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<theblackomen> hey there, I just installed the google play version of cyanogenmod on my TMO Galaxy note II, and now my PC will recognize the phone when set to camera mode but not MTP
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<guy> hi guys
<guy> may i have a question?
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<abhilash> when iam instaling cm omni 4.4 in my gt i9300 process getting aborted can u help me
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<lexus> i want to ask i9300 cm10.2 how to screenshot ?
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<GymNasium> I am having a problem with voice+ / Google Voice on the Galaxy SIII mini with maclaws 11/22 build. It will only receive sms after a reboot and only once. To receive more sms it has to be rebooted. I can send sms at any time though.
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<frankdrey> My dad says he'll buy me a phone for at most $100, suggestions?
<frankdrey> I found a Nexus S for $50:p
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<nebkat> frankdrey: doit
<nebkat> Nexus S is lovely
<frankdrey> Okay :D
<nebkat> frankdrey: what happened to your money your mother took?
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<frankdrey> They're "keeping it safe"
<frankdrey> Nice :D
<frankdrey> I emailed the guy :D
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<pidone> hi
<pidone> is there anyone over here?
<frankdrey> Yp
<pidone> can you help me?
<frankdrey> Depends on the problem
<pidone> i've a problem with gapps
<pidone> i flashed cm10.2 rc1 on my i9000 and than installed gapps as described here
<pidone> but Play is not availble on the drawer of the launcher
<frankdrey> Did you flash cm10.2 gapps from
<pidone> yes
<frankdrey> Recovery?
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<pidone> cwm v6.0.4.4
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> No idea why its not working
<pidone> The first time it didn't ask for google credential
<pidone> even the other times lol
<pidone> gmail app is installed .-.
<frankdrey> I'd say wipe everything and ref lash everything
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<pidone> i'm doing it...
<pidone> i've also checked the md5 of gapps
<pidone> and it matches .-.
<pidone> lool did you know that pressing fast vol + and vol - changes text color in rainbow?
<frankdrey> I had no idea :p
<pidone> it didn't work
<frankdrey> Well shoot
<frankdrey> Did you wipe system?
<pidone> everithing
<pidone> also cache and dalvik
<pidone> to me i'm flashing the wrong gapps...
<frankdrey> You sure its cm10.2?
<pidone> 10.2.0-rc1
<frankdrey> And gapps from where? not anywhere else?
<pidone> yes from there... i also checked the md5
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<pidone> .-.
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<pidone> i'll try to install 2.3 with odin and than again 4.3
<pidone> e*
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<dagb> good evening. are there any gotchas to be aware of when going from cm10.1 back to official 2.3.6?
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<dagb> can I just follow the regular odin3 receipe?
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<pero> dagb: 2.3?
<pero> why would you want to do that?
<pidone> must i reboot before install gapps? or can i install them just after flash cm?
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<Curly-Brace> helloooo
<Curly-Brace> anyone here?
<pidone> yep
<Curly-Brace> hello then!
<dagb> pero: I am handing the phone over to a kid, and I'd like to see if it performs better with the stock ROM.
<Curly-Brace> Could you help me with an error I have from builing from source?
<dagb> anyways, anyone got a suggestion? just flashing via odin appears to result in a bootloop.
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<pidone> i've no idea
<Curly-Brace_> hmm
<dagb> I recall there was a "basic" stock rom which you always could get back to or always be able to flash cm from. Fuzzy on the details. anyone else?
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<Curly-Brace_> when I try to build from source, I get this error:
<pero> how can it run 'better' if all modern apps will be incompatible?
<Curly-Brace_> Import includes file: /home/cook/android/system/out/target/product/i9100/obj/EXECUTABLES/vim_intermediates/import_includes make: *** No rule to make target `vendor/samsung/galaxys2-common/proprietary/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_apsta.bin', needed by `/home/cook/android/system/out/target/product/i9100/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_apsta.bin'. Stop.
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<Curly-Brace_> hey
<Curly-Brace_> anyone still here?
<frankdrey> did you pull proprietary blobs?
<Curly-Brace_> @me?
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<Curly-Brace_> no, not yet
<Curly-Brace_> seems I have a different error, I was even building for the wrong device..
<Curly-Brace_> I'm getting 'device not found' when I try to breakfast
<Curly-Brace_> I think its an error with my manifest file
<frankdrey> o.o
<frankdrey> well that error is because no proprietary blobs
<frankdrey> first one
<frankdrey> hav eno idea what you're talking about second time
<Curly-Brace_> let me specify,
<Curly-Brace_> that is right
<Curly-Brace_> I have yet to pull propriety blobs
<Curly-Brace_> now, this time it is a different device
<Curly-Brace_> and breakfast fails
<Curly-Brace_> no ideas?
