nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
<tallywood> I'm just gonna go with yes I think
<tallywood> frankdrey-pc you ok w that?
<frankdrey-pc> i have no idea :p
<tallywood> I don't think it's a huge deal either way
<tallywood> I'll let you know when it's done
<tallywood> UGH
<tallywood> seems to be stuck on Creating /datw
<tallywood> data
<tallywood> frankdrey-pc I rebooted into CWM
<tallywood> and just picked no this time
<tallywood> continued straight to recovery
<frankdrey-pc> ok...
<frankdrey-pc> now wipe everything but boot i guess
<tallywood> ok
<tallywood> ok done
<frankdrey-pc> ok now get qtadb and push zips
<tallywood> ok I downloaded qtadb
<tallywood> WAIT
<tallywood> I wasn't supposed to reboot my phone yet, right?
<tallywood> and how do I push the zips exactly?
<frankdrey-pc> in recovery with qtadb
<frankdrey-pc> open up qtadb and plug in phone
<frankdrey-pc> it should be straightforward
<tallywood> hold on
<tallywood> I will try
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<tallywood> frankdrey-pc I'm training to pick the internal sd card as adb pinary path, right?
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<frankdrey-pc> whatawhat?
<frankdrey-pc> adb binary path?
<frankdrey-pc> qtadb doesn't come with it?
<frankdrey-pc> lame, qtadb
<tallywood> qtadb is asking me what the binary path is
<frankdrey-pc> um
<frankdrey-pc> try this
<tallywood> k brb
<tallywood> UGH
<tallywood> I"m having a hard time with this
<frankdrey-pc> :(
<tallywood> I'm plugging in the phone via usb but the pc is not seeing it
<tallywood> so annoying
<frankdrey-pc> is there any adb setting in cwm?
<frankdrey-pc> or...
<frankdrey-pc> easier you have a microsd card + reader?:P
<tallywood> maybe
<tallywood> hold on
<tallywood> I'll be back in 10....have to run up and look for it
<tallywood> will you be here?
<frankdrey-pc> um
<frankdrey-pc> 10, probably
<tallywood> I'm back
<frankdrey-pc> 30, probably not
<frankdrey-pc> ok cool :D
<tallywood> I put the two files on the micro SD
<tallywood> is that right?
<frankdrey-pc> yep
<frankdrey-pc> perfect
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<tallywood> ok put it in the phone
<frankdrey-pc> now flash cm zip and reboot into recovery
<frankdrey-pc> (this should *hopefully* upgrade your recovery)
<tallywood> ugh CWM is not seeing the ext SD
<frankdrey-pc> try to compare version numbers or something
<frankdrey-pc> uhh
<frankdrey-pc> check in mounts?
<tallywood> error mounting sd ext
<tallywood> unreal
<tallywood> lol
<frankdrey-pc> lolwtfbbq
<frankdrey-pc> what's it formatted in?
<frankdrey-pc> also, what cwm version?
<tallywood> yeah I think so
<tallywood> I just rebooted phone
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<frankdrey-pc> should be ok
<frankdrey-pc> is the sd card fat32?
<tallywood> not sure
<tallywood> I mean it was reading it fine before we formatted everything
<tallywood> the FIRST time
<frankdrey-pc> yeah
<frankdrey-pc> dammit
<frankdrey-pc> try to find a twrp for your phone on xda
<tallywood> and then?
<frankdrey-pc> and use that
<frankdrey-pc> it's a different recovery
<tallywood> k
<frankdrey-pc> much nicer
<tallywood> I will try
<tallywood> are you around tomorrow?
<frankdrey-pc> should be
<tallywood> alright
<frankdrey-pc> probably will be on my phone on irc in school :P
<tallywood> I'll let you know or we can walk through together
<frankdrey-pc> ok
<tallywood> I need to leave and eaat also
<frankdrey-pc> alright
<tallywood> maybe give it 10 more minutes
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<Merlin__> I just had a quick question for anyone on. How do I, on my S3, enable USB debugging mode?
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<z4h3r> hello
<z4h3r> i'm trying to download gapps for cm10.2 but i get "The file you requested was not found".
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<S2i9100g> !device i9100g
<S2i9100g> hiya!
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<boltas> i have a samsung galaxy tab 2 with cm10.2 ... I can't find the camera widget for the lock screen ... any idea what to do ?
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<boltas> i have a samsung galaxy tab 2 with cm10.2 ... I can't find the camera widget for the lock screen ... any idea what to do ?
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<Arun> Why is there is a 20Mb size difference between 06.11.2013 build and 07.11.2013 Nightly build ?
<Arun> Could some ome explain on what was removed ?
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<bisby> So I have an SGS4 (tmo, sgh-m919) that when I'm on CM10.2, the wifi goes out (and stays out, until i toggle it off/on) every 30-45 minutes. When its on touchwiz, it's gone 2 days without the wifi killing itself.
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<iuabrguhbse> anyone know an alternative reliable site to to get the 4.3 apps package? File is no longer available there.
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<mach20x> Anyone on this morning?
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<Lekensteyn> mach20x: it's evening here.
