clifford changed the topic of #yosys to: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite: -- Channel Logs:
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* shapr installs yosys on his new laptop
<shapr> yay, yosys compiled from git in ten minutes
<shapr> wait, does arachne-pnr not support make -j12 ?
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<shapr> oh, install icestorm first
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<keesj> I am getting errors out of read_pcf (icetime: void read_pcf(const char*): Assertion `args.size() == 2' failed.) on the following file
<tpb> Title: icicle/tinyfpga-bx.pcf at tinyfpga · osresearch/icicle · GitHub (at
<keesj> (tried different pcf files and those worked) any clue? is the pcf format documented somewhere (I tried removing the # comments that do not start at the start of the line but there is something else going on
<daveshah> Looks like icetime can't cope with -nowarn
<keesj> what is can parse are openocd configuration files ;P
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<keesj> so it looks like the defaults are changed and I need to remove the -nowarn given a new option exists to "warn-no-port" rename to --warn-no-port
<tpb> Title: icestorm/ at master · cliffordwolf/icestorm · GitHub (at
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<daveshah> -nowarn is the new syntax, iirc, just no one has updated icetime...
<daveshah> I don't think that many people use the pcf functionality in icetime, as the .sym in the asc also gives you all net names including IO
<daveshah> The pcf stuff is more for use with vendor bitstreams really
<keesj> shall I create an issue or attempt to fixing it or leave it?
<keesj> and if fixing should I replace the old option or support both?
<daveshah> A fix would be great
<daveshah> We support both in nextpnr so might as well support both in icetime too
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<shapr> yay, almost FPGA learning time!
* shapr rushes home to get prepared
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<qu1j0t3> wheee
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<ZipCPU> Lol
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<shapr> still didn't get zoom installed