clifford changed the topic of #yosys to: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite: -- Channel Logs:
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<somlo> any idea of the status of the mailing list server ( I tried subscribing about 20-ish hours ago, haven't received a signup confirmation email yet
<somlo> nvm, wrong IRC window :)
<ZipCPU> ;)
dys has joined #yosys
<somlo> on that topic, is there a yosys specific mailing list anywhere ? :)
<daveshah> No, we use GH issues, here and /r/yosys
<somlo> oh, ok, thanks!
* shapr hops randomly
* ZipCPU waits for the cartwheels
<shapr> hi hi hi ZipCPU !
<ZipCPU> How's it going?
<shapr> I've been mostly spending time on treadmills and lifting weights, no cartwheels or unicycling
* ZipCPU mutters
<shapr> also fixing drivers for my new laptop
<ZipCPU> My son and I did the waits yesterday. I'm feeling it today
<ZipCPU> *weights
<shapr> My new laptop has six Xeon cores and goes up to 4.4GHz! and thermal throttling means it has up to 30 seconds of 4.4GHz and then several minutes of 800MHz while it cools down
<shapr> olympic sprinter laptop, I guess
<shapr> ZipCPU: you doing cool stuff?
<ZipCPU> Ok stuff ... I added a new chapter to my tutorial yesterday
* ZipCPU is stuck in FPGA hell on one project .... and doesn't want to admit it
<shapr> uh oh, what happen?
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<ZipCPU> Trying to create a camera input for the RPi and ... I'm struggling to know where/how to debug this thing
<ZipCPU> (Don't tell daveshah --- he might know about the project already)
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