nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<Zeruth> Can anyone tell me why my cm11 build errors out while building the kernel? It says something about SEandroid. My device is the sprint S4
<frankdrey-pc> specific error..
<Zeruth> Its building through again so i can catch it
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<frankdrey-pc> use -j1 if you wanna catch errors
<frankdrey-pc> will limit it to doing 1 thing at one (1 job)
<frankdrey-pc> so that everything doesn't output on top of each other and shit :P
<pero> anyone know if i can downgrade firmware on gnote3 no problem? there seems to be a post here and there on xda about the bootloader not allowing modem downgrades
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<Zeruth> 4.3 otas imposed a bootloader update which makes it very hard. I know its possible on my s4 but im not sure about your note
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<Zeruth> My specific error is under libLLVMCore device/samsung/jf-common/sepolicy/property.te ERROR Duplicate declaration of type/attribute at token ; on line 8158 type bluetooth_prop, property_type;
<Zeruth> CM11 Sprint s4
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<Limro> This is the forum for help, yes?
<Limro> !supported
<Limro> So I saw a new installer came out and since I was forced to drop CM a few month ago I thought I would give it a try
<Limro> App on both Android and Windows and it looks good starting with a reboot into Download mode
<Limro> However - I get an "E:Invalid command argument"
<Limro> And I'm stuck :|
<Limro> I'm on a i9100
<Limro> The guide seems to have disappeared from so I can't find the manual install and see what should have been done
<Limro> Does anyone have a clue to what I'm suppoesed to do?
<Limro> Oh - hidden link. Found it
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<donabe28> hi there
<donabe28> why my s3 cannot be detected by my pc ?
<donabe28> I use cm 10.2 and the problem persists since cm 10.1.3 stable version
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<Wayland_ACE> Any CM reviewers is here?
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<fishxz> hey, i have a question about the i9100/exynos4. i heared the exynos4 is not fully supported by cm and thats why there is no stable release? but there is a stable release on the site. what is the state of exynos4?
<Wayland_ACE>,n,z i9100/exynos4 patches for CM11, reviewers wanted
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<fishxz> Wayland_ACE: sry, im rly new to cm. what does this mean? does cm runs well now on the i9100?
<Wayland_ACE> CM 10.2 is running well
<fishxz> ok, thank you
<fishxz> msg NickServ register blablubb
<fishxz> shit
<fishxz> epic fail :]
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<Tb0n3> eHRPD is and has been broken for at least the samsung s3 s4 but I was doing some experimenting and noticed that attempted rsync uploads with ssh authentication stops sending data at extactly 32 Kibibytes
<Tb0n3> uploading having been the problem
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<rhcp> chadouming ping
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<ltcmd> casual 515 is hung on injecting code any ideas?
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<ltcmd> nvm i got it
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<Wayland_ACE>,n,z exynos4/i9100 reviewers wanted!
<mwozniak00> Hi.In unofficial build of CM11.0 on i9305 is bug, when i put on ART (i don't remember wha is on dalvick) the selinux is always restricted. Meybe this is reason of no root acces in inbuild superuser...
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<RossWell98> Oh hi !
<frankdrey> hi!
<RossWell98> GOOD
<RossWell98> make: *** [/mnt/ANDROID/KitKat/out/target/product/i9100/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/sensors.exynos4_intermediates/sensors.o] Error 1
<RossWell98> You know this f**kin error ?
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<frankdrey> that's not the error
<frankdrey> that's make telling you that there was an error :P
<frankdrey> find the actual error lol
<frankdrey> it should be above that
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<frankdrey> also, why is everybody and their grandma building 4.4 for i9100?
<frankdrey> is it really that cool?
<frankdrey> then again...I guess I've been cured of that by using a 2.1 device for a month or two already
<frankdrey> and before that, it was a device that ran 2.2 best :P
<RossWell98> what ?
