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<MoeIcenowy> where's reliable way to buy iCE40UP5K-SG48?
<MoeIcenowy> just use digikey?
<daveshah> MoeIcenowy: yeah, unless it's more than a few thousand parts
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<tnt> Both digikey and mouser keep it stocked in thousands, so seems pretty reliable source.
<MoeIcenowy> yes
<MoeIcenowy> unfortunately the Chinese electronic part supermarket LCSC doesn't have iCE49
<MoeIcenowy> s/49/40
<MoeIcenowy> so I must suffer from international shipment when buying iCE40
<tnt> you're in china ?
<MoeIcenowy> tnt: yes
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<sxpert> MoeIcenowy: can't those things be found in Huaquangbai ?
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<corecode> MoeIcenowy: do you typically buy from lcsc? i thought that was the outlet to the west
<MoeIcenowy> corecode: yes
<MoeIcenowy> sxpert: many of them have no stocks, and need 10 days to order
<MoeIcenowy> and not cheaper than digikey
<MoeIcenowy> then why not digikey?
<MoeIcenowy> iCE40 is quite unpopular in China
<MoeIcenowy> things like EP4CE6 can be get quite easily and cheap
<corecode> yea
<corecode> ofc take something domestic
<MoeIcenowy> in fact when something is not found on Chinese ver of lcsc, it will provide a way to order on Digikey/Mouser
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<mrec> does anyone know a cheap source for the ICE40UP5K-SG48I part?
<daveshah> No, not unless you are looking at 10-100k+
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<mrec> the cheapest part on mouser is 5$ it seems (100)
<daveshah> yeah, I don't think you can do better at low quantity
<tnt> I'd call 5$ cheap .. but then again that's just me.
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<sxpert> MoeIcenowy: guess you could start a documentation project for the EP4* ;-)
<sxpert> MoeIcenowy: and then add that to next-pnr ;-)
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<sxpert> my head is about to explode with all these crazy FSMs ;-)
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<corecode> sxpert: what crazy fsm?
<tpb> Title: Internal module wires are not accessible using dot notation · Issue #647 · YosysHQ/yosys · GitHub (at
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<emeb> gah
<emeb> I've *never* used dot notation for accessing signals in synthesizable code.
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<emeb> only ever for debugging / testbenches
<emeb> at the ASIC shops I worked in that was a big no-no in the coding standards, mostly due to readability / reuse issues.
<emeb> if you wanted a signal accessible at higher levels of hierarchy, you put it in the real port list
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<tnt> emeb: well, this was for debugging ... but on hw.
<tnt> wanted to route some internal signals to external gpios.
<emeb> yeah - I've done that too.
<emeb> lately using VHDL though and there's no equivalent to dot notation there.
<emeb> so I we have to pull signals out for debug by adding ports at all levels. :P
<daveshah> I think VHDL does have some kind of hierarchical signal access
<emeb> hmm...
<daveshah> Don't know if anything actually supports it
<emeb> Modelsim has an add-on library for that which we sometimes use in testbenches
<emeb> but no synthesis supports it
<tpb> Title: VHDL-2008 Ease of Use (at
<daveshah> I think it was part of 2008
<emeb> looks similar to the modelsim stuff.
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