clifford changed the topic of #yosys to: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite: -- Channel Logs:
<sxpert> now, to debug what next_pnr states is "ERROR: timing analysis failed due to presence of combinatorial loops, incomplete specification of timing ports, etc."
<daveshah> sxpert: what happens if you grep the Yosys output for DLATCH?
<tpb> Title: Untitled - Pastebin (at
<sxpert> this
<sxpert> ah, it complains about bus nibble_out[3:0]
<sxpert> guess I see why...
<sxpert> will have to do that some other way...
<sxpert> always @(*)
<sxpert> appears evil
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<tpb> Title: Problem with seeing internal generate variable and coverage failed issue with signed multiplication verilog code - Stack Overflow (at
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<ZipCPU> promach_: The tools are open source. The standard is on line. The VCD format is public/published. Why not dig into the problem and figure out what's going on for yourself?
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<sxpert> daveshah: there, all fixed (after a good night sleep)
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<promach_> ZipCPU : I have made cover(in_valid) passed
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<ZipCPU> promach_: What was the issue?
<promach_> I did a couple of changes
<promach_> not sure which one got it work
<ZipCPU> Go on
<promach_> ZipCPU: see the diff for the current revision of multiply.v
<tpb> Title: A signed multiply verilog code using row adder tree multiplier and modified baugh-wooley algorithm · GitHub (at
<promach_> ZipCPU: shall we discuss later ? you can leave message here. I will be able to see them later
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<ZipCPU> Looks like voodoo changes to me. "Voodoo computing, n: to change what isn't broken in an effort to fix what is"
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