<frankdrey> nothing :P
<frankdrey> anyway
<frankdrey> pastebin more
<RossWell98> I build 4.4 for i9100 beacause a want the 4.4 and i'm poor XD
<RossWell98> :o
<RossWell98> good ! :D
<RossWell98> thanks
<RossWell98> But
<frankdrey> RossWell98, get a garminfone like me :D
<Wayland_ACE>,n,z here is more :)
<RossWell98> I had this error too when I tried to build AOSP 4.3.1 for my device ô.o
<RossWell98> frankdrey: a garminfone?
<Wayland_ACE> it does not matter :)
<frankdrey> RossWell98, yes, 600mhz CPU, 256mb RAM, runs 2.1, amazing! :)
<RossWell98> mhh
<RossWell98> no.
<RossWell98> Wayland_ACE: and I can use patches in AOSP sources ? :D
<frankdrey> it only takes 5 seconds to go from sleep -> lockscreen!
<frankdrey> RossWell98, if the patch doesn't apply normally you can always look at what it changes
<RossWell98> yes yes
<Wayland_ACE> frankdrey +1
<frankdrey> i should find myself an i9100 on craigslist...
<RossWell98> oh and what is HWComposer ?
<frankdrey> my dad promised me a new phone...i've already attempted to hint at nexus 5 and oppo n1 :p that failed...
<RossWell98> time to learn how search in gerrit :3
<RossWell98> how I can search a patch when i have error ?
<frankdrey> RossWell98, figure out what the error is about ;)
<RossWell98> yes yes
<RossWell98> but now
<RossWell98> in the searchbar
<frankdrey> i don't know, you never pasted the error
<RossWell98> I enter "sensors error"
<RossWell98> Or something like that ?
<frankdrey> oh, don't enter error
<frankdrey> someone probably won't say "fixes error"
<frankdrey> because you don't fix an error, you fix the problem that causes the error
<RossWell98> so I enter sensors fix
<RossWell98> :/
<frankdrey> just "sensors"?:P
<RossWell98> nah
<RossWell98> He found nothing with sensors
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> hubh
<frankdrey> *huh
<frankdrey> well what if someone writes /repairs/ sensors
<RossWell98> yeah it works :3*
<frankdrey> search breaks :D
<frankdrey> wait...
<frankdrey> this isn't a real search...
<frankdrey> i mean...i don't think it does keyword
<RossWell98> I know x)
<RossWell98> What Should I enter to search terms?
<frankdrey> i have no idea :p
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> description: sensors
<frankdrey> ugh
<frankdrey> nope
<frankdrey> fu gerrit
<RossWell98> Wayland_ACE: you're Pavel Kirpichyov ?
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<frankdrey> RossWell98, message:sensors
<RossWell98> ahhh
<RossWell98> Gerrit is good when we know how search patchs xD
<frankdrey> :p
<RossWell98> thanks frankdrey :)
<RossWell98> my grandma'll be happy :D
<frankdrey> :D
<Wayland_ACE> RossWell98: yes
<RossWell98> yes for
<frankdrey> Are you Russian/Ukrainian?
<a-st> Wayland_ACE: heyho :)
<RossWell98> ok
<a-st> Wayland_ACE: I saw you successfully compiled Android 4.4 for i9100
<RossWell98> frankdrey: why this question?
<RossWell98> a-st: bro, I try too :D
<frankdrey> RossWell98, because his name sounds like it
<Wayland_ACE> a-st: yes :)
<a-st> I'm getting this error "device/samsung/i9100/libsensors/sensors.cpp:93:1: error: braces around scalar initializer for type 'uint32_t {aka unsigned int}'"
<RossWell98> me he build
<RossWell98> no error for now :)
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<a-st> Wayland_ACE: thank you very much :)
<frankdrey> fine, ignore me ;_;
<RossWell98> frankdrey: :D
<frankdrey> ya vsoravno klassniy a ti net
<frankdrey> so ha!
<RossWell98> ô.o
<frankdrey> i wish i had a cyrillic keyboard...
