nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<riaz> helo
<riaz> team
<riaz> want to know some inform ation
<riaz> hloo
<riaz> hlp
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<hyperair> hi. i just tried flashing cm11 onto my i9300 using twrp, but it says set_metadata_recursive: some changes failed.
<hyperair> hmm crap looks like i need to update to cwm first.
<hyperair> i mean switch
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<kt4kb_Jon> I have a Samsung Exhilarate, got the nightly build and put it on SD card. When doing the load I get an error that the phone identifies as a Blaze4g. any ideas
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<username_> hi
<username_> anybody know turkish lang?
<username_> ok, no problem. i can speak english. not good but i can. ^^^
<username_> i install cm 10.2
<username_> and gapps-jb lastest
<username_> sim unlock screen is come
<username_> i enter key
<username_> its not unlock
<username_> what must i do?
<frankdrey> What phone?
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<username__> sorry, i connection is down :/
<username__> what can i do?
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<frankdrey> What phone?
<|Night|> face palm
<frankdrey> Oh
<|Night|> if you cant write for shit use google transalte
<|Night|> :P
<frankdrey> Man...
<|Night|> his blabber did not even make sense
<frankdrey> Znc needs to buffer part/join
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<frankdrey> I suspect didnt back up efs
<|Night|> ive had issues with that tonight aswell
<|Night|> should not mather
<|Night|> ive installed hundres of rom and updates never had such an issue
<|Night|> i have bricked a hand full of times, but that was bez i was lazy and skipped parts
<frankdrey> lol
<|Night|> bricked like 3-4 times
<frankdrey> Full ?
<|Night|> softbrick
<frankdrey> Ah
<|Night|> easy enough to get by
<frankdrey> I full bricked one of my G1s
<|Night|> :)
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> did same to me sgs1
<frankdrey> Took out the mobo from my other with cracked screen
<|Night|> jtag fixed it
<frankdrey> I hex edited my bootloader xD
<|Night|> hehe
<frankdrey> I want a jtag kit
<frankdrey> They're like $70 though
<|Night|> its nice to have
<|Night|> i got my uni to pay for min
<|Night|> mine
<|Night|> during my bsc
<|Night|> doing msc now
<frankdrey> I got my first G1 free from brother. Second for $15 no battery :p
<frankdrey> Nice
<|Night|> and they encurage me to apply for phd
<frankdrey> Comp science or comp engineer?
<|Night|> comp
<|Night|> mtech + msc in one
<frankdrey> Like...more electronics or more software
<|Night|> sw
<frankdrey> Ah
<frankdrey> I'm going for sw too with specialization in math
<|Night|> kool
<frankdrey> Gonna go to Seattle University
<|Night|> how old are you?
<frankdrey> 17
<frankdrey> Lol
<|Night|> add 9 years to get to me
<|Night|> :P
<frankdrey> Heh
<frankdrey> I'm going to uni when I'm 19
<|Night|> kool
<frankdrey> 3 years there and i have a backs
<|Night|> so you arew in AP
<frankdrey> BSCS
<frankdrey> Dual enrollment
<|Night|> nice
<frankdrey> Yup. I've already gotten most of my seattleu core done in this community college
<|Night|> :)
<frankdrey> My 3rd year at uni is gonna be mostly just a senior project
<|Night|> what do you want to do
<frankdrey> Where did you go / are going?
<|Night|> i did mine for the defence deprermny
<|Night|> dep.
<frankdrey> Just general software...dunno.
<|Night|> ISMS?
<frankdrey> ?
<|Night|> Information Securityu
<|Night|> :P
<frankdrey> Ah. I don't really know. SeattleU just has a computer science program and that's it.
<frankdrey> ok, back on PC
<frankdrey> can type normally now :p
<|Night|> :)
<frankdrey> waratte, warzone?:P
<|Night|> ctf!
<|Night|> alwasy fun
<|Night|> your alllowed to hack
<frankdrey> what is it?
<frankdrey> link?
<|Night|> capture t he flag computer
<frankdrey> looks cool
<frankdrey> brb, going to windows to play some ff7
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