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<enriq> I am at a wedding and cannot believe how medieval this is
<rqou> solution: no weddings :P
<qu1j0t3> LOL
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<pie__> *puppetry
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* azonenberg needs moar ram
<azonenberg> and moar CPU
<azonenberg> i have all 4 cores saturated and i'm using like 31.8 of 32 GB ram
<GenTooMan> At least you can cook with the heat generated.
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> Just got home from vacation, i'm stitching a bunch of several-hundred-megapixel panoramic shots of the North Cascades and Olympics
<azonenberg> while also doing FPGA stuff
<rqou> not a die?
<rqou> :P
<azonenberg> I use hugin for non-silicon stuff too, surprisingly
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<azonenberg> original full res is 162 megapixels
<azonenberg> so high, but not absurd
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<azonenberg> rqou: so re the recover_adder pass
<azonenberg> clifford had some comments on that]
<azonenberg> that*
<azonenberg> Are you going to address those, or should i deal with it?
<azonenberg> also http://thanatos.virtual.antikernel.net/unlisted/pano_03_4k.jpg this is i think the highest res yet, 235 mpix - has a few stitching artifacts i need to deal with but it's a good first run
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<rqou> azonenberg: ping
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<openfpga-github> [yosys] rqou force-pushed recover-reduce from b858450 to 849b885: https://git.io/v53Pz
<openfpga-github> yosys/recover-reduce d3b3dd8 Clifford Wolf: Add hashlib support for hashing of pools
<openfpga-github> yosys/recover-reduce bce0bb6 Clifford Wolf: Add consteval support for $_ANDNOT_ and $_ORNOT_
<openfpga-github> yosys/recover-reduce df3e6e1 Clifford Wolf: Remove some dead code from fsm_map
<openfpga-github> [yosys] rqou pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v53P5
<openfpga-github> yosys/master 4c5de8c Robert Ou: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
<openfpga-github> yosys/master edbac77 Robert Ou: Remove recover_tff_counter from makefile and unbreak build
<rqou> hey azonenberg your yosys master is getting a bit unmanageable; can we rebase it?
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<openfpga-github> [openfpga] rqou pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v531u
<openfpga-github> openfpga/master 23784dd Robert Ou: yosys-netlist-json: Bump version
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<azonenberg> rqou: yeah i know it needs some fixing
<azonenberg> busy right now but will deal with it as time permits later today or something
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<openfpga-github> [yosys] azonenberg pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v53Fk
<openfpga-github> yosys/master 97af76d Andrew Zonenberg: Merge branch 'master' of github.com:azonenberg/yosys
<openfpga-github> yosys/master e36dbb6 Andrew Zonenberg: Merge https://github.com/cliffordwolf/yosys...
<azonenberg> For the short term, i merged my master a little bit so that you can now pull from master into it
<azonenberg> from upstream master*
<azonenberg> and it has all of our research work in it
<azonenberg> I'm going to continue doing research in master and then make feature branches ex post facto we can send to upstream (and refactor as needed)
<balrog> hey welcome back azonenberg
<azonenberg> o/
<azonenberg> back after a fashion
<azonenberg> family is still here today, i leave tomorrow for a week onsite with a client
<azonenberg> but will have internet and be working after business hours chicago time
<azonenberg> (client isn't there, but same TZ)
<openfpga-github> [yosys] azonenberg created greenpak-portfixes (+1 new commit): https://git.io/v53Fl
<openfpga-github> yosys/greenpak-portfixes e623622 Andrew Zonenberg: Fixed bug causing GP_SPI model to not synthesize
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<rqou> wat
<rqou> the "high level bitstream" for ice40 project is GPLv3+
<rqou> not BSD like the rest of icestorm
<balrog> rqou: which part?
<balrog> looks like it'
<balrog> looks like it's whatever was contributed by Roland Lutz
<balrog> clifford: ^
<balrog> I see these are recently merged PRs... not sure that was overlooked
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<rqou> whelp, this is going to be fun: https://github.com/cliffordwolf/icestorm/issues/95
<rqou> hmm, the "asc2hlc" script is really slow too
<rqou> about 10 seconds to process one file
<rqou> it's kinda neat
<rqou> er, except it's busted
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<pointfree> put my word in.
