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<underfree> did someone try one of the i9100 nightlies for 10.2 with kdeconnect? b/c notifications are not working on 10.1.3..
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<underfree> are the exynos devices dead? no updates for 10.2 in almost 4 months..
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<manavgatside> hi
<manavgatside> i wanna setup cymod samsung tab 2 p3105
<manavgatside> can i setup ?
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<manavgatside> ?
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<JMS74> hi. can i please get just one small question answered?
<JMS74> does CM change the modem or EFS folder on installing on i9300? i have the efs v2 and newest modem (4.3 leak).. can i install cm 10.1.3 without worries?
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<frias0> Hello, im helping a friend to go from 2.3 stock to cm 10.1 stable, and in instalation instructions it says that the guide assumes that the device is running stock 4.x
<frias0> im tired on trying to get kies working, is this really neccesary?
<frias0> at the s2
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<n-iCe> hi frias0
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<frias0> Hi n-iCe, now im stuck in boot animation :P
<frias0> flashed the cwm, then the cm10.1
<frias0> dont dare to wipe without knowing i have correct kernel
<n-iCe> wait wait
<n-iCe> you got a i9100?
<frias0> yes
<n-iCe> you want CM on it?
<frias0> yes
<n-iCe> ok, did you flash recovery?
<frias0> yes
<n-iCe> cwm or twrp?
<frias0> cwm
<n-iCe> ok, did you download the last cm nightly?
<frias0> the latest stable
<n-iCe> you like stable, ok.
<n-iCe> then just move the file into the phone
<frias0> done
<n-iCe> wipe cache wipe dalvik clean data
<n-iCe> and flash cm, then flash your correct gapps verison
<frias0> what about the "superbrick"
<n-iCe> is yours second-generation Samsung Exynos ?
<frias0> well, how do i know that?
<n-iCe> by the way you already flashed it, didnot you?
<frias0> yes
<frias0> :P
<n-iCe> without the wipe and factory reset
<n-iCe> ¬¬
<n-iCe> then wipe and clean all now
<n-iCe> to make it boot
<frias0> yeah i thought that was the problem, just didnt dare to brick my firends phone
<frias0> but i trust you then
<n-iCe> if you already flash before wiping should not be a problem
<frias0> ok
<n-iCe> and?
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<frias0> realised i needed gapps :P
<frias0> and had to find a mirror and stuff
<n-iCe> frias0: CM10 ?
<n-iCe> or 10.1
<frias0> 10.1
<frias0> The file you requested was not found
<frias0> but its cool, found it
<frias0> done now :D
<frias0> thx for help
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> if i buy a nexus 4 in Brazil, will that phone work with other operators from another country?
<diegoviola> the web site says it's an unlocked phone
<diegoviola> what i don't understand is that the web site mentions: "1.For use this phone you must have a chip (sold separately). This device is enabled to work with national GSM operators (Vivo, Hi, Tim, Claro, Brazil Telecom, CTBC, Sercomtel, Telemig)."
<diegoviola> should work in another country too, no?
<diegoviola> any ideas please?
<n-iCe> :)
<diegoviola> :D
<diegoviola> sorry about that
<diegoviola> thanks for your help, n-iCe
<Flumdahl> i want cyanogenmod for my note 3 :D
<Flumdahl> its awesome rom :D
<n-iCe> Flumdahl: install it!
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<Flumdahl> is there a cyanogenmod rom for note 3 ?
<Flumdahl> :O
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<n-iCe> let's see
<diegoviola> i've destroyed my sgs3 i9300 out of anger today
<Flumdahl> :D
<diegoviola> tired of that crap
<Flumdahl> i gave my i9300 to my kids so they can play with it
<Flumdahl> :P
<diegoviola> what phone do you use now
<Flumdahl> note 3
<Flumdahl> n9005
<diegoviola> is the nexus 4 a good phone
<Flumdahl> dont know
<diegoviola> any ideas?
<Flumdahl> n-iCe: u maybe know where to download rom for the note 3 ?
