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<janrinze> ZipCPU: Apparently it's not possible to read the flash chip from the up5k on the upduino v2. attaching an extra flash chip to gpio worked, can be read.
<ZipCPU> Wierd. Never would've expected that.
<janrinze> ZipCPU: i mean the up5k cannot read the flash chip on the upduino v2 board
<janrinze> yup.. very strange..
<ZipCPU> Still ... wouldn't have expected it ... at all
<janrinze> possibly the ftdi chip holds one of the pins
<ZipCPU> Indeed, I find that kind of surprising. Disappointing too.
<ZipCPU> You should be able to see any FTDI interference on the schematic
<janrinze> true, i have a bootloader that cpoies flash to spram. works on the eval board but not on the upduino.
<janrinze> *copies
<ZipCPU> Are you working with a CPU? Which one?
<ZipCPU> (You had mentioned "bootloader" ....)
<ZipCPU> (I guess "bootloader" could also mean an FPGA configuration that loads another configuration ....)
<janrinze> yes, i have a 16 bit RISC. Designed it long time ago but now runs on up5k too
<ZipCPU> So ... if you can't use the flash, how will you load it?
<janrinze> thinking about modifying the bootloader to load from spi SDcard
<ZipCPU> How much memory do you have to work with?
<janrinze> on the eval board it properly loads the 128KB from the flash.
<janrinze> up5k has 128KB spram.
<ZipCPU> Ok .... that's better than the 8kB BRAM on the *x8ks
<janrinze> unfortunately it's not possible to initialize it
<janrinze> 8kB? i thought it was 16KB
<ZipCPU> How will you read from the SD card without instructions?
<ZipCPU> (It is 16kB, but .... little things here and there chip away at it, so that the best usable amount you'll end up with for a CPU is only ever 8kB)
<janrinze> ZipCPU: exactly.. need to build a state machine for init and load the proper sectors to the memory
<ZipCPU> Ever worked with an SD card before?
<janrinze> in software over SPI .. 6502 :-) usually there are plenty sdcard libraries now so i never bothered re-doing it
<ZipCPU> Sure, I get that, but the start up sequence for an SD card is rather intense
<ZipCPU> Can I offer you an SD-card SPI simulator?
<ZipCPU> (Works with Verilator ...)
<janrinze> Sure.
<tpb> Title: sdspi/bench/cpp at master · ZipCPU/sdspi · GitHub (at
<janrinze> Old SDcards are very forgiving. so i tend to stick with the 256MB or 512MB ones.
<janrinze> nice!
<ZipCPU> There's also an SD-card SPI core in there as well, although .... I'm not sure it would fit your needs
<ZipCPU> You're welcome to check it out if you would like
<ZipCPU> It was one of my cores from before I started formally verifying things
<ZipCPU> I'm not going to claim it's low logic at all either ....
<janrinze> I think I will try to implement the conversion of the 6502 code to a state machine. Or I can put the bootloader as software in BRAM..
<ZipCPU> You can also find an example C-program that calls the controller and sets up the SD card here:
<tpb> Title: zbasic/sdtest.c at master · ZipCPU/zbasic · GitHub (at
<ZipCPU> Software in startup BRAM might work
<ZipCPU> That might even be your best bet too
<janrinze> true.. and just do sdcard bitbang in sw
<ZipCPU> Looks like my own SD card S/W is way over bloated, coming in at about 64kB. I'm betting most of that is because it's using the C-library
<janrinze> very possible.
<ZipCPU> The "main" program itself is only about 4096kB, so that's starting to look a bit more realistic for something you might do.
<tnt> janrinze: did you wake up the flash ?
<tnt> janrinze: the ice40 issues a deep-sleep command to the flash after config is done by default.
<ZipCPU> tnt: You'd think iceprog would know about that and wake it up thoguh
<ZipCPU> *though
<tnt> oh, when I read "s not possible to read the flash chip from the up5k", I thought it was about a spi core inside the fabric of the fpga once configured ... to initialize SPRAM for instance.
<tnt> not anything to do with iceprog
<ZipCPU> tnt: That was my first thought as well
<janrinze> tnt: reading from the flash chip by the up5k might be hampered if deep sleep is issued.
<tnt> well yeah ... it doesn't work ...
<tnt> (unless the flash chip doesn't implement deepsleep)
<janrinze> tnt: still does not explain why the eval board has no trouble to read from the flash
<tnt> as I just said ... maybe the flash chip there doesn't implement deep sleep
<janrinze> tnt: okay.. so what's a quick test here?
<tnt> when converting from .asc to .bin with icepack you can use the -s option
<janrinze> tnt: the flash chips are different on the two boards
<tnt> this disables the final deep-sleep commands.
<janrinze> tnt: Duh!.. works!
<janrinze> tnt: silly me.. never thought of that..
<ZipCPU> Wow ... that makes things *much* easier, now, doesn't it? Thanks, tnt!
<janrinze> So in simple terms, different flash chip that DOES support deep sleep. Nice.
<ZipCPU> See ... that's the hard part about building any "universal" QSPI flash support ... the standard is anything bug
<ZipCPU> *but
<janrinze> tnt: super!! thanks! this has been bugging me for days.
<tnt> janrinze: yeah, I got bit by that too ... I had to dig up the logic analyzer to see wtf was going on to finally find out that the deep sleep command was being issued :p
<janrinze> ZipCPU: the demo I am building includes a BASIC interpreter. Can do GPIO from BASIC :-) Any SDcard over SPI in BASIC? ;-)
<ZipCPU> Don't see why not, I just don't have any examples using BASIC
<ZipCPU> Just thinking about it ... my controller responds to 32-bit words. That might not work in a 16-bit environment very well. (The sim should still work tho)
* cr1901_modern was the one who added the "-s" option to icepack
<cr1901_modern> so technically, I RE'd exactly one bit in Project Icestorm :D
<cr1901_modern> :P
<janrinze> cr1901_modern: thanks! would not have been able to fix this issue without it.
<cr1901_modern> Yw :). I lost an interesting amount of time to the lack of deep sleep myself in late 2017
<janrinze> cr1901_modern: sounds awfully familiar..
<cr1901_modern> Nobody needed it then, and since clifford was at a conference I just dl'd icecube and did it myself... really, I just think it's funny that I RE'd one single bit :P
<janrinze> cr1901_modern: it's not about the amount of bits but the added functionality it gives. Very good catch!
<janrinze> am i the only one who tries to hit tab for word completion when typing at IRC? :-)
<ZipCPU> Maybe. I certainly don't use any word completion
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