clifford changed the topic of #yosys to: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite: -- Channel Logs:
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<sigwinch> Moin!
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<promach> For , why does the cover() at line 319 still pass when the vcd waveform is showing otherwise ?
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<tmeissner> Hi everyone
<tmeissner> I get an error regarding 'x'/'z' bits when using abc pdr with SymbiYosys
<tmeissner> The Note says that I have to use setundef to workaround this
<tmeissner> But in which context should I use that command?
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<daveshah> tmeissner: try `setundef -zero`
<ZipCPU> daveshah: Would that be within the [script] section of the SymbiYosys script?
<daveshah> Yes, probably after prep
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<tmeissner> Thanks
<tmeissner> Unfortunaly, `setundef -zero` doesn't help
<tmeissner> I have RAMs in the design which aren't initialized. I tried to workaround that with using anyseq for the ram outputs, because the exact data doesn't matter at the moment. But this results in a assertion error within symbiyosys :(
<daveshah> tmeissner: what about `setundef -zero -undriven`?
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<tmeissner> Same result :(
<daveshah> tmeissner: What is the exact assertion failure that you see?
<tmeissner> aig: ERROR: Design contains 'x' or 'z' bits. Use 'setundef' to replace those constants.
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<daveshah> Not sure then, I've seen this before but always been able to resolve it with setundef...
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<tmeissner> Okay. Nevertheless, thanks
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