<n-iCe> don't think it is ready yet
<Flumdahl> ah
<Flumdahl> that is why i dont find it :D
<Flumdahl> i loved the 10.2 to my i9300
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<Flumdahl> so awesome
<Flumdahl> maybe i should find a root and another recovery for the phone first.
<Flumdahl> haven´t rooted it het
<Flumdahl> yet
<EmotionZ> may i know where can i dl kernel which supports cm 10.2 on n7000?
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<diegoviola> i kind of regret destroying my i9300
<diegoviola> ok brb
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<Flumdahl> damn i need a memory card
<Flumdahl> :E
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<Flumdahl> when i root my phone for first time and installing a new recovery... after that i need a memory card to install a new rom on my phone ? i cant download the rom and save it to the internal memory and do a full wipe and install the rom ?
<Flumdahl> full wipe is formatting all internal memory right?
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> so i've trashed my phone today
<diegoviola> a sgs3 i9300
<diegoviola> but i've managed to save the SoC and battery
<diegoviola> could i do anything with this?
<diegoviola> or maybe save my phone...
<n-iCe> yes, throw it out the window
<diegoviola> insert it into another case or whatever
<diegoviola> n-iCe, the SoC is useless now?
<Ravenheart> isn't the screenthe most expensive part
<diegoviola> i don't know
<Ravenheart> so anyway
<Ravenheart> xperia z
<Ravenheart> is it worth to upgrade?
<Ravenheart> got an s2 atm
<n-iCe> go for N5
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<Ravenheart> its not released here yet
<Ravenheart> my other option is an N4
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<n-iCe> hi
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<tallywood> Hey all - I just flashed CM10.1 on captivate
<tallywood> and now I'm putting 10.2 on but it's been on the boot screen for a long time
<tallywood> any idea how long it should take?
<n-iCe> forever
<n-iCe> if you did not wipe cache dalvik and clean data
<tallywood> shit
<tallywood> I didn't
<tallywood> should I just wait it out?
<n-iCe> :)
<n-iCe> no
<tallywood> reflash?
<n-iCe> go to recovery, clean all, wipe all, move rom and gapps then flash
<tallywood> move rom?
<n-iCe> push rom
<n-iCe> to the device
<n-iCe> after clean all you won't have a file in your device
<tallywood> ah
<tallywood> so I should wipe data/factory reset
<tallywood> then wipe cache partition
<tallywood> then wipe cache dalvik
<tallywood> move the rom
<tallywood> and gapps
<n-iCe> clean data
<n-iCe> all your apps files everything
<n-iCe> like new, then flash
<tallywood> how do I do that?
<n-iCe> data factory reset
<n-iCe> don't know the recovery you use
<tallywood> cwm
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<tallywood> ok I did all that
<n-iCe> good
<n-iCe> flash
<tallywood> I rebooted into revocery
<tallywood> recovery sorry
<tallywood> before I pushed the room
<tallywood> and I still see the rom there
<tallywood> is that a problem?
<n-iCe> then you did it wrong
<n-iCe> I don't use cwm, but I'm sure it has a wipe cache and dalvik button
<tallywood> it does
<tallywood> and I did that too
<tallywood> first I chose wipe data/factory reset
<n-iCe> wipe/data/factore reset
<n-iCe> do it
<tallywood> then I wiped cache partition
<n-iCe> then, wipe cache partition
<tallywood> then wipe dalvik cache
<n-iCe> then go to mount and storage
<n-iCe> and format all
<tallywood> ok my choices are format /boot /cache /datadata /system /data /storage/sdcard0 /storage/sdcard1
<tallywood> each one on a different line obviously
<n-iCe> I would format all
<tallywood> there is no format all choice
<tallywood> ah
<n-iCe> if you don't need anything in there
<tallywood> ok
<n-iCe> one by one
<tallywood> no I don't
<n-iCe> your phone will feel new
<tallywood> when I'm done with that will I still have CWM ?
<frankdrey-pc> n-iCe, you don't have to wipe storage...
