nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<Kapetan> hello guys, can anyone check this link for gapps? Seems like it's off, and I need gapps for CM flash....
<Kapetan> Thanks
<Kapetan> It is from here:
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<Luis__> sir can i ask question?
<Luis__> help pls who has time?
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<jomp16> Luis__: just ask...
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<Jamesst20> Hi :)
<Jamesst20> I would like to build CyanogenMod CM10.2 for my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. I have compiled AOKP and CM and played a lot with sources in the last year but this was for supported device such as Mako, Grouper, etc..
<Jamesst20> I have no experience with non-supported device, can anyone point me in the right direction so I can get a working build :)
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<Jamesst20> Please?
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> i still haven't decided on what phone to get
<diegoviola> I like the Nexus 4 but isn't that too outdated now?
<diegoviola> outdated as in specs
<diegoviola> res, etc
<diegoviola> i don't want to wait for the nexus 5 forever to become available
<diegoviola> _sigh_
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<budmang> What is the favored custom kernel for cyanogenmod?
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<SGS2> hey guys. i rooted my SGS2 and now it is always running the CyanogenMod circle..
<SGS2> i used Siyah v.6.0b5 as Kernel
<SGS2> and the newest version cm 10.2
<SGS2> also i tried it with CF-Root as Kernel but there is no chenge..
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<lolwat> i need a new ssd
<lolwat> oh wrong chan
<Flumdahl> who does not ?
<Flumdahl> :P
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<Ravenheart> nexus4 8gb
<Ravenheart> yes or no?
<Baskey> no
<nebkat> no
<Ravenheart> dammit
<a-st> How about S4? :D
<Ravenheart> they don't seem to have 16gb here
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<Ravenheart> S4 is nice but it costs a lot
<a-st> Oppo N1 seems nice :D
<nebkat> no
<nebkat> dat cam
<nebkat> epic fail
<Ravenheart> if they do find a 16gb nexus4
<Ravenheart> is it worth it
<Ravenheart> considering i'm not a super big power user
<Ravenheart> and realistically i'm happy with my S2 atm
<Ravenheart> i just like hte bigger screen
<nebkat> get n5 :P
<Ravenheart> they won't have it til like new year here
<Ravenheart> and my contract expires on 7th of december
<a-st> I like my S2 too :)
<a-st> 4.4 would be nice on it :)
<Ravenheart> what on earth do i upgrade to
<Ravenheart> S3 seems mehh at this point
<nebkat> Ravenheart: get off the contract go PAYG
<Ravenheart> but i;m happy with my contract
<Ravenheart> i talk a lot
<nebkat> how much per month?
<Ravenheart> well i'll give you an analogy
<Ravenheart> most people pay about 25$
<Ravenheart> i pay about 90$
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<Ravenheart> my S2 was like an extra 36$ each month
<Ravenheart> that was fine
<Ravenheart> but if i want a new flagship
<Ravenheart> its like 46$
<Ravenheart> a month extra
<Ravenheart> which is too much
<Ravenheart> the nexus4 they have is 25$ extra per month
<Ravenheart> so its a total steal
<Ravenheart> IF they have a 16gb one
<Ravenheart> i'll poke em more on friday
<Ravenheart> hopefully they digg out one :(
<Ravenheart> nebkat why wouldn't you recommend a nexus4 8gb, because the N5 just came out or because 8gb is too little memory?
<nebkat> 8gb
<Baskey> both, I think
<Baskey> nebkat: amirite?
<nebkat> yeah, but mainly 8gb
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<Lekensteyn> So... SuperUser seems to have changed, it now creates /dev/$PID.{stderr,stdout,stdin} for communication...
<Lekensteyn> readline (tab-completion, history navigation) is now broken.
<Lekensteyn> What is the workaround/fix?
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<Lekensteyn> and it leaks pipes like hell >.<
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