<balrog> pointfree: that's not the problem here, the problem here is the way GPL snuck in
<balrog> I'd be okay with modules being [L]GPL
<balrog> or the whole thing even, but not like this :p
<pointfree> balrog: agreed. There should be discussion before converting anything to GPL.
<pointfree> like that.
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<balrog> pointfree: I see he responded... anyway pushing license changes this way is generally seen as extremely rude and inappropriate
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<cr1901_modern> "The open source fpga tools are unlikely to get monentary support or future corporate contributions without any form of copyleft." I am... not sure how this follows.
<pie__> its not gonna get any anyway \o/ :D
<pie__> jk i hope it does gud work adoin
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<qu1j0t3> cr1901_modern: because BSD is a black hole, there are almost zero obligations attached.
<cr1901_modern> qu1j0t3: _without_ any form of copyleft?
<awygle> to quote the zeromq guide, which i spent most of yesterday reading: 'BSD is like food. It literally (and I mean that metaphorically) whispers "eat me" in the little voice one imagines a cube of cheese might use.'
<awygle> regardless of license debates, obviously sneak-changes like that are unacceptable
<qu1j0t3> cr1901_modern: by which i understand to mean 'BSD-like'
<awygle> qu1j0t3: i also don't really understand how "copyleft" leads to "corporate support". can you elaborate?
<qu1j0t3> awygle: I just did.
<qu1j0t3> i mean reading both licenses should make the difference crystal clear.
<cr1901_modern> BSD isn't copyleft
<qu1j0t3> cr1901_modern: Exactly.
<qu1j0t3> cr1901_modern: that is the contrast i am making, in order to help illustrate why somebody might say that.
<cr1901_modern> The open source fpga tools are _unlikely_ to get monentary support or future corporate contributions _without_ any form of copyleft
<qu1j0t3> cr1901_modern: Yes, is it still unclear why somebody would make that statement?
<awygle> i know what the difference is. my understanding is that most corporations prefer non-copyleft licenses (especially Apache, or "BSD in a suit").
<cr1901_modern> That sentence reads to me as if it's saying "unless you have copyleft, you won't get monetary support"
<qu1j0t3> awygle: yes they do, because there are practically zero obligations attached.
<awygle> because corporations have lots of FUD around GPL-style licenses
<cr1901_modern> which doesn't make sense
<qu1j0t3> awygle: And yes, they do.
<awygle> i agree with cr1901_modern, the sentence says "copyleft licenses lead to corporate money", which is the opposite of the argument you seem to be making.
<cr1901_modern> That FUD is the exact reason I prefer GPL. Too bad I haven't written anything worthwhile lol
<awygle> (not trying to be agressive, just trying to understand)
* qu1j0t3 also prefers GPL and has made reasonable amounts of money dual licensing.
* qu1j0t3 would never have seen a cent of that if i'd chosen BSD.
<awygle> ohhhh i see. so you're referring to dual-licensing, rather than "apple funds LLVM" style corporate money
<qu1j0t3> so, from where i stand, that statement is correct both in theory and reality.
<qu1j0t3> awygle: both, really
<qu1j0t3> awygle: although perhaps in one case, it's not mandatory
<cr1901_modern> qu1j0t3: The sentence as is reads to me as it's saying "unless you have copyleft, you won't get monetary/commercial support". Which is markedly untrue. Copyleft repels people.
<qu1j0t3> cr1901_modern: I can't agree. the license requirements are what matter here, not taste. If copyleft means a corporate looks for an alterantive product that's BSD, well, too bad
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<awygle> i mean let's work through the scenarios. it's pretty clear to me a Xilinx or a Synopsys is never going to support open source tools in any capacity. whereas someone like a Gowin or an Achronix might support regardless of the license. in a BSD scenario, to undercut Xilinx's licensing revenue. in a GPL scenario, to avoid having to pay to develop their own toolsuite (similarly to how they might pay Synopsys).
<cr1901_modern> qu1j0t3: Oh, I think I get it now
<qu1j0t3> if there is no alternative product, then you are in a much more favourable position
<cr1901_modern> w/ BSD license, corporations will just take
<cr1901_modern> w/ GPL, they'll contribute back, pay for a different license, or do nothing at all :P
<qu1j0t3> cr1901_modern: yeah.
