nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<yury> Hi, I have an S4. I just installed 10.2 stable. My connection seems very fishy on 3G. It fails to reach google. So, google now does not work among other things. I can reach other sites, but it seems slow. 4G and wifi work fine. I did not have this problem with stock 4.2.
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<yury> oh, and I am using Sprint
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<Muhib> I have been using CM 10.1 (Stable) for a long time in my Galaxy S2. Now I want to flash Dorimanx kernel in my phone. I went to but got confused by seeing huge list of kernels. I don't know which one is for my device, which one is the latest version. Please provide help.
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<Muhib> Is anyone there? Can you see my question?
<Muhib> Hello?
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<alok__> hello folks..
<alok__> i need a bit of help and clarification..
<alok__> i own a gt-i9100 international version in india. i used cm 9 at one point but my motherboard got fried. the replacement got fried in 3 months. the second replacement is, well, so far so good. i would love to get back to using cm, but am a bit apprehensive. can installing custom roms lead to a repeat of the motherboard problem, or other hardware related issues?
<alok__> i have read as much as i can understand from faqs and fora. can somebody please take some time off and give me a more detailed answer.. thanks..
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<Muhib> I can't overclock my Galaxy S2 even with CM 10.1 flashed, why?
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<Muhib> Hey, is anyone there?
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<Ravenheart> it will burn
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<ernie`> I didnt quite understand from the latest nightly changelog.. is trebuchet included in CM11 now or not? I cannot find it if it is
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<cassoilo> hi all
<n-iCe> hi
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<cassoilo> has anyone noticed that the menu key unlocks the phone when in lock screen? s3 4g and cm11 unofficial here
<Curly-Brace> really?
<Curly-Brace> Even when there is a password set?
<cassoilo> been having severe battery drain and now I figured out why :/
<cassoilo> haven't tried with a password
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<cassoilo> with the password it doesn't unlock
<cassoilo> but in contact with the leg in my pocket it keeps the phone awake
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<a-st> maybe you enabled "unlock with menu key"?
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<s2> hi
<s2> I currently have the nightly 10.2 installed on the galaxy s2
<s2> but suddently my battery drains quickly
<s2> So i want to update to the latest nightly, but will i lose my data??
<s2> no one here?
<s2> hiiii
<s2> anyone?
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<Curly-Brace> Idevice i900
<Curly-Brace> !device i900
<bbqbot> Curly-Brace: Unknown device i900
<Curly-Brace> !device i1900
<bbqbot> Curly-Brace: Unknown device i1900
<Curly-Brace> !device i777
<bbqbot> Curly-Brace: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II (ATT):
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<Curly-Brace> !supported
<bbqbot> Curly-Brace: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<Curly-Brace> ping
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