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<emeb_mac> question on nextpnr-ice40: trying to use an instance of SB_PLL40_CORE with reference clock originating on-chip in the 48MHz HF osc. Yosys runs OK but nextpnr gives me an error: ERROR: PLL 'pll_inst' couldn't be placed anywhere, no suitable BEL found.
<emeb_mac> This is on a up5k design with clock originating on-chip (not coming from an IO pad)
<emeb_mac> (reference clock that is)
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<corecode> hm, why can't it place it
<tnt> I made a test case and it works for me.
<tnt> So I'm waiting from him to come back and post a snippet of what he's doing ...
<corecode> yea
<daveshah> maybe pin 35 is being used and blocking the pll
<tnt> Oh yeah, right, that's probably it.
<corecode> say what?
<daveshah> certain pins can only be used as outputs when the pll is used
<tnt> PLL input path is shared with the IO input path of the IO tile it's in.
<corecode> so the pll is a padin, not a gbufin?
<daveshah> yes
<corecode> already forgot again
<corecode> that seems dumb
<daveshah> likewise PLLOUTCORE{A,B} use the D_IN_0s of the IO tile they are in
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<emeb> Just read the channel log - saw the advice on pin 35 vs PLL. Thanks for that - I'll check if moving I/O around in the .pcf helps.
<emeb> Yes - I did have pin 35 defined as input and freeing it up allowed the PLL to be placed.
<emeb> Unfortunately, I'm using a upduino V1 for this test and the mistakes in the board design WRT the PLL supply seem to be preventing it from working.
<emeb> Well, I've got my own boards waiting to be built with proper PLL supply ckts. Will have to wait for those.
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<tnt> emeb: if you have a bit of wire, you can 'fix' it :p
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<emeb> tnt: yeah, I could. but, #effort. :)
<emeb> lol - routed the PLL clock output to a pin and put it on the 'scope.
<emeb> such jitter!
<tnt> oh really ? I guess it's not locked right ?
<MoeIcenowy> I think the internal OSC itself is weird
<MoeIcenowy> upduino v1... weird board
<MoeIcenowy> it's even worse than designing one by yourself
<MoeIcenowy> (recently I purchased a UPduino before I started my own UP5K board, and received it after finished the sample
<MoeIcenowy> (then I regretted to purchase the UPduino
<MoeIcenowy> although it's v2
<emeb> I'm trying to make a 16 MHz clock from the on-board 48MHz with the PLL. The actual output freq is about 1.2MHz and very wiggly.
<MoeIcenowy> emeb: why not use DIV?
<MoeIcenowy> 16 = 48 / 3
<MoeIcenowy> add #(.CLKHF_DIV("0b10")) to the SB_HFOSC
<tnt> MoeIcenowy: I think div only does 48 24 12 6 ...
<emeb> correct
<emeb> 16 is not an option
<emeb> I actually have a /3 circuit stubbed in for now
<corecode> that hfosc is probably not very good
<emeb> but only 33% duty cycle, so I wanted to try the PLL
<corecode> looked jittery to me
<MoeIcenowy> oh forgot it
<MoeIcenowy> how to mod my brain to have an ECC memory?
<corecode> more system 2
<corecode> operate as if you are likely to make mistakes
<emeb> 16MHz output derived from 48MHz HFOSC ->
<tpb> Title: Dropbox - 0313191108.jpg (at
<emeb> (apologies for shakycam)
<emeb> but yeah - very jittery.
<MoeIcenowy> emeb: what board?
<emeb> upduino
<emeb> only ~45dB down skirts @ 100kHz. nasssty.
<MoeIcenowy> v1 or v2?
<emeb> v1
<MoeIcenowy> the PLL supply of v1 is quite weird
<emeb> well, it's just plain wrong and I can't get the PLL to lock. This pic is just the HFOSC
<emeb> no PLL
<MoeIcenowy> emeb: how about raw 48MHz output?
<emeb> wouldn't expect it to be any different. Dividers don't alter jitter.
<emeb> Here's the direct output from the 48MHz HFOSC with a bit more processing on it:
<tpb> Title: Dropbox - 0313191128.jpg (at
<emeb> averaging on for smoother skirts - about 30dB down @ 100kHz offset
<emeb> correction - 200kHz offset
<MoeIcenowy> if I have an oscilloscape I will try to do the experiment on UPduino2 and iCECream v1
<tnt> iCECream ? didn't know that one.
<MoeIcenowy> it's my own board ;-)
<MoeIcenowy> only 3 fully-installed ones exist on the world ;-)
<tnt> Ah I see :)
<MoeIcenowy> in fact it's available on my github
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<ylamarre> This whole project should just be renamed icepun or icywhatyoudid....
* shapr snickers
<ylamarre> You shouldn't give this proposition the cold shoulder...
<ylamarre> Or are you just having cold feet?
<shapr> The name symbioyosys got a laugh from me first time I saw it.
<ylamarre> Ok, symbioyosys is actually pretty good.
<sorear> did you misspell symbiyosys or are you making a deeper joke I don't get
<ylamarre> I followed shapr's spelling...
<shapr> sorear: I got the spelling wrong, sorry
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<sxpert> it's a nice pun on symbiosis, obviously
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<elms> Looking for some details on iCE40 IE/REN and ColBufCtrl. Is this the best place to ask (I know it's more icestorm than yosys)? If there is a document with more details I can start there.
<tpb> Title: Project IceStorm IO Tile Documentation (at
<daveshah> this is indeed the usual channel for icestorm stuff BTW :)
<elms> daveshah: I'd like to expand on that. Some IEREN control bits aren't in the ieren_db. why? Are they just never connected to package pins?
<daveshah> Yes, some possible locations are not bonded out in any package
<daveshah> I have a suspicion that there isn't even a pad in some cases
<elms> ok, but that's why they aren't in the table?
<daveshah> Yes
<daveshah> It wouldn't even be possible to fuzz them
<elms> daveshah: For ColBuf are they there for lower power? If I understand, if they are all enabled, it will just draw more power.
<daveshah> Yes, it is perfectly safe to enable them all, always
<elms> daveshah: as always thanks for bringing clarity.
<daveshah> No problem
<tnt> Wasn't somebody supposed to decap and take UP5k dieshots ? I saw some 'preview' on twitter but never the full detailled set.
<daveshah> It was Adam McCombs @nanographs
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