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<tomheavy> hi
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<diegoviola> hi
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<diegoviola> i was able to flash cwm in my nexus 4
<diegoviola> but how do i copy the files to the phone?
<diegoviola> cm/gapps
<tomheavy> why i can't make to do backup with titanium bakcup ... On my GT-I9300 CM 10.2 stable
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<tomheavy> fail on store
<diegoviola> any ideas please :(
<tomheavy> how i work with teen?
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<diegoviola> ok
<diegoviola> i just got cwm installed
<diegoviola> and flashed
<diegoviola> but it's taking ages to boot
<diegoviola> boot loop?
<diegoviola> :(
<diegoviola> stuck in fucking boot loop
<diegoviola> any ideas?
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<nebkat> Fissurez: was it you that showed me z0r?
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<spY|da> nebkat, :D
<nebkat> spY|da: :D
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<spY|da> treban tvoij pomoc
<spY|da> imas malo vreme sa mene?
<nebkat> spY|da: imam, za tebe uvek ima ;)
<spY|da> hvala
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<Gibztr> im installing cm 11 on i605 the fille name is ( when i go to flash i get an error=executing updater binary in zip and error=flashing zip ' /external_sdcard/cm-i605-ota
<jomp16> Gibztr: you downloaded or built it?
<Gibztr> downloaded from xda
<Gibztr> no
<Gibztr> i downloaded it from rom manaer
<Gibztr> manager*
<Gibztr> wit no
<Gibztr> wait no i download recovery from there im sry its early i downloaded it from xda
<Gibztr> sorry
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<Gibztr> so in summary im installing cm 11 on i605 the fille name is ( when i go to flash i get an error=executing updater binary in zip and error=flashing zip ' /external_sdcard/cm-i605-ota and i have downloaded it from xda
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<Gibztr> can anyone hekp me with this?
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> i just flashed cm/gapps on my nexus 4
<diegoviola> mako
<diegoviola> but always boot loop
<diegoviola> tried different nightlies
<diegoviola> always boot loop
<diegoviola> i wiped everything, re-flashed, boot loop
<diegoviola> wtf could be wrong?
<diegoviola> i checked, compared md5s, they all are OK
<diegoviola> any ideas please
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<chieftex> I think I know what most people would say but, for modding a custom rom purposes, would you get a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 or a Sony Xperia Z Ultra?
<chieftex> *and
<jomp16> Nexus 4 or 5
<jomp16> I have the N4, so, no need to upgrade to 5
<chieftex> ?
<jomp16> Best phone for development is Nexus
<chieftex> yes I know, I've messed with one
<chieftex> but Im asking about phablet sized devices
<chieftex> hmm reading about Knox. Seems pretty shitty
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> i'm still in the boot loop
<diegoviola> any ideas what could be wrong?
<diegoviola> :(
<diegoviola> nexus 4 here
<diegoviola> mako
<diegoviola> flashed latest and
<diegoviola> md5 are correct
<diegoviola> tried fastboot -w
<diegoviola> wiped everything, cache, system, etc
<diegoviola> i always get this fucking boot loop
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<diegoviola> i also formatted /system, /cache, /data, /persist, /firmware, /media
<diegoviola> could that screwed something?
<jomp16> diegoviola: well, maybe this build is broken...
<diegoviola> i tried 3 builds already
<jomp16> TRWP or CWM?
<diegoviola> 20131117, 20131115, 20131114
<diegoviola> cwm
<jomp16> why format persist, firmware, etc?!
<diegoviola> recovery-clockwork-touch-
<diegoviola> dunno
<jomp16> only data, system and system
<diegoviola> ok
<jomp16> you have the 4.4 factory image?
<diegoviola> no
<jomp16> to restore your N4 and try again...
<diegoviola> where do i get the images
<jomp16> download, unpack it and run flash_all.{bat or sh}
<diegoviola> ok
<jomp16> to flash it, you need to turn your N4 to fastboot before run that command
<diegoviola> ok
<jomp16> after flash, device will reboot and boot to Android, check if nothing is wrong, and flash TRWP, inside recovery, do a wipe, and install CM/GApps
<diegoviola> ok
<jomp16> Dunno if CM10.2 can run on baseband of KitKat; also download 4.3 factory image:
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<jomp16> I can't help much about it, because later I need to zero my HDD and reinstall my system
<jomp16> suspect of badblocks
<diegoviola> ok
<diegoviola> where do i find those images in google web site
<diegoviola> ty
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<diegoviola> what's the difference with occam, mantaray, etc
<diegoviola> razorg, etc
<jomp16> codename of other devices
<jomp16> occam/mako is for Nexus 4,
<diegoviola> ok
<diegoviola> ty
<jomp16> hammerhead = Nexus 5
<diegoviola> ty
<jomp16> Cya, I hope I don't forgot some file in backup progress...
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<diegoviola> ok
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<diegoviola> i'm not nutjob, those people in #archlinux-offtopic are
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<diegoviola> where to find md5sums for cwm?
<fishxz> !changelog i9100
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<diegoviola> any ideas folks
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<diegoviola> FFS
<diegoviola> why the f*** doesn't cwm website provide md5
<diegoviola> do they think the internet is perfect and no data ever gets corrupted that's why they don't provide a single checksum
<diegoviola> damn it
<diegoviola> sorry
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<fishxz1> i know i asked this a few times, but its there realy no way to fix the ril crash problem on i9100?
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<chieftex> I'm thinking of buying Note 3, which I will then flash custom roms on (of course). Is this knox thing really that bad? I'd love to avoid buying another samsung product, but I don't see much of an alterntive in the phablet range
<pero> which variant are you thinking of buying?
<chieftex> snapdragon (n9005)
<chieftex> I'd like to avoid exynos like herpes
<pero> you'll be fine
<pero> knox will eventually be hacked
<pero> if you even care about it
<pero> there are reports that samsung doesn't - and in the eu laws protect you against it
<pero> just stick to n900w8/n900t/n9005
<chieftex> yeah im in the eu, but eu law protection doesnt mean that much
<chieftex> I was thinking of getting a sony device instead - for some reason they seem a little more mod friendly
<pero> the thing with knox is that it _says_ that some kind of warranty is void
<pero> no one knows what means
<pero> some people's interpretation is that it means your hardware warranty is void
<pero> that's illegal in the eu - and big corps like samsung care about that
<pero> if you don't care about the hw warranty, or potentially using it activedirectory/corporate single-signon/encryption then knox should mean nothing to you
<pero> cm11 is being worked
<pero> there's little roms know but it is the phone out there in my opinion
<pero> that sony phablet looks interesting but i think it's too big
<chieftex> yeah you know the one I mean
<chieftex> xperia Z ultra
<chieftex> I actually like the size
<chieftex> looking at xda though, seems there is some rooting tool thats a bit fishy
<pero> for the gn3? yeah but you dont have to use it
<pero> chainfire has a tool that works
<chieftex> no for the ZU
<pero> isn't sony supposed to have top notch community support?
<chieftex> thats what I heard too
<chieftex> maybe i need to read more. there was some easy root tool called vroot, but its temporarily on hold due to possible IMEI mining
<pero> i wouldn't touch that
<chieftex> yeah me neither
<chieftex> im fine to do things the harder way
<chieftex> just not sure what that is atm lol
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