nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<bilyan> !supported
<bbqbot> bilyan: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<bilyan> does a build prop file give a hint as to whether a rom may work for a different device
<frankdrey> not especially
<bilyan> ok lets say both phones build prop have the same ro.product.board and ro.product.cpu
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<bilyan> looking over the two build props from the d2spr and my d2tfnspr they have alot of similarities
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<bilyan> frankdrey i asked in the cyanogenmod room but ill ask you. would it be easy to restore a backup if I tried one of the d2spr or d2mtr roms by CM
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<frankdrey> if the recovery works fine...and if CM doesn't replace your recovery
<frankdrey> anyway, gtg
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<bilyan> well if it replaces the recovery it would be the same recovery that is already on it
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<galaxys2int> Hi! Is it normal for the Cyanogen Installer App on PC to take forever to install?
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<designwebs> No one here
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<DuperMan> Imma here
<DuperMan> where's neb? he teh mannnnnn
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<Curly-Brace> hello
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<Curly-Brace> hello\
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<Curly-Brace> helloooooo
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<DuperMan> what's worst than pompous mods killing discussion in a half dead project's channel? #rockbox :P
<DuperMan> hi Curly-Brace
<DuperMan> what ails thy?
<DuperMan> thee*
<Curly-Brace> uh, potentially nothing
<Curly-Brace> further googling reveled a possible solution, as always
* DuperMan breaks Curly-Brace's spirit
<DuperMan> better?
<Curly-Brace> but thank you for the info
<Curly-Brace> (we shall see)
<DuperMan> a solution to what?
<DuperMan> :) you're welcome, I think
<Curly-Brace> trying to build from source, device not found
<Curly-Brace> I think I'll try manually editing the local manifest file, see if that helps
<DuperMan> did you add TheMuppets to your local_manifest? ;)
<DuperMan> protip^^^^
<Curly-Brace> no, what are theMuppets?
<DuperMan> *have you added
<Curly-Brace> some new repo location?
<DuperMan> wait bitch
<Curly-Brace> :(
<DuperMan> <3
<Curly-Brace> is for proprietary stuff?
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<Curly-Brace> I haven't even got to that point yet... Its been years since I last built from source
<DuperMan> who's a thankful bitch? check yer pm
<DuperMan> and yup but ssshhhhhh...
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> if you're building kitkat change 10.2 to 11
<Curly-Brace> thanks - and this is a galaxy sII, so no kit kat for me iirc :(
<DuperMan> chill, I'm waiting like a fag for someone else to make n7100 (note 2) happen
<DuperMan> hooray for laziness:)
<DuperMan> you might need to add CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_i9100 as well though, or whichever variant of the sgs2 you're building for
<DuperMan> sooo.... cold....
<Curly-Brace> I do not like the winter.
<DuperMan> I do. but shiverring no as much
<DuperMan> also, I'm dumb. just bought the Rage dlc because it sold for 1.25$
<Curly-Brace> why dumb?
<Curly-Brace> do you not own rage? :P
<DuperMan> Rage is ubiquitously lampooned. doesn't matter that it's fun
<DuperMan> no geek cred for liking it
<Curly-Brace> ...yay for me?
<Curly-Brace> I need to try one of these 'shooters' some day
<DuperMan> fuck you you mad mad woman
<DuperMan> <3
<Curly-Brace> I am no woman (username aside)
<DuperMan> lol. haven't even considered the nick. just the failure to play fps games
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<Curly-Brace> hello
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<Aki__> a
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