clifford changed the topic of #yosys to: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite: -- Channel Logs:
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<shapr> ZipCPU: you busy this Saturday? could I schedule an hour or two to ask stupid questions about getting this synthesizer working on the beaglewire?
<ZipCPU> Saturday might be difficult. Perhaps something in the evening instead?
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<shapr> I know Sundays are blocked out for you, and I'm busy Saturday evening, but W,Th,F evening?
<ZipCPU> Exactly
<shapr> any particular one that's best for you?
<shapr> you never did send me your hourly interactive consulting prices...
<ZipCPU> W & Th are better than F, and of those Th is probably better
<shapr> Spiffy, Thursday evening works for me. Any particular time that's best?
<shapr> that'll also give me some hours this evening to work through this and make sure I have high quality noobie questions :-)
<ZipCPU> How about 1900 on Thursday
<shapr> eastern time, yes?
<ZipCPU> Yes
<shapr> excellent!
<shapr> I appreciate you helping random internet people for money :-)
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<develonepi3> hello all: I would like to know who would be interested in adding bluetooth to a RPi to interface
<develonepi3> with IcoBoard or Catboard. I have been working with the Ultibo bare metal group. I have tested
<develonepi3> my catboard running Ultibo on my RPi3B and Now can program do the following:
<develonepi3> program the fpga
<develonepi3> read the parallel port of the fpga
<develonepi3> connect remote to socket 5050
<develonepi3> receive data over the socket.
<tpb> Title: microbit-test/fpgaultibo.png at master · develone/microbit-test · GitHub (at
<develonepi3> Now the microbit bluetooth is working with Ultibo.
<tpb> Title: microbit-test/buttons.jpeg at master · develone/microbit-test · GitHub (at
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<keesj> Hi, I am upgrading my yosys toolchain (to try nextpr). next to the existing recommented packages I had to install libboost-python-dev (on ubuntu 18.04)
<keesj> (error I had) and following the documentation here
<tpb> Title: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:170 (message): No version of Boost::Python 3.x - (at
<somlo> keesj: afaict, yosys proper doesn't need boost-python-dev; both prjtrellis and nextpnr do, however. I have made Fedora packages, and in the process I had to come up with the appropriate list of "buildrequires" for each
<somlo> hopefully should be close to what's needed on Debian/Ubuntu
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