corecode: my only issue ith the code is that during a time you have the RGBPU port that still exists and still has a 'net' pointer in it that points to free'd memory.
(my RV32I core @25.125 MHz, doing everything in soft-float)
maikmerten: what FPGA is that running on?
ice40 HX8K
about 1000 - 1100 LEs for the CPU
(of 7680)
with single-cycle shift operations, resource consumption goes up to about ~1300 LEs for the CPU
not bad. your own design for risc-v?
and then it renders in ~32000 ms
yes, indeed!
Just serial I/O for now?
no, it also has 640x480@16 colors VGA-signal output
but I haven't wired that mandelbrot renderer to the VGA framebuffer yet
doo eeet!
oh, I will. I will.
I imagine that will take some time tho ;)
(to render)
yes, and will also make the CPU ~20% slower
(because the VGA unit will steal every other RAM clock cycle when in active display region)
so that whole thing is pretty much like a Sinclair Spectrum: If you want to go fast, you have to disable display output ;-)
External RAM I suppose.
yes, 512kx8 SRAM
maikmerten: how much cycle per instruction do you use ?
Can't run the RAM interface @ 2x and interleave access?
emeb, in theory, yes. I don't trust such high-frequency operations over 2.54 mm pin headers, though. Also I don't trust my board design ;-)
tnt, oh, quite a lot, actually
I have a state diagram somewhere, wait a sec
maikmerten: should at least try - you may be pleasantly surprised.
Title: Imgur: The magic of the Internet (at imgur.com)
emeb, yeah :-)
the usual ALU-Ops work in fetch - decode - exec, so three states
(I do register writeback in fetch)
maikmerten: I've done SDR stuff @ 40-80MSPS over 2.54mm pin headers w/ Lattice & Xilinx parts on my own boards and it worked fine.
Laksen has quit [Quit: Leaving]
HOWEVER, my SRAM is 8 bits wide, instructions are 32 bit, so I need 4 accesses to SRAM - plus one cycle to get things moving. So 5 cycles are spent on fetch. So that is the bottleneck
Title: GitHub - maikmerten/hx8k-breakout-extension: A PCB with SRAM, buttons, LEDs and some pmod-compatible connectors for the Lattice HX8K Breakout Board (at github.com)
signals look good on the oscilloscope, though
(and yes, one single pin-connector does not have enough signals for that SRAM, so I have to borrow signals from two)
maikmerten: what HX8k board are you using?
I pushed 300 Mbps though a 2.54mm connector not that long ago.
it's a wacky little board, with a lot of IO accessible.
currently on its way from asia is another extension board, which will give me another three pmod-ports (and one IR-receiver)
RAM is one of the reasons I prefer the iCE40 Ultra Plus over the HX, even though its got slower timing.
yeah, the embedded SPRAM is a big bonus
having 128kB on-chip makes small system design a whole lot easier.
but I was hell-bent on 640x480 with at least 16 colors, so that doesn't fit
with 512kx8 I even have room for several framebuffers (err... exactly three), so I could do double-buffering if needed
tnt has an interesting video system in the works with lots of indirection that manages to do some nice hi-res color in minimal RAM using lots of maps and tiling.
I've been working on an 800x600 VGA using 8x8 characters w/ 16 color fore/back selectable on a per-char basis. Full screen fits in < 16kB
oh, nice
I also have a primitive 40x30 text mode, 8x8 pixels per character, 8 bit color (split for fore- and background)
currently uploading a little demo
that one is reasonably fast ;-)
(upload takes forever)
(yeah consumer DSL)
(~66% done)
I need to add a pixel-graphics mode to mine. It'll be just 1bpp and 400x300 to keep it fitting in the available RAM, but at least I can draw monochrome stuff.
yeah, that'd still be very useful
keep in mind the first Mac was 1bpp, too
True. You can do a lot w/ a bit of dithering.
I also tried temporal dithering, how it turns out highly depend on the screen. PC monitors tend to be fine. TVs ... not.
Title: badapple.mp4 - Google Drive (at drive.google.com)
cute. how did you get all that data into the FPGA?
emeb, there's a 32 MBit SPI-Flash device (that tiny board hanging onto the SRAM-extension board, visible at around ~0:40)
it's all character-based graphics, but the font is not hardcoded. The font is generated on my PC by reading in all frames, determining all 8x8 pixel blocks - and then doing k-means clustering
neat !
so I basically have one 256-entry codebook, and every frame is 1200 bytes
but I compress that down with simple run-length encoding
Definitely would be interested to see that code :)
so on average every frame is about 280 bytes
I guess that explains the "torn paper" edges.
it's basically very bad vector quantization, but in motion things end up being "fine-ish"
looks like your changing the color sometimes too
nope, I don't. Camera cleverness, I guess.
how does white balance work? :)
tnt, oh, I can provide the code. It's horrible.
tnt, on a scale of evilness, it's about 8.79 metric Cthulus
"Disclaimer: running this (or even looking at it too long) may invoke Old Gods"
and a few lines later the definition of spi_regs
rohitksingh has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
this is how I do hw registers now and it works and maps fine without any overhead vs directly doing the lenghty *((volatile char*)REG_ADDRESS)
oh, and the compressor that compresses the animation is written in Java. Anyone really wants to see *that* code?
hehe, sure.
Although I don't really like most implementations of java, I actually find the language pretty nice. Haven't used it in forever but I loved the concept of interface / implemtation and also the fact it came with a standard lib that was actually useful.
Compared to other languages at the time, I think it was nice.
Basically this pushes the noise at much higher frequencies than PWM, making it easier to filter out.
ah, neat
and in FPGA you can do PDM just as easy as PWM.
tnt: the video
In microcontroller usually not ... they have pwm peripheral but not pdm.
corecode: Ah oki :) Yeah it's fun stuff.
yeah, the idea of using PWM is basically µC-inspired
for instance, how the RPi handles its audio
(well, that is not a µC)
but if PDM pushes the noise much higher, then I can get away with a less steep lowpass
Exactly :)
perhaps RC or whatever
Yeah and if you have 45 min to waste you can listen to my rambling about tricks to increase precisions and lower noise even more : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pAy5DvuidA