankdrey-pc> mhm
<redraw> however chipset drivers are needed anyway right?
<frankdrey-pc> i dunno *shrug*
<frankdrey-pc> :p
<redraw> thanks anyway :D
<redraw> it seems that Galaxy Pocket Plus didn't have the same success as Galaxy Pocket in the MODs community... and i don't know why, because it has better hardware and natively support Android ICS... anyway...
<frankdrey-pc> MODs community?
<frankdrey-pc> what year did each device come out?
<redraw> pocket: march 2012 , pocket plus: march 2013
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<frankdrey-pc> well duh
<frankdrey-pc> by the time of the pocket plus, the galaxy s had killed off every other samsung line
<frankdrey-pc> because if you haven't noticed, the galaxy s is Samsung's #1 line of phones :p
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<redraw> shouldn't it be more popular so?
<redraw> :(
<redraw> it's a 2.8'' display phone with ICS!
<redraw> well... that's just because I bought it... but truly speaking...
<frankdrey-pc> :p
<frankdrey-pc> people these days like big phones :(
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<Dbmello75> hi
<Dbmello75> good night....
<Dbmello75> I nedd some help
<Dbmello75> i've unrooted my i9100
<Dbmello75> and the network has stoped
<Dbmello75> Imei is ok
<Dbmello75> but network allways disconnected
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<Nick91> hello
<Nick91> where can i get help about alaxy note 2?
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<alleykatz> hi - I have a SGS2 GT-i9100xxlpq - does this mean that I cannot use any of the (prebuild) CM versions?
<alleykatz> !supported
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<Aria> hi guys
<Aria> anyone online
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<Guest61609> need ur help :(
<Guest61609> anyone ?!!!!!!!1
<Guest61609> !???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
<Guest61609> @nebkat
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<silverf0x> !device galaxy s
<silverf0x> !device i9000
<silverf0x> hmm
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<silverf0x> !supported
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<SYAOnline> Hello!
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<SYAOnline> !device I9300
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<waratte> Hello]
<SYAOnline> I'm new at building android. I followed all the tutorials I could find on CM Wiki, XDA and Google, created a build env, got the AOSP sources, got the Samsung JB Update11 (4.1.2) and after extracting the Platform archive in the repo path (overwrite) and extracting the kernel archive to /kernel started the build with user
<SYAOnline> I do I do with the resulted images/zip file(s)?
<SYAOnline> how to flash it to the I9300 device ( running stock android )
<SYAOnline> and will it work? If not, this could brick it to need a JTAG or just going to a boot loop?
<SYAOnline> what happens if I get the KitKat sources and extract Platform and Kernel in the source path? The build will brick the phone or I can get back to stock with odin?
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<alEX______> Hi, I just installed Cm10.1 and Gapps through clockworkmod on my Gs3 International. It's in a bootloop right now, but I still have access to recovery.
<alEX______> Any help?
<SYAOnline> alEX______: try to clear cache from recovery
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<pedrito19> hiiiiiii!!
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