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<Kuba> hey guys
<Kuba> what's is currently the most reliable way of sim unlocking the rooted device?
<Kuba> i9100
<Kuba> !supported
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<Kuba> also, how do I tell that my /efs got corrupt?
<Kuba> I'm referring here to "If you used a non-official method to remove a provider lock, your /efs partition may become corrupt! It is highly recommended you make a backup of this for safe keeping before attempting to modify your device, especially if you plan to remove such a lock. "
<Kuba> I'd appreciate if anyone could help me :)
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<kalya> help
<kalya> drain battery
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<Marcus_> hii
<Marcus_> err can anyone give me some information
<Marcus_> im using omega rom right now, and i wanna switch to cm
<Marcus_> samsung s3 i9300
<Marcus_> will all my apps be deleted?
<Marcus_> i recall it was deleted once, not sure if it was from cm to omega in the past or from stock to cm
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<Kuba> any suggestions on how to unlock sim on i9100?
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<Lekensteyn> Marcus_: when you wipe all your user data, then all apps will be deleted.
<Lekensteyn> Marcus_: aka "Factory reset" or "wipe /data"
<Kuba> how do you tell that efs has been corrupted?
<Kuba> what are the symptoms?
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<Kuba> would corrupt efs mean that I cannot use the mobile network at all?
<Lekensteyn> Kuba: probably yes. What's the issue you are having?
<Kuba> I used to remove simlock and now I'm on 10.1 and phone is again network locked
<Kuba> If you used a non-official method to remove a provider lock, your /efs partition may become corrupt! It is highly recommended you make a backup of this for safe keeping before attempting to modify your device, especially if you plan to remove such a lock.
<Kuba> so mobile network works on my "mother" operator
<Kuba> but I can't seem to unlock it aymore
<Kuba> Lekensteyn: any suggestions?
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<Lekensteyn> so backup your efs partition before trying to unlock it
<Lekensteyn> no idea, I never had the need to unlock my i9300 as it is already unlocked
<Lekensteyn> and neither is my brother's i9100 locked
<Kuba> well, I used the non-official version bedore
<Kuba> this sentence thus implies that my efs might have somehow became corrupt
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<vin> !supported
<Kuba> would that make sense to have an /efs corrupt and at the same time fully working phone on the mother operator SIM
<Kuba> ?
<Kuba> anyone knows a good tool for SGS2 (i9100) to unlock the SIM?
<Kuba> (good means: 1. working 2. open source 3. free)
<Kuba> I'm drop 3rd requirement
<Kuba> I'm willing *
<Lekensteyn> Kuba: I don't think it's corrupt, just that the simlock still exist
<Kuba> tried it with other SIM cards, from different operators
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<Kuba> and at the end of the bootup I get asked about SIM unlock code
<vin> I've got an SGS2 with NeatROM. Is it possible to install CM stable just by the zip on sd card or do I need to change the kernel (I thought I read that somewhere)
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<Lekensteyn> Kuba: I'm currently dumping his i9100 efs for comparison
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<Lekensteyn> Kuba: is your phone asking for an unlock code at startup?
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<Kuba> Lekensteyn: yes
<Kuba> Lekensteyn: but..
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<Kuba> Lekensteyn: I tried to use "Galxy S2 SIM Unlock" from Chainfire which gives network unlock code and unfreeze code; I typed in network unlock then unfreeze code then again netowrk unlock code but al of them failed with "network unclock request unsuccessfull"; I clicked OK and gues what? mobile netowrk works
<Kuba> I'll try to reboot the phone to check it
<Kuba> Lekensteyn: why do you ask?
<Lekensteyn> Kuba: I found this XDA thread about unlocking the i9100
<Kuba> yep, seen it already
<Kuba> by HW version is 1.3 though
<Kuba> my *
<jomp16> I never had an Android device locked (in network)
<Kuba> okay, I'm unlocked
<Kuba> haha
<Kuba> very strange
<jomp16> In law, all carriers need to unlock their devices if it is locked
<Lekensteyn> so it's working?
<Lekensteyn> you're not locked anymore?
<Kuba> yep, working
<Kuba> and it's not asking for unlock code anymore
<Kuba> jomp16: depends on the country
<jomp16> Kuba: yeah, on Brazil, all phone need to be unlocked...
<Kuba> Lekensteyn: thanks for help anyway
<Kuba> I'll try to inspect my nvdata.bin now
<Kuba> to see if something has changed
<Lekensteyn> remember to backup the partition with dd
<Lekensteyn> dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 bs=1M | gzip -9 > /sdcard/efs.bin.gz
<Kuba> okay, rebooted it twice now, and it still works
<Lekensteyn> gzipped, it's only 100kB here
<Kuba> Lekensteyn: ok
<jomp16> I hope 4.4 has fixed the 4.3 deadlocks...
<Lekensteyn> On what Linux version is 4.4 based?
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<Kuba> Lekensteyn: which ROM is i9100 you tested running?
<Kuba> CM?
<jomp16> Maybe 3.4 for N5...
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<Lekensteyn> Kuba: it's running cm9 I think
<Kuba> mhm
<Lekensteyn> CM 9.1
<Lekensteyn> android 4.0.4
<Lekensteyn> why?
<Kuba> just curious
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<ocken> hello. I'm trying to flash my old gt-9100 to get CM10.1.3 and I'm stuck at 5. heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot
<ocken> Partition kernel does not exist in specified PIT. is there a simple remedy for this?
<ocken> ok, sorry, seems to be caps sensitive.
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<karow1999433_> hello every one
<karow1999433_> is here anyone please to help me with a question?
<karow1999433_> !supported
<karow1999433_> == hi
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<frankdrey-pc> "Android 4.4 is designed to run fast, smooth, and responsively on a much broader range of devices than ever before — including on millions of entry-level devices around the world that have as little as 512MB RAM."
<frankdrey-pc> !ping
<frankdrey-pc> no bot :(
<frankdrey-pc> it'll be 2.6 times slower than normal on my g1 :D
<a-st> Is Android 4.4 source already available?
<frankdrey-pc> yep
<a-st> Nice =)
<frankdrey-pc> so I'm guessing android-4.4_r1 is the "complete" tag
<a-st> Will take some time for cm to switch :D
<frankdrey-pc> and kitkat-dev is them continuing working on it
<frankdrey-pc> lol
<frankdrey-pc> it's a lot of changes
<frankdrey-pc> shiiiit
<frankdrey-pc> i am sooo gonna port this to my g1
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<sinc> hmh, no 4.4 for Galaxy Nexus
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<Lekensteyn> there is only 4.4 for common right? I could not find kernel packages for 4.4
<Lekensteyn> (probably because google only provides a common kernel, and vendors must update kernel packages for their devices)
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<frankdrey-pc> so
<frankdrey-pc> someone should motivate me to do my homework :D
<frankdrey-pc> rather than read stuff about 4.4 :P
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<budmang> anyone, im spacing i just flashed 10.2 etc.. lastest nightly wher eis the volume boost thing, with percentages
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<manlnblack> does anyone know why on the galaxy s4 cyanogonemod 10 stable release the hardware keys stay functional shortly after locking? Thanks
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