<tallywood> ok under formatstorage/sdcard0 I have the options of default vfat ntfs ext4,3,2
<frankdrey-pc> well..sometimes you do
<frankdrey-pc> carry on
<tallywood> how should I format it?
* frankdrey-pc remembered issues he had with cm10.2 not booting till he formatted EVERYTHING
<frankdrey-pc> probably default?
<tallywood> k
<frankdrey-pc> damn 4.3 with it's weird storage shit
<tallywood> ok EVERYTHING is wiped
<frankdrey-pc> don't forget /EVERYTHING/morestuff/
<tallywood> going to push the rom and gapps as soon as it's booted
<frankdrey-pc> um
<frankdrey-pc> it's not gonna boot :P
<tallywood> oh
<frankdrey-pc> you need to push while in recovery
<tallywood> oh
<frankdrey-pc> it's squeaky clean right now
<tallywood> how do I do that?
<frankdrey-pc> adb
<tallywood> might have to walk me through that
* frankdrey-pc scratches head trying to remember name of easy tool for that
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<tallywood> phone is not going into recovery now :/
<frankdrey-pc> bam
<frankdrey-pc> huh?
<frankdrey-pc> hold the buttons till it reboots once
<frankdrey-pc> like, till logo flashes second time
<tallywood> k
<tallywood> ok so it flashed a second time, and it's still stuck on the logo
<tallywood> argh
<frankdrey-pc> wait, what device is this?
<tallywood> samsung captivate
<tallywood> the original galaxy s
<frankdrey-pc> and you formatted /boot
<tallywood> yup
<frankdrey-pc> n-iCe, y u such a derp
<frankdrey-pc> tallywood, reflash cwm from download mode like you did way back when :P
<tallywood> ok....
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<n-iCe> frankdrey-pc: it is the same, you can format all you want
<n-iCe> and then reflash the damn zip
<n-iCe> he is changing from 4.2 to 4.3
<tallywood> but I couldn't back to recovery....
<frankdrey-pc> n-iCe, kernel/recovery is in /boot ?
<n-iCe> reflash recovery, use twrp if you don't want the /0/ bugs
<frankdrey-pc> yup
<tallywood> hold on getting a little complicated for me now
<frankdrey-pc> btw, i HATE the combined kernel/recovery thing
<frankdrey-pc> it's so annoying
<frankdrey-pc> and stupid
<tallywood> I just used i897uckk4 Odin One Click CONTAINS Bootloaders, Re-partition, Full Wipe
<tallywood> brought me back to a stock 2.5 I think
<tallywood> did I not need to go that far back
<frankdrey-pc> uhm
<frankdrey-pc> huh?
<frankdrey-pc> 2.5?
<frankdrey-pc> what?
<tallywood> well this morning my captivate was completely bricked
<tallywood> so I used that odin one click to un brick it
<tallywood> my captivate is now 2.3.5
<tallywood> jeez
<tallywood> lol
<frankdrey-pc> huh well then let's start from the beginning
<tallywood> now I'm putting CWM on again or should I put use twrp?
<tallywood> and how do I go about putting twrp if that's the way to go?
<frankdrey-pc> um
<frankdrey-pc> i have no idea
<frankdrey-pc> there's no official twrp
<tallywood> ok I'll just put CWM
<frankdrey-pc> ok, ping me when you got CWM
<tallywood> k
<tallywood> frankdrey-pc I've got CWM
<frankdrey-pc> okie doke
<tallywood> it's telling me new filesystem config detected. Convert?
<frankdrey-pc> huh?
<frankdrey-pc> i have no idea o.o
<tallywood> shiit
<tallywood> well my options are as follows
<tallywood> Yes
<tallywood> Yes with factory reset after backup
<tallywood> Yes with factory reset without backup
<tallywood> No, enter recovery mode
<frankdrey-pc> hmmm
<tallywood> no, remove the new config
<frankdrey-pc> still no idea
<frankdrey-pc> reading something about it being related to a lagfix
<frankdrey-pc> know anything about that?
<tallywood> no clue