<frankdrey> don't feel like using an OSK
<frankdrey> anyway, bb in 10 min
<RossWell98> mhhh, not here xD
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<a-st> Wayland_ACE: What are the hardware specs of your buildbot? :)
<Wayland_ACE> a-st: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31245 @ 3.30GHz, 16gb ram
<a-st> Wow that's fast :D
<a-st> Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8700 @ 2.53GHz, 6 GB RAM :(
<Wayland_ACE> Why are u asking?
<frankdrey> (there's this thing called curiousity)
<a-st> yeah :)
<a-st> I was just curious :)
<frankdrey> a-st, beats mine :P
<frankdrey> core2duo 4300 @ 1.8ghz, 4 GB 667mhz ram
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<a-st> re :D
<RossWell98> re ! :D
<RossWell98> a-st ! :D
<a-st> hi RossWell98 :)
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<RossWell98> a-st: so nigga you have kitkat on your SII ? *.*
<a-st> Not yet :D
<Wayland_ACE> I had shared fresh build of CM11 for SII few minutes ago)
<a-st> Oh. Can you provide a download link?
<a-st> Thank you very much
<a-st> Wayland_ACE: How long does a clean build take? :P
<Wayland_ACE> 20-30 min
<Wayland_ACE> or faster, dont remember
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<RossWell98> blblb
<RossWell98> I have core dumped :V
<RossWell98> fuckin awesome unstable shitty CPU
<RossWell98> thanks for the DL link Wayland_ACE
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<RossWell98> mhh
<RossWell98> a-st: Here ?
<a-st> yeah
<RossWell98> you flashed the cm11-i9100 zip ?
<RossWell98> DON'T TRY
<RossWell98> It's dangerous !
<a-st> It doesn't work :D
<RossWell98> Yes ! é_è
<RossWell98> rage :(
<a-st> complains about set_metadata_recursive error
<RossWell98> ye
<RossWell98> a-st: and I can't build cm11
<RossWell98> but for this I think it's because my CPU is unstable :|
<a-st> mine is still compiling
<RossWell98> a-st: what is your ~time to build?.
<a-st> not sure :D
<RossWell98> 80min ?
<a-st> more i think
<RossWell98> mhh
<RossWell98> what CPU ?
<a-st> Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8700 @ 2.53GHz, 6 GB RAM :(
<frankdrey> I should try on mine
<frankdrey> i know 2.2 takes like 2 hours to build xD
<RossWell98> ;o
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<RossWell98> le 2.3 should take like ~30min for me
<frankdrey> i don't think i've built 2.3
<frankdrey> i think i've built 1.5,1.6,2.2,4.1
<a-st> RossWell98: i think it's a kernel/recovery issue
<frankdrey> and i think 4.2
<RossWell98> boahhh
<RossWell98> in >4.0 you build the kernel :P
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<a-st> going to adb sideload the new rom :D
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<a-st> yay that worked
<a-st> YEAH it boots :D
<a-st> Even I see the bootlogo :D
<a-st> RossWell98: it boots :D
<a-st> You need the boot.img from latest cm-11
<RossWell98> a-st: how ?
<RossWell98> with what?
<a-st> RossWell98: do you have the cm11 zip from Wayland_ACE?
<RossWell98> yes
<a-st> extract the boot.img
<RossWell98> wtf
<RossWell98> yes ?
<a-st> flash it via heimdall (heimdall --flash kernel boot.img) and boot to recovery
<RossWell98> ahah
<RossWell98> ok
<RossWell98> not a bad kernel ye ?
<a-st> no it boots fine
<RossWell98> but after
<RossWell98> I can flash other kernel ?
<a-st> You just need a new cwm-recovery which includes set_metadata_recursive method ;)
<RossWell98> AHHAHHH
<RossWell98> when I tried to flash AOSP i had thios error
<RossWell98> ah shit
<RossWell98> a-st: bro
<RossWell98> it'll be hard in future
<RossWell98> to switch in 4.4 all users should flash in downloadm ode ? :O
<a-st> why?