<awygle> well you're leaving out "or pay for a commercial license for a closed source product, since now the open source nature benefits them not at all", or "or develop their own"
<qu1j0t3> and if the copylefted code is expensive to re-engineer, you are likely to benefit in some way.
<qu1j0t3> awygle: that can be more costly than dual licensing.
<qu1j0t3> awygle: easily.
<awygle> in the specific FPGA scenario, there are many incumbent closed source products, so if the options are "pay $$$ for GPL'd code" or "pay $$$ for commercial code" then it comes down to how many $s
<qu1j0t3> of course the BEST case is not dual licensing, it's "oh hey, let's support open development."
<awygle> i just don't think it's a total slam dunk in either direction
<qu1j0t3> that is even cheaper for them, potentially.
<awygle> true
<qu1j0t3> awygle: Right, it's not, there are calculations involved, but the license differences are a huge factor, because BSD is a "take take take" short circuit.
<awygle> if they can bring themselves to do it (which again, an upstart like Achronix has more likelihood of than an incumbent like Xilinx or Synopsys)
<awygle> yeah i don't actually disagree with your conclusion, just your degree of certainty lol. i'm seriously considering GPL for my current work and will probably go that way.
<awygle> thanks for the discussion, enjoyable and informative
<qu1j0t3> :) ... glad I could help in any small way...
<awygle> on a somewhat-related note - i'll be at the open source hardware summit in Denver in October, if anybody else will be there please get in touch
<qu1j0t3> awygle: When I picked GPL for my work I had no idea dual licensing would eventuate.
<qu1j0t3> awygle: that was years and thousand of hours later.
<qu1j0t3> awygle: I just picked it on principle
<qu1j0t3> thousands*
<awygle> i know it's not a huge conference or anything, i just happen to have family in that area, but still thought i'd mention
<awygle> qu1j0t3: actually i picked MIT on principle all through college and for a while afterwards on a knee-jerk rejection of copyleft :)
<awygle> eventually i turned on my brain and realized that maybe i should think a bit more
<qu1j0t3> yeah, i honestly don't understand that position, but I know it's popular.
<awygle> i could go into my best guess at the philosophies behind each position but... i need to go buy groceries lol
<qu1j0t3> on another topic, i had a lot of fun and success breadboarding today... http://imgur.com/TRiZIPy (ignore the Whovian cookbook, I don't watch the new Who)
<qu1j0t3> awygle: yeah, i don't expect to persuade anyone, but i have those data points from my own experience
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<pie__> <cr1901_modern> w/ BSD license, corporations will just take
<pie__> <qu1j0t3> cr1901_modern: yeah.
<pie__> <cr1901_modern> w/ GPL, they'll contribute back, pay for a different license, or do nothing at all :P
<pie__> qu1j0t3, to be fair that was mostly implied in what you said and not very explicit
<pie__> just my 2c
<pie__> <awygle> in the specific FPGA scenario, there are many incumbent closed source products, so if the options are "pay $$$ for GPL'd code" or "pay $$$ for commercial code" then it comes down to how many $s
<pie__> also support?
<qu1j0t3> pie__: I tend to assume this is better known :-)
<qu1j0t3> yeah, support is also a potential revenue generator for GPL code, and my dual licenses include that as a quoted item (though it wasn't really taken up)
<pie__> qu1j0t3, i mean it was obvious to me but thats might be either because i know you better or something else, i just wouldnt have necessarily decided to assume mysefl, but now im makin unnecessary meta noise so eh. :D
<qu1j0t3> to be fair, paid support is also a possibility for BSD code
<pie__> my main problem with licensing so far on all the code i havent written is that id go probably GPL as a matter of principle but i want to make some money xD
<qu1j0t3> re-read the above :-)
<balrog> there's a reason azonenberg picked LGPL
<balrog> :)
<balrog> I'd probably go GPL too
<balrog> I just find it rude to contribute code that sneaks in a license change
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<pie__> more money for more lab equipment for more free things :D
<pie__> free beer as in obtaining a crippling moral obliation to contribute to society in return >;P
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<awygle> LGPL is an interesting case as well. i tend to round it off as "library license" but obviously that's lazy thinking.
<balrog> awygle: it was renamed for that reason
<balrog> it used to be called Library GPL
<balrog> because RMS/GNU decided that GPL is more suitable for many libraries