nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<syshyan> hi
<syshyan> note 2 can update to cm 11 ?
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<devlincn> anyone got a suggestion how to get a galaxy s4 dev edition to make it past the "samsung" splash screen with any rom other than stock?
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<Falke0607> moin
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<frankdrey> OK
<frankdrey> devlincn, install it correctly?
<frankdrey> Did you wipe data?
<devlincn> yep
<devlincn> running CWM recovery
<devlincn> ive done wipe data/factory reset
<devlincn> wipe cache
<devlincn> wipe dalvik
<devlincn> then for good measure, format every partition it'll let me under mounts and storage
<frankdrey> What's the ROM you're flashing?
<devlincn> ive tried adb sideload and from the sd card to install 10.2, 10.1.3 and the nightly for CM11
<devlincn> ive tried both with and without the appropriate gapps
<frankdrey> Device model?
<devlincn> SCH-I545, galaxy s4 developer edition verizon
<frankdrey> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<devlincn> using jfltevzw images
<frankdrey> Hmm
<devlincn> is that a subtle way of telling me im SOL?
<frankdrey> It means "I don't know, Googling" xD
<devlincn> hehe
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<frankdrey> Seems like you have to be on specific boot loader
<frankdrey> And that's all I know :p
<frankdrey> !install jfltevzw
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Unknown device jfltevzw
<devlincn> im not even sure what that means
<frankdrey> Bbqbot you suck
<frankdrey> Do you know what stock you were on?
<devlincn> JDQ39.I545OYUMI1
<devlincn> ive got a nandroid backup of the stock image that boots fine
<frankdrey> Doesn't match with requirement on there
<devlincn> yea, im on that page
<devlincn> the diff is that is meant for the non-dev edition which has the locked bootloader
<frankdrey> Yeah
<devlincn> the build requirement is for the root exploit
<devlincn> which is moot, considering i can root/install recovery just fine
<frankdrey> Hmm...
<frankdrey> How long did you wait? XD
<frankdrey> Oh...
<frankdrey> Did you wipe internal SD
<frankdrey> Had to do that on my ex-tablet to get it to boot
<frankdrey> #Samsung
<frankdrey> Remember, next time get Nexus
<devlincn> yea, stuck on verizon
<devlincn> otherwise i would have
<frankdrey> Ohhh
<frankdrey> Right
<frankdrey> :(
<devlincn> yea
<frankdrey> Set yourself free!
<frankdrey> Come to the good side
<frankdrey> T-Mobile
<devlincn> hence why i got the dev edition and didnt renew my contract
<frankdrey> ;)
<devlincn> hahaha
<devlincn> whats the option for wiping internal sd?
<frankdrey> I dunno if cwm even has it...
<frankdrey> I know twrp does
<devlincn> and ive had issues installing TWRP
<frankdrey> :(
<devlincn> reboot and it goes straight to download mode saying it couldnt boot normally
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<frankdrey> Huh...well...
<frankdrey> Is there wipe /sdcard ?
<devlincn> hang on a sec
<devlincn> trying something to get TWRP
<frankdrey> OK
<devlincn> ive see then error e unknown volume /sdcard/.android_secure a few times
<devlincn> does that mean anything?
<devlincn> usually when wiping data or sdcard
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> What cwm version
<devlincn> ok, running wipes it does formats on /data /cache /sd-ext and /sdcard/.android_secure
<devlincn> which pops that error
<frankdrey> Ah. OK
<frankdrey> Don't worry about that
<devlincn> k
<frankdrey> Can you wipe /sdcard?
<frankdrey> Or /data/media?
<frankdrey> All your files will be gone
<frankdrey> But it might fix it
<devlincn> the option is "format /data and /data/media (/sdcard)"
<devlincn> i got this phone about 8 hours ago
<frankdrey> Huh...does it actually wipe it though?
<devlincn> in adb shell i do cd /sdcard
<devlincn> it puts me in /data/media which is empty
<frankdrey> Hmmk
<frankdrey> And you've tried flashing from such a state?
<devlincn> i have
<devlincn> but i'll give it another go
<frankdrey> :S
<devlincn> hrm
<devlincn> im wondering if the secure boot stuff is messing with me
<frankdrey> Secure boot ?
<devlincn> one of the information boxes in the stock rom
<devlincn> said "Secure boot: samsung"
<devlincn> yea, no joy on this attempt either
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<abhishek_> have the camera issues for cm10.2 been sorted for the n7000?
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<devlincn> i dont suppose theres anyway to view the logs from a failed boot?
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<frankdrey> I dunno...
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<Jakey_> G'day, I have i9300, everytime I load any CM 11 roms they fail, but 10.2 and 10.1's are fine. Using CWM (I think)
<Jakey_> actually, sorry
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<Kaik541> Jakey_, update your CWM
<Jakey_> doing so now, what's the proper method for getting CWM on? Been so long since I did it - the downloads are in IMG now but ODIN does TAR?
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<Jakey_> I notice when I tap android settings it goes to Google Now settings? is this by design?
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<Essobi> Sup...
