nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<tadessi> Hi
<tadessi> anyone online ?
<tadessi> can somebody help me instal rom 4.3 CyanogenMod mod ?
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<tadessi> online anyone ?
<tadessi> online somebody ?
<nebkat> tadessi: hello
<tadessi> im trying install this [4.3.0] CyanogenMod 10.2
<nebkat> what device
<tadessi> sgs3 i9300
<nebkat> !topic
<nebkat> bot dead
<nebkat> blegh
<nebkat> tadessi: just go to cm wiki
<nebkat> find i9300 and follow instructions
<tadessi> i just put these Copy GApps and CM10.2 ZIPs to your SDCard
<tadessi> and try install these but phone says
<tadessi> failed to verify whole-file signature
Alram is now known as alram
<tadessi> dont know what to do
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<njic> hello
<tadessi> hello
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<xfarsightx> Hello
<xfarsightx> Stuck on a HTC One S that keeps rebooting
<xfarsightx> I was installing CM 10.2
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<xfarsightx> sdcard is not being mounted and I get an error
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<Drake2015> Hey, I'm not a developer but I was wondering if some could answer a question about the proximity sensor on my Galaxy Tab 2 7.0
<Drake2015> *someone
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<Guest97558> I've been trying to install 10.2 cyanogenmod onto my s2 but i keep getting status 7 error
<Guest97558> I changed the script file to ignore the requirements for the installation but
<Guest97558> it still doesn't work
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<Nebukadneza> heho
<Nebukadneza> i was really wondering why there still isn't a stable cm 10.2 release for the samsung i9100... would anyone here know about why? or maybe i'm just blind and can't find the rom...
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<ramy_> 2day my phone dead
<ramy_> emm formet
<ramy_> emmc formet
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<galaxy> hi
<galaxy> i have tab2 P3100 and while install CM rom it gives signature error
<galaxy> what to do
<galaxy> ?
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<Beast1982> Hey guys :)
<Beast1982> just a real quick question.. currently on the S3 (GT-i9305T) Cyan. mod running 4.3 and wanna upgrade to 4.4 kitkat
<Beast1982> possible?
<Beast1982> any probs?
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<Beast1982> says its possible but heard there are issues with the mobile network - detecting sim card, etc
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<helpforsamsungs2> i need help
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<helpforsamsungs2> who can help me??
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