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<pero> anyone know if i can downgrade firmware on gnote3 no problem? there seems to be a post here and there on xda about the bootloader not allowing modem downgrades
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<MysticRyuujin> Hello. I have an i9305. I was on a 4.1.1 firmware and I tried to flash to the latest 10.2 nightly (and the same thing is happening when I try to flash SlimROM or PAC-Man). When my phone reboots the screen flashes/flickers and it kind of offsets itself to the right a little with the red ! on the top left and it never boots. I used the latest CWM also.
<MysticRyuujin> I've tried just about every combination of formatting / resetting I could think of as well. Before flash and after flash.
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<nnicnk> good day
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<nnicnk> I am getting some replayable reboots of my Galaxy S2 on the latest nightly CM, 10.2-20131107-NIGHTLY-i9100. Apart from some random reboots, I am able to consistently crash it by playing a video on the app MXPlayer and turning off the screen while it's playing. This worked well on latest stock Samsung 4.1.2. I have recorded a log via CatLog.. would it be of any interest to anyone?
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<quechon_> hello anybodyhome
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<Wayland_ACE> Hi all :)
<Wayland_ACE> codeworkx, it's possible to open cm-11.0 branch for SGS2 series devices? Not able to push any changes to review
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<DJ-Rack> how can i make extSdCard allow exec
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<hella> hey!
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<Guest43355> what's the codename of note2 (international one)?
<Guest43355> N7100?
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<n-iCe> hi
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<waratte> Hi
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<FirstTime> Hi, first time for me and I don't see my samsung gs2 gt-1900m as supported by cyangenmod, just gt-1900 - can i use the same software and instructions to install cyanogenmod? thanks
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<n-iCe> FirstTime: no idea
<FirstTime> I think it is the canadian model, and all my googles just lead to the 1900 base model
<FirstTime> if i try it is there a failsafe to go back, way to backup phone as is?
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<n-iCe> Well yes
<n-iCe> first get your firmware
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<FirstTime> ok so i should update from 4.0.2 to 4.1.3 via kies first?
<FirstTime> that being most current for my model via link
<n-iCe> why would you do that?
<n-iCe> GT-i9100M is the Canadian SII for Bell and some other providers
<FirstTime> " <@n-iCe> first get your firmware"
<n-iCe> It has the same hardware as the GT-i9100 (the International SII) and roms for the GT-i9100 work on the i9100M.
<n-iCe> FirstTime: did not you check the site I posted you?
<FirstTime> I checked it - i'm not sure what to do precisely though
<FirstTime> you said "get your firmware" so i assumed u meant i should update that first
<n-iCe> no, download your firmware, you OS.
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<n-iCe> tell me your phone and carrier
<FirstTime> donwload it to my os as the backup?
<n-iCe> tell me your phone and carrier
<FirstTime> Virgin Mobile (subsidiary of Bell in Canada) Samasung Galaxy sg2 1900m
<FirstTime> 4.0.3 android
<n-iCe> I will give you 4.1.2
<FirstTime> Kernel 3.0.15-i9100mugld3-cl377577
<n-iCe> i9100M right?
<FirstTime> Yup.
<n-iCe> Model: GT-I9100M
<n-iCe> Country: Canada (Virgin Mobile)
<n-iCe> CORRECT?
<FirstTime> yup
<n-iCe> there you go
<n-iCe> download it and save it on your desktop
<FirstTime> Thanks - so if i make a mistake i install that, or should i install that before installing cyanogenmod.
<n-iCe> just download, ok?
<n-iCe> let me know once you are downloading it
<FirstTime> yeah it is downloading, gonna be a while
<n-iCe> ok
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<n-iCe> now do the cyanogenmod tutorial
<FirstTime> lol i am already on that page - I'm just really cautious cause they didnt list the "m"
<n-iCe> go ahead
<n-iCe> same hardware
<FirstTime> ok i am on step 3.
<FirstTime> do i just copy paste my direcotry for heimdall into cmd from step 4 to the folder named release or to the folder named drivers?
<n-iCe> what
<n-iCe> heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot
<n-iCe> zImage is the recoveryname
<n-iCe> it can be a path or just zImage if it is in the directory you are using the heimdall command
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<FirstTime> thanks @ n-ice
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<pero> anyone know if i can downgrade firmware on gnote3 no problem? there seems to be a post here and there on xda about the bootloader not allowing modem downgrades
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<DJ-Rack> n-iCe: any idea how can i build a kernel with selinux set to Permissive insted of enforce
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<n-iCe> DJ-Rack: no
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