<Lekensteyn> iuabrguhbse: which one?
<Lekensteyn> iuabrguhbse: ?
<jomp16> Lekensteyn: well, it's the latest GApps for 4.3...
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<Lekensteyn> jomp16: rootzwiki has some mirrors listed if I'm not mistaken.
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<iuabrguhbse> Verified the checksum matches the one found at rootzwiki.
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<iuabrguhbse> Nevermind, can't use. checksum on rootzwiki was edited from original after the file was added.
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<jomp16> iuabrguhbse: f3d2ab4dc314a11e6c2bcb69e681b4b4
<jomp16> My copy of this GApps
<jomp16> iuabrguhbse: check this:
<jomp16> my upload of my local gapps, I can unzip it, so, it means is fine
<iuabrguhbse> Thx
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<jomp16> bye
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<Mayur> hello I get status 7 error on installing
<mach20x> So when is 4.4 going tho roll out on the cappy?
<mach20x> I'm currently getting a weird reboot every time I sleep my phone when I upgrade to 4.3
<mach20x> So I haven't made the transition yet.
<mach20x> Anyone have the inside scoop on that, or know about a 4.4 update.
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<diegoviola> hi
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<frankdrey-othert> oh wow
<frankdrey-othert> i'm #1 active user here o.o
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<lcstyle> just flashed CM 10.2 nightly, that was the easiest, simplest, most straightforward install EVER. Thank you to all!
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<pero> * Channel #teamhacksung-support url:
<pero> ya'll know there is nothing on that url, right?
<pero> !supported
<waratte> I support everything.
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<diegoviola> nexus 4 or s3? what's best
<waratte> Neither. The best is an iPhone.
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<Ravenheart> nexus4
<Ravenheart> if its 16gb apparently
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<diegoviola> Ravenheart: it's 16gb
<Ravenheart> :(
<diegoviola> i kind of regret trashing my sgs3, but i hope the nexus 4 makes me forget that
<Ravenheart> damn i want one
<Ravenheart> you from brazil right?
<diegoviola> yeah
<diegoviola> i just bought it here in Brazil
<Ravenheart> n5 is gonna be massivly expensive right
<diegoviola> some companies still have it
<diegoviola> dunno
<diegoviola> maybe
<Ravenheart> my telecom only has the 8gb versio
<diegoviola> some companies are selling the N4 for $600 here
<diegoviola> but i got it from $350 or so
<diegoviola> :P
<Ravenheart> i've seen companies sell 7 year old phones for original retail price still
<diegoviola> i see
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<diegoviola> i've had my sgs3 i9300 for a year or so
<Ravenheart> did you drop it or something
<diegoviola> ran cm10, cm10.1 and cm10.2 all this time
<diegoviola> Ravenheart: i was upset the other day so i intentionally broke it
<diegoviola> i regret it
<Ravenheart> what
<Ravenheart> did it hurt your feelings or something that you had to break it
<Ravenheart> i've seen some serious raging on the NES
<Ravenheart> oh man
<diegoviola> :(
<diegoviola> i hope the N4 makes me forget about that
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<diegoviola> i was stupid, how could i've done that
<diegoviola> :(
<Ravenheart> my old phone was working fine for over 4 years
<Ravenheart> gave it to m mom, she broke it within 2 weeks
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<diegoviola> what phone was that
<diegoviola> what phone do you use now
<Ravenheart> Sony Ericsson W902
<Ravenheart> i got a Galaxy S2 atm
<Ravenheart> still pondering what to get next month
<Ravenheart> N4 8gb, SOny Xperia Z
<Ravenheart> i HOPE they either find a 16gb N4 or the N5 arrives
<diegoviola> i really liked the big display in my sgs3
<diegoviola> the N4 display looks smaller
<diegoviola> :/
<Ravenheart> is it
<Ravenheart> i though it was bigger
<diegoviola> N4 screen is more like S2's right?
<diegoviola> uhm
<Ravenheart> ahh
<Ravenheart> the S3 is 0.1 inches larger
<diegoviola> so not much?
<Ravenheart> yea
<diegoviola> ok shouldn't matter then
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<diegoviola> and the idea that i'll be free of exynos4 bugs makes me happy
<Ravenheart> the bad news is you won't be getting many more updates after 4.4
<diegoviola> although cm 10.2 ran pretty well on the i9300 last time i used it
<diegoviola> Ravenheart: updates from google?
<Ravenheart> yea
<diegoviola> hmm i see
<Ravenheart> apparently they kill of old nexuses after 18 months
<diegoviola> Ravenheart: i see
<diegoviola> Ravenheart: there'll still be cm support though, right?
<Ravenheart> i guess
<diegoviola> i plan of running cm though
<diegoviola> more features than aosp, right?
<diegoviola> plain aosp is nice, but i love cm :)
<diegoviola> i guess i'll play with both when i get it
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<DJ-Rack> fcan anyone help me with building the kernel from source for the note 3 ?
<DJ-Rack> ok i got it build and flashed and every thing the only problem is with the sdcard and camera
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<DJ-Rack> anyone knows where is the configuration for the kernel witch allows 64GB sdcards ?
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