nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> i've just got my lovely nexus 4
<diegoviola> i'm finally free from the exynos4 fiasco
<diegoviola> and samsung crap
<diegoviola> i just wanted to say thank you for all you guys done for my old sgs3 device though
<diegoviola> ;)
<diegoviola> should i put CM in the Nexus 4? stock is running well but i miss some features of cm
<diegoviola> like volume controls, some widgets, etc
<diegoviola> why the stock lacks all that
<diegoviola> :/
<diegoviola> sigh
<n-iCe> haha
<n-iCe> I just updated to the 4.4 stock image
<n-iCe> today was released by google
<diegoviola> wat
<diegoviola> really
<diegoviola> nice
<diegoviola> it didn't hit in Brazil yet it seems
<diegoviola> wtf google
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<n-iCe> not ota
<n-iCe> image
<n-iCe> just flash it
<diegoviola> oh
<diegoviola> hmm
<diegoviola> nice
<diegoviola> is cm going to use that at some point, cm 11 right
<n-iCe> yes
<diegoviola> nice
<diegoviola> i won't miss my i9300 at all
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<diegoviola> could i use the samsung ac adapter on my nexus 4?
<diegoviola> should work right
<frankdrey> yup
<diegoviola> ok ty
<diegoviola> :P
<diegoviola> gotta love cm
<frankdrey> wish i had a device that ran it :(
<frankdrey> wanna send me your i9300? :3
<diegoviola> my i9300 is in the trash :(
<diegoviola> or it was
<diegoviola> sorry about that
<diegoviola> doesn't work anymore...
<frankdrey> D:
<frankdrey> aw
<diegoviola> :p
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<diegoviola> cm should run as well as stock on the nexus 4 right
<diegoviola> hmm
<diegoviola> i wonder if i need to flash some recovery in the nexus 4 like i used to in the i9300?
<diegoviola> when flashing stock, do i need something like heimdall?
<frankdrey> yes
<frankdrey> fastboot
<frankdrey> flash a recovery with fastboot
<diegoviola> i'm on linux, will that work
<frankdrey> you'll need to unlock the bootloader
<frankdrey> of course
<frankdrey> even better than on windows ;)
<diegoviola> sorry i don't have X atm
<diegoviola> installing arch as we speak
<diegoviola> cool
<diegoviola> great
<diegoviola> thanks a lot
<frankdrey> yay arch :D
<diegoviola> i love linux/cm so much
<diegoviola> :p
<diegoviola> did you root your device
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<diegoviola> stock aosp can be rooted also right, i know cm already comes pre-rooted
<frankdrey> I have a garminfone, rooted
<frankdrey> yes stock aosp can be rooted
<diegoviola> nice
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<pero> how come the modem.bin's i see in stock tar's are 50mb while the ones on xda are ~10mb?
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<Ray3D> hello
<Ray3D> hmm anyone online?
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<Omar> i need help with something please :D
<Omar> hello ????
<Omar> anybody there
<Omar> hmf :/
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<stups> hi, i have one major question about cyanogen 10.2 nightlies rom for i9300
<stups> is there any known issues in running this rom fro sgs3 int?
<stups> i'm running stock touchwiz rom , 4.1.2 i guess
<stups> k, never mind, already found out that gps is battery eater
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<sahaidak> hi all
<sahaidak> where I can find guide for cyanogen 10.2?
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<sahaidak> hey guys
<sahaidak> anobydy here?
<sahaidak> *any
<Wayland_ACE> i9100/s2 reviewers wanted :)
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<Wayland_ACE> sahaidak: +
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<sahaidak> Wayland_ACE: can you tell me where I can find cyanogen 10.2 guide
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<LazyLausi> Wayland_ACE: Hmm.. What does being a review involve? I have a GSII laying around which i might as well find something to use for.
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> possibly off-topic, but how do i install cm 10.2 on my nexus 4? do i need to root it first or flash a recovery?
<diegoviola> could someone point me to the right direction, please
<sahaidak> guys, manual for CM 10.2 are exist or not?
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<Ravenheart> LG G2
<Ravenheart> yes or no
<unknwn> i would get nexus 5 if u can get from play store
<unknwn> if no then g2
<Ravenheart> i don't think the n5 will get here in time
<Ravenheart> i've already debated on N4
<unknwn> because in my country from shops n5 price is almost the same as g2
<unknwn> which is ridiculous
<unknwn> while from play store 30% cheaper
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<matwal> hey , sorry for my english i'm a young french ...
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<matwal> i have installed the unofficial cm11 for the I9305 and appollo seems not working , is that a know bug/issue ?
<frankdrey> who's it by...
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<Zeruth> Heya folks, I just got my CM11 build up for jfltespr, I was wondering if there was a way to get audio working atm
<frankdrey> :o who's this mcampbellsmith
<frankdrey> linking people to #teamhacksung-support...
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<Zeruth> anyone? i would really like to have sound on my CM11
<frankdrey> Zeruth, there are literally a thousand different things that could be wrong
<Zeruth> ok but im sure its a universal problem with android 4.4
<Zeruth> i see lots of crap on gerrit for audio, but not for the MSM8960
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<frankdrey> <- start here? ;)
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<frankdrey> i don't know anything and i really doubt it's a "set version = 4.4" fix xD
<Zeruth> same, im not an idiot man
<Zeruth> most likey will require a fix for the MSM8960 like the MSM8660 for the S2
<frankdrey> :p
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<RossWell98> a-st DUDE
<RossWell98> you have my zip ! ? è_é
<RossWell98> I wait !!!
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<spY|da> dobro vece
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<nebkat> spY|da: dobro vece
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<RossWell98> wtf
<spY|da> nebkat, kako si mi?
<frankdrey> spY|da, yak u tebe dela?
<frankdrey> so my room is a little cold
<frankdrey> I'm gonna turn on Folding@Home :D
<nebkat> spY|da: dobro sam, kako si ti?
<nebkat> bio sam bolestan ovih dana
<spY|da> got until monday to finish my bachelor thesis
<spY|da> stressed as always
<nebkat> ah good luck!
<spY|da> nebkat, thank you, im off to bed now, c u soon
<nebkat> spY|da: good night
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