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<MoeIcenowy> sxpert: I think someone did initial RE on EP4CE6
<MoeIcenowy> BTW I have ordered a EP4CE115 board for CNY ¥495 (around USD $75)
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<promach> is it possible that bmc passed at depth = 5 , but failed at depth = 10 ? Note that I am using "proof: depth 10" in sby file
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<ZipCPU> promach: Absolutely!
<ZipCPU> It's actually a common problem in one of my counter exercises. The counter gets set and starts counting down from 22, goes to idle, and then gets set and counts down again
<ZipCPU> The only problem is ... we use a depth of 20 for the exercise, and there are often bugs at the point where the counter stops, waits, and restarts -- all at clock 22+, long after the 20 clocks necessary for the depth of 20
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<promach> ZipCPU: ok
<promach> I know what went wrong in my code now
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<corecode> what did?
<corecode> daveshah: how should i proceed with this port?
<daveshah> corecode: have you tested some small designs through icebox_vlog
<corecode> not explicitly
<corecode> i think some of the test scripts do that
<daveshah> It would be worth trying a few designs manually and making sure the output is sane
<corecode> i think at least i need to confirm the global networks & pins
<daveshah> There are some Verilog designs for testing global networks in icefuzz/tests
<corecode> yea, i will have to add some other footprint to cover all pads
<daveshah> If it's anything like the UltraPlus, not every theoretical pad is covered even over all footprints...
<corecode> what does that mean
<daveshah> there are some IO locations that are not used in any package
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<MoeIcenowy> maybe they will furtherly provide packages with more pins ;-)
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<corecode> daveshah: hm, the ultralite datasheet says that global pin X is connected to global buffer X
<corecode> is that different from global network X?
<daveshah> No, it isn't
<daveshah> global pin X drives global buffer X
<daveshah> also, are you doing the ultra or the ultralite, btw?
<daveshah> beware that the SB_GB which drives from fabric (as opposed to SB_GB_IO from the global pin) at the same location drives a different global network
<corecode> ultralite, i think ice5lp
<daveshah> ice5lp isn't the ultralite, it's the ultra
<corecode> aha!
<corecode> meh
<corecode> why are they so bad with names
<daveshah> the patch so far was the u4k, which is the ice5lp/ultra not the ultralite
<daveshah> yeah, ikr
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<corecode> daveshah: how would i force use of a specific global network? i'm trying to figure out the fabout locations
<daveshah> corecode: you can constrain it in the icecube floorplan view, or in the pcf file
<daveshah> I can't remember the syntax for the latter
<corecode> aha
<corecode> okay
<corecode> i'll just skip the two padin that don't exist on this footprint
<daveshah> icebox requires all 8 padins
<corecode> ah
<corecode> but there are not even 8
<daveshah> hmm
<corecode> at least not documented
<daveshah> the remaining ones should be at the same location as the fabouts
<corecode> and what about the extra bits?
<corecode> just keep them short?
<daveshah> missing extra bits are fine
<corecode> thank you
<daveshah> it's only the padin_pio db that has to have 8 entries
<daveshah> two of the extra bits will come from the oscillators
<corecode> ah i guess it is called gbufin
<daveshah> hopefully with oscillators and all packages all 8 extra bits will be covered in any case
<corecode> i don't think so
<daveshah> gbufin is the fabouts (x, y, global network)
<corecode> ok
<corecode> bit of a misnomer
<daveshah> for some reason the documentation for it ended up in (the exporter)
<tpb> Title: icestorm/ at master · cliffordwolf/icestorm · GitHub (at
<corecode> !!!
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