clifford changed the topic of #yosys to: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite: -- Channel Logs:
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<promach> For , is it alright to have the following warnings ?
<promach> SBY 16:10:28 [async_fifo_proof] base: Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_data with list of registers. See
<promach> SBY 16:10:28 [async_fifo_proof] base: Warning: Async reset value `$eq$$82_Y' is not constant!
<promach> SBY 16:10:28 [async_fifo_proof] base: Warning: Async reset value `$eq$$83_Y' is not constant!
<promach> SBY 16:10:28 [async_fifo_proof] base: Warning: Async reset value `$eq$$75_Y' is not constant!
<promach> SBY 16:10:28 [async_fifo_proof] base: Warning: Async reset value `$eq$$76_Y' is not constant!
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<ZipCPU> Try rewriting thhose assertion blocks to use $global
<ZipCPU> Try rewriting thhose assertion blocks to use $global_clock
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<promach> ZipCPU: What about "Warning: Replacing memory \fifo_data with list of registers." ?
<ZipCPU> How big is your FIFO?
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<ZipCPU> Oh, and ... what solver are you using?
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<promach> ZipCPU: I am using yices
<ZipCPU> For a FIFO of length 8, replacing the memory with FFs makes good sense
<promach> ok
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