<frankdrey> what device?
<Curly-Brace_> at&t galaxy sII
<Curly-Brace_> i777
<frankdrey> and what's your breakfast command?\
<Curly-Brace_> breakfast i777
<Curly-Brace_> even if just do
<Curly-Brace_> 'breakfast' and then select the cm_i777 userdebug from the list,
<Curly-Brace_> I get the same error
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<frankdrey> o.o
<frankdrey> is your repo updated?
<frankdrey> "repo selfupdate"
<frankdrey> and you did do the ./get-prebuilts inside vendor/cm ?
<Curly-Brace_> repo is updated
<frankdrey> waiiiit
<frankdrey> seems like it was removed from cm github or something
<Curly-Brace_> I did the get prebuilts lready
<Curly-Brace_> yeah, another guy here suggested a change in my manifest file for that
<Curly-Brace_> but it turns out I was building the wrong device, soooo yeah
<frankdrey> ah?
<frankdrey> wait no
<frankdrey> github search hast failed me
<frankdrey> it's here
<frankdrey> can you paste your manifest?
<Curly-Brace_> sure
<Curly-Brace_> but here another thing
<frankdrey> ok, i gtg for a bit, i'll bbl, sorry :/
<Curly-Brace_> this device is the at&t one from samsung sII, right?
<Curly-Brace_> what about this repo?
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> just use the original cm repo
<Curly-Brace_> and no problem, thanks for the help anyway
<Curly-Brace_> not sure how to do that though
<frankdrey> remove any changes you made to manifest, and try again
<frankdrey> and i am now going away :P
<Curly-Brace_> thanks anyway!
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<Curly-Brace_> hello
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<Curly-Brace_> howdy
<frankdrey> hi
<Curly-Brace_> your suggestion worked
<frankdrey> sweet :D
<Curly-Brace_> Now I just need to find how to get this phone into recovery mode, lol
<Curly-Brace_> (not asking for help, just an update)
<Curly-Brace_> Thanks for the help earlier
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<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> !device i777
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II (ATT):
<frankdrey> Volume up + power
<Curly-Brace_> yeah I know
<Curly-Brace_> but on the screen before loading the recovery options,
<Curly-Brace_> I get a yellow warning trianble
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> try vol down
<Curly-Brace_> not the normal one with verbal warnings, it never makes it any further
<Curly-Brace_> yeah, same thing there
<Curly-Brace_> I think I need to use Odin and redo something or other
<Curly-Brace_> already running cm, btw
<Curly-Brace_> I didn't flash that one myself tho
<frankdrey> huh
<frankdrey> maybe you're missing a recovery
<Curly-Brace_> probably
<frankdrey> can you take a picture of the triangle you're talking about or something?:P
<frankdrey> bbl food :p
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<frankdrey> yeah, you should try flashing recovery again from download mode
<frankdrey> you could probably pull an image from latest cm zip
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<Curly-Brace_> lol, I *just* found a way
<Curly-Brace_> turns out, I was using the wrong button combo
<Curly-Brace_> soooo many sites (even cyanogenmod) gave the wrong buttons
<Curly-Brace_> Thanks though!
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<frankdrey> lol ah
<frankdrey> yeah, CM wiki used to give wrong combo for my ex-tablet too
<frankdrey> you should make an account and edit it :P
<Curly-Brace_> and stop other people from suffering through what I went through? XD
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<frankdrey> yup :P
<frankdrey> xplodwild, just tried Focal again on my dad's N4 :D so sexy :D
<frankdrey> i have 2 suggestions though :P
<frankdrey> 1. hint that there is more to be scrolled on the left pane thing
<frankdrey> 2. make the pulldown gallery easier to pull down
<frankdrey> I have to swipe down the whole screen to get it down
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<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> and i just forgot...
<frankdrey> but I think holding on the bottom button doesn't show the different options until you get out of a certain radius
<frankdrey> I think that radius is a little big, it was hard to see what options i had under my finger cause it was far out
<frankdrey> but dude, this is much better than stock camera now :D
<frankdrey> nebkat, umad bro?:P
<nebkat> frankdrey: wat
<frankdrey> I love Focal :P
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<nebkat> he changed a lot since you last used it
<frankdrey> I just tried it 5 minutes ago :P