nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<Guetta> Somebody in here?
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<plastikman> nope
<Guetta> lol
<Guetta> what's this about?
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<plastikman> its all about the outer darkness
<plastikman> that is waht its about
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<Guetta> rofl
<frankdrey> hey :)
<Guetta> hello
<frankdrey> Welcome
<Guetta> thnx
<Guetta> i think i'm gonna ask the asame i already asked in another room
<Guetta> somebody having problem in turning on the device after putting "Battery Save" Perfomance P
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<Wolfdemon268> hello
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<frankdrey> hi
<Wolfdemon268> i need some assistance
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<showbizz> plastikman , how should i run the logcat... with adb ?
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<Colin__> Hi, I can't seem to get my SIM working after installing the latest version of CM11. May I know a fix?
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<HitchHack> I'm having a I9100 running on cm 10.1.3 and dorimanx kernel. I got status 7 error while trying to apply cm 11. I've restored the phone to working condition using backup. How can I apply cm11 with out status 7 error?
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<Steve99321> excuse me, can someone help me with installing problems of cm 10.2 on the GT-I9100 ?
<Steve99321> im using CWM and when trying to install zip, the installation cant open the cm file (10.2 20131221 nightly)
<Ravenheart> did you put it on an sd-card
<Steve99321> yes, i tried it with wiping my whole system and cache, tried it with 2 different cm 10.2, one cm 10.1 and with a few gapps packages
<Steve99321> some stopped because "cant open ... (bad) ", some because [...] Status 7
<Steve99321> and no installation worked, not even a gapps package
<Steve99321> any ideas?
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<Ravenheart> what are you using to download the updates with
<Ravenheart> internet explore, chrome, firefox
<Steve99321> chrome
<Ravenheart> i'd double check the zip
<Ravenheart> k well check the hashes
<Ravenheart> or try to get it with a different browser or even from bittorrent
<Ravenheart> you got any over-hyped anti-virus software or something
<Steve99321> i downloaded it at a whole zip file, can there occure so many errors?
<Ravenheart> i'm not very experienced in this matter as the firmware's i've downloaded have always been fine
<Ravenheart> but either the fiwmare you got isn't compatible with your particular phone
<Ravenheart> or the zip is damaged
<Ravenheart> or if the error is more detailed some other weird problem
<Steve99321> you mean if i should shutdown my antivir for a while and try it again? i think normally it would show me any conflicts
<Ravenheart> i'm just saying its possible that something is corrupting the zip
<Steve99321> ok thanks, i gonna try i few different ways now ;)
<Steve99321> just realised my gapps files were only a few KB large, whereas i found gapps downloads shown about ~87 mbs ...
<Steve99321> another basic question if there is still someone here: is there any difference if i install gapps or cm mod first? and what if i install gapps and cm cant install?
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