<a-st> Just kernel
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<RossWell98> yes yes
<RossWell98> but
<RossWell98> triangle ;)
<RossWell98> I have a JIG
<RossWell98> dontcare xD
<RossWell98> but
<RossWell98> I'm not OK
<a-st> TriangleAway is your friend :D
<RossWell98> XD
<RossWell98> Nah
<RossWell98> JIG > *
<a-st> but should also work from within existing android
<a-st> Let's see if i can get my data back :d
<RossWell98> error: insufficient permissions for device
<RossWell98> DRAAA
<a-st> you need to run adb as root
<RossWell98> I made backup
<RossWell98> yes
<RossWell98> but
<RossWell98> My backup not earased right? XDD
<a-st> I did too, using Titanium Backup
<a-st> not
<a-st> I did a full wipe
<RossWell98> I see /sdcard have obb and 0 dir XD
<a-st> sd cards are still there
<a-st> yeah
<a-st> I needed to do adb sideload
<RossWell98> I do too ;)
<a-st> adb sideload
<a-st> and afterwards I flashed
<a-st> also via sideload
<RossWell98> o rly ? XD
<a-st> reboot and everything is fine
<a-st> sdcard shows up in cmfilemanager
<RossWell98> I know use the sideload
<RossWell98> but
<RossWell98> It's the first time i use it XD
<a-st> me too
<RossWell98> I flash
<a-st> first time i tried it didn't work :D
<RossWell98> I try like 10min
<RossWell98> and I backup
<RossWell98> restore*
<RossWell98> tomoro school :(
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<RossWell98> Ohhh
<RossWell98> he boort
<RossWell98> -r
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<a-st> let's see if ART works :D
<RossWell98> A NOES
<RossWell98> DPI problem
<a-st> did you change the dpi?
<RossWell98> OMG
<RossWell98> FAP FAP FAP
<RossWell98> he'ss beautiful
<a-st> :D
<a-st> Yeah it's awesome
<RossWell98> in 4.4 they did nothing
<RossWell98> but in style
<RossWell98> OMG
<RossWell98> r0xx :D
<a-st> haha keeps booting
<RossWell98> what ?
<RossWell98> I'll keep it in my phone
<RossWell98> ah but no
<RossWell98> you have Gapps ? D:
<a-st> yeah
<a-st> dont switch to ART :D
<RossWell98> ART ?
<RossWell98> Gallery ?
<RossWell98> dude
<RossWell98> go to multitask manager >.>
<RossWell98> black lines in preview XD
<RossWell98> nah really
<RossWell98> nice :P
<RossWell98> bettery problem :|
<a-st> haha need to reflash
<a-st> switched to ART and stuck in bootloop
<RossWell98> not me AHAH
<RossWell98> semi russian Device infos XD
<a-st> i think Wayland_ACE is from russia
<a-st> If my build is ready you get an english one :)
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<RossWell98> yes
<RossWell98> I'll build in french :)
<RossWell98> BUUUUT
<RossWell98> you saw the host ?
<a-st> something with ru
<RossWell98> where he made the zip ?
<RossWell98> XD
<a-st> haha maybe his buildserver
Alram is now known as alram
<RossWell98> ye
<frankdrey> ya znav sho vin russkiy
<frankdrey> (russian: *znal *shto *on)
<frankdrey> Ukrainian and Russian are a little different
<RossWell98> anal is russian \o/
<RossWell98> frankdrey: you speak in russian ?
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<frankdrey> I can speak Ukrainian and Russian
<frankdrey> well...Russian less than Ukrainian
<RossWell98> :o
<RossWell98> it's easy or .. ?
<frankdrey> for me...
<frankdrey> i grew up speaking it xD
<RossWell98> mhh
<RossWell98> and you're in US ? ô.o
<chadouming> rhcp: pong
<RossWell98> I go sleep
<RossWell98> GN guys
<frankdrey> RossWell98, yup moved when i was a toddler
<frankdrey> from Ukraine
<RossWell98> mhhh
<RossWell98> bad
<frankdrey> why?
<frankdrey> US isn't that bad
<RossWell98> ..
<RossWell98> russia looks good for me
<RossWell98> after
<RossWell98> IDK xD
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<a-st> waaah still compiling :D
<a-st> r500 is not the fastest buildbot :D
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