clifford changed the topic of #yosys to: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite: -- Channel Logs:
<corecode> daveshah: i don't seem to find a way to specify a global buffer network
<corecode> only promote/demote
<daveshah> Use a manually placed SB_GB
<corecode> yea, doing that now
<corecode> well, 8
<corecode> otherwise it keeps placing it in the same location
<daveshah> I'm pretty sure you can override this in floorplan view or the PCF file
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<daveshah> Something like set_location name x y z
<corecode> well, i'm trying to figure out the gb locations
<corecode> but this seems to have worked
<daveshah> You can see them in floorplan view
<daveshah> At some point you'll probably need to create them one by one to find out which network each fabout drives
<corecode> i just created 8 inputs, 8 SB_GB, 8 outputs
<corecode> aaah
<corecode> hm, how would i know?
<daveshah> By creating them one by one manually placed at each location
<corecode> if i cannot constrain it to a network, i constrain it to a location
<corecode> and then it has to be that network
<daveshah> And seeing which glb_netwk appears in the icebox_explain output
<corecode> doesn't explain use the data that i'm trying to fill in?
<daveshah> Not this data
<daveshah> icebox_vlog does
<daveshah> icebox_explain is lower level, all it needs is the list of tiles and the actual bitstream bit mapping
<corecode> ah no
<corecode> i can see both
<corecode> the explain shows me the network number
<daveshah> Yeah
<corecode> and given the output, i know what input clock it was
<daveshah> Yeah, that works
<corecode> does the order matter in gbufin_db?
<daveshah> No, but it does for padin_db
<corecode> ok
<corecode> what about the location within the tile? the 0 1, does that not matter for the gbufin?
<daveshah> No, it doesn't
<corecode> ok
<daveshah> I think it is always 2, but that isn't used anywhere
<corecode> the psb shows
<corecode> set_io gbufin_3 6 0 1 # ICE_GB
<corecode> not always 1 though
<daveshah> Yeah, that's fine
<corecode> for my fake padin, does it matter there?
<daveshah> No, it doesn't
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<corecode> hm, vlog fails with nonexistant data
<corecode> something in get_pll_bits
<corecode> aha
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<corecode> daveshah: what do you mean by "So a tiny bit of semi-manual work is needed #first to discover this (basically run this script with show_all_bits=True #and look for the stuck bit"
<corecode> run it completely?
<corecode> i guess i'll see
* corecode waits for fuzzing to end
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<corecode> gotta figure out where all these PLL ports come from
<daveshah> corecode: icebox_vlog will tell you that
<daveshah> Just connect each port to a pin and see where the routing for that pin ends up
<corecode> yea, icebox_vlog still crashes based on missing data :)
<corecode> but getting there
<corecode> need to input the iolatch data
<daveshah> sure, just fill in any old stuff to get icebox_vlog working, even comment it out
<daveshah> There should be a script for the iolatch data
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<sxpert> ZipCPU: have some time for constructive criticism ?
<tpb> Title: hp-saturn/saturn_bus_ctrl.v at master · sxpert/hp-saturn · GitHub (at
<corecode> why [0:0]?
<sxpert> because I get complaints about dimentions not set
<corecode> wat
<corecode> so what are you working on?
<tpb> Title: Saturn - Wikipedia (at
<sxpert> this
<sxpert> ah, hmm, bad link ;)
<corecode> -_-
<tpb> Title: HP Saturn - Wikipedia (at
<sxpert> this
<ZipCPU> sxpert: You are missing the `default_nettype none instruction at the top ;)
<sxpert> ah
<ZipCPU> You have several unused signals: i_en_bus_recv, i_en_bus_ecmd, i_alu_pc, i_read_pc, i_cmd_dp_read ...
<ZipCPU> Oh, and almost forgot i_en_bus_send
* ZipCPU is running a verilator -Wall check
<sxpert> those are goners
<corecode> is that the original bus?
<sxpert> corecode: yes
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<sxpert> theoretically the 4 datalines are bi-directionnal, but that may be impossible depending on the fpga
<ZipCPU> You can turn the "noise" off by wrapping their definitions with "// verilator lint_off UNUSED" and "// verilator lint_on UNUSED". Alternatively, you can create one big unused chunk at the bottom with, "wire [N-1:0] unused; assign unused = { your_uused_wires };" and then wrap it with the Verilator lint statements
<ZipCPU> (Replace N with the number of wires that are unused)
<sxpert> no no, I ough to remove those unused signals, just didn't get to that yet
<ZipCPU> That works too
<sxpert> been furioulsy rewriting that thing 3 times or so ;)
<ZipCPU> Still needs formal properties
<corecode> good
<sxpert> ZipCPU: well have to understand how that works first
<corecode> yea me too
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<corecode> daveshah: so what now?
<corecode> i think i'm almost done
<corecode> just need to do some pll port testing
<daveshah> Next step is to make sure that icebox_chipdb generates the text database for arachne/nextpnr
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<corecode> now i just need to see what signal is actually routed to the respective fabout locations
<corecode> for the pll ports
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<corecode> how do i best trace the routing?
<emeb> traceroute!
<daveshah> corecode: just create a design with all the PLL pins connected to top IOs and run with icebox_vlog
<daveshah> passing the PCF to icebox_vlog so it picks up port names too
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<vzcx> has anyone had success using yosys/icestorm on openbsd?