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<superhero7> hey guys am I in
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<superhero7> So can anyone see my text?
<frankdrey> I see boxes in second messagw
<superhero7> Ok cool I am new to IRC so wasn't sure
<superhero7> I was changing color on second msg.
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<superhero7> I can't see anyone else to chime in on topic.
<superhero7> @frankdrey thanks btw for replying.
<frankdrey> Well I'm on my phone so it doesn't support color
<superhero7> Are we the only two in discussion?
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<superhero7> Can't be... with all of these users?!?!
<superhero7> On my phone too.
<superhero7> So what phone model... I'm on my SGH-T889 Note II
<superhero7> Rooted Running cyanogenmod 10.2
<frankdrey> Some people are just not watching this channel at the moment
<frankdrey> Or don't care xD
<frankdrey> I'm on a garminfone. Rooted.
<superhero7> Crazy
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<superhero7> Jelly bean 4.3.1 Gotcha, I was trying to find
<frankdrey> Huh?
<frankdrey> It runs 2.1. Not even a custom recovery available for it
<frankdrey> Also, I have an irc bouncer. So im always connected but not always on
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<frankdrey> Bible
<frankdrey> *bbl
<frankdrey> XD
<frankdrey> today
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<superhero7> I got disco'd
<superhero7> Oh ok back on
<superhero7> Was trying to find from chat if someone might know if kitkat version. 4.4 is available for my phone.
<superhero7> And I am looking for a stable ROM of it.
<superhero7> Bummer you can't get a custom recovery for your device.
<superhero7> Then again I don't really need to use mine "THAT" much anyway.
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<frankdrey> !supported samsung
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<frankdrey> Eh...find your model on
<frankdrey> You need custom recovery to flash a custom rom :p
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<superhero7> Cool ill check the wiki.
<superhero7> I've been keeping an eye out on XDA news and the portal...
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<superhero7> But nothing that I saw so far.
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<superhero7> @frankdrey hey I love that wiki
<superhero7> Yeah and I'm familiar with flashing ROM
<superhero7> I unfortunately they don't have cm11 at all for my device but now I know for sure due to that wiki. Awesome
<superhero7> And I can keep checking for availability.
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<frankdrey> Aha
<frankdrey> I am now done with school until January
<frankdrey> Woot
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<RossWell98> frankdrey: woot yes
<frankdrey> Now I wait an hour for my brother
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<RossWell98> why
<frankdrey> Because he's driving me home and still taking his exam
<RossWell98> hinhin
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<Louishhhh> hey who are the developers in team hacksung?
<n-iCe_> uhm
<n-iCe_> try #cyanogenmod-dev
<Louishhhh> so no devs from team hacksung are on here?
<n-iCe_> maybe
<n-iCe_> ask
<Louishhhh> alright thank you
<Louishhhh> btw have you flashed cm11 on your device by any chance?
<n-iCe_> yes
<Louishhhh> is it really buggy? im assuming you have a samsung device
<n-iCe_> no
<n-iCe_> is alright
<n-iCe_> at least for the s3
<n-iCe_> and mako
<Louishhhh> i have an s4 and im considering it. what do you recommend?
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<n-iCe_> flash it
<n-iCe_> nightlies
<frankdrey> Hourlies
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<frankdrey> In the future, our software will be synced with a git repo every 5 seconds
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<Louishhhh> thanks
<Louishhhh> so a cm11 nightly is solid for day to day use
<frankdrey> Depends
<frankdrey> If its bad try anothef
<frankdrey> Another
<Louishhhh> ok cool.
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<Louishhhh> i flashed 11 on my tablet and i really really like it
<Louishhhh> so i want the same experience on my s4
<frankdrey> :D
<Louishhhh> you guys are awesome btw
<frankdrey> The cm devs are (I'm not one of them btw :p)
<Louishhhh> haha well you still deserve some credit for your help
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<frankdrey> :D
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<Tb0n3> who's the beautiful person who fixed the network stack in kit kat?
<Tb0n3> Sprint's LTE is not 20+Mbps where as it maxed out around 5Mbps on jelly bean 4.3.1
<frankdrey> *now ?
<Tb0n3> yeah
<Tb0n3> now
<frankdrey> I'm beautiful but I didn't fix anything in KitKat
<Tb0n3> I'm giddy as a school girl
<frankdrey> Lol
<Tb0n3> either it's fixed or broken on throttling :P
<Tb0n3> either way I'm happy
<Tb0n3> Now if only the superuser su would work worth a damn
<Tb0n3> but that's generic cyanogenmod
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<frankdrey> Huh
<frankdrey> It works...
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<Essobi> Hmm...
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<Essobi> How's CM11 running on the sch-i605?
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n-iCe has joined #teamhacksung-support
<n-iCe> hi
Fissurez has joined #teamhacksung-support
hyperair has joined #teamhacksung-support
_Fissurez_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
mnazim has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
Sambler has quit [Quit: ZZZzzz…]
Kaik541 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
mnazim has joined #teamhacksung-support
R430R has joined #teamhacksung-support
RA3OR has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
plastikman has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
Alram is now known as alram
alram is now known as Alram