<ZipCPU> Are you struggling with anything in particular?
<vzcx> i'm having trouble flashing my hx8k... seems to raise an error in libusb
<vzcx> when using iceprog
<ZipCPU> Does it build without problems?
<vzcx> the iceprog tool? yes.
<ZipCPU> What error do you get?
<vzcx> usb_bulk_write failed
<vzcx> this happens at the first call to send_byte, at the line commented "enable clock divide by 5"
* ZipCPU doesn't have openbsd, and is struggling to know what to ask next
* vzcx knows disappointingly little about ftdi, hardware generally, and what's supposed to be happening here
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<vzcx> i appreciate the effort at least! zipcpu is very cool and having it as an example is really accelerating my practical knowledge of comp arch and verilog
<ZipCPU> Thanks!
<ZipCPU> My own knowledge of FTDI+USB is really slim as well
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<corecode> daveshah: how do i find where PLLOUT_B is located at?
<corecode> i guess it is PLLOUTCORE[1]
<corecode> but i'm looking at a vlog output, and i can't identify the location
<daveshah> it will appear as an "input pin"
<corecode> there is a whole lot of routing
<daveshah> you should see a D_IN_0 in there?
<corecode> aaaah
<corecode> thanks
<corecode> but where do i find the , 0 or , 1
<corecode> // (13, 21, 'io_0/D_IN_0')
<daveshah> 0
<corecode> from the io_0?
<daveshah> yeah
<corecode> aha!
<daveshah> the PLLs are in the input path
<corecode> sorting the routing information by coordinate is not as useful as sorting it by connection
<corecode> ok
<corecode> should i run a connectivity test?
<daveshah> yes, that would be a good idea
<corecode> it took very long last time, and then i aborted
<corecode> you had some feedback on not using the 8k ram db or something like it
<daveshah> yeah, you should be using the 8k ram db not the 1k ram db
<corecode> i thought i was
<corecode> elif self.device == "5k" or self.device == "u4k":
<corecode> add_seed_segments(idx, tile, rambtile_8k_db)
<corecode> that?
<daveshah> that looks good
<corecode> then it must have been something else
<daveshah> the problem was in the icefuzz makefile I think
<corecode> aha!
<corecode> i guess that makefile needs some work
<corecode> do i need to build my own u4k bitdata_dsp?
<daveshah> Have you seen any changes to the dsp bitdata?
<corecode> this one special dsp bit that lives elsewhere doesn't exist for me
<corecode> or rather, is uniform like the other dsps
<corecode> i don't think i quite understand this bitdata thing
<daveshah> The lack of a special bit doesn't matter, that's all dealt with in icebox
<daveshah> the bitdata contains the routing bits, and low-level names of config bits
<daveshah> higher-level mapping is done in icebox
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<sxpert> corecode: you guys are hacking at yet another ice40 ?
<sxpert> crap, more work: DEC_INIT 2: nibble 9 not handled
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<corecode> what's that error message?
<corecode> yea, ice5lp, aka ice40 ultra
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<corecode> Module SB_RGB_IP is not a valid primitive. Please check
<corecode> wut
<emeb> corecode: glad to hear you're doing ultra!
<emeb> I've got a large stash of ice5lp4k sg48 parts leftover from a while ago.
<emeb> (and I know someone who has a whole reel of them that he's probably never going to use)
<corecode> i'll take them :)
<daveshah> corecode: oh lmao
<daveshah> I remember reading about this
<daveshah> the hard SB_LEDD_IP primitive in the ice40 ultra is broken
<daveshah> SB_RGB_IP isn't a primitive at all, just soft logic
<emeb> I thought that was just the PWM stuff that was borken
<emeb> but the actual high current drivers work OK
<daveshah> yeah, that is SB_LEDD_IP/SB_RGB_IP
<daveshah> the drivers are indeed fine
<daveshah> afaik
<emeb> yeah - I've run into that too.
<corecode> ah what
<corecode> so do i skip that?
<emeb> probably best
<emeb> unless you want to make a synthesizable soft core for it :)
<corecode> so what is broken?
<corecode> i can't find documentation on the SB_LEDD_IP
<daveshah> no, because it is broken
<corecode> broken how?
<corecode> it was supposed to do some driving?
<corecode> or is that the pwm ramp generator
<daveshah> it's a pwm generator core (for things like fading/ breathing effects), it doesn't do the actual high current stuff
<corecode> okay
<emeb> corecode: you in the US?
<corecode> emeb: no
<corecode> ok the icefuzz makefile runs
<daveshah> do you see any changes to icebox/ once it has finished running?
<corecode> no
<daveshah> good, that means low level bits are the same
<corecode> well, over all, yes
<corecode> so now i can run the
<corecode> meh
<tpb> Title: Comparing cliffordwolf:master...corecode:u4k · cliffordwolf/icestorm · GitHub (at
<corecode> there are some changes, but they seem unrelated?
<corecode> i don't know where these come from
<daveshah> those are because of the ram database issue
<daveshah> effectively you've put the 8k/u4k/all newer ice40 ram bits into the 1k db
<corecode> why doesn't it get fixed?
<corecode> ah, i need to run the generation for the 1k again
<daveshah> no, the database is accumulative
<corecode> or rather, i revert to the original state, and then run for the u4k
<daveshah> you'll need to checkout from master and run again
<daveshah> yup
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