ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
* ValleyBell pokes KitsuWhooa
<KitsuWhooa> yeah
<KitsuWhooa> Lord_Nightmare: what do you mean "fleshing out"?
<Lord_Nightmare> i mean, the chips are labeled in the driver like "cm-32p-ic18.bin" while the MAME format for rom names is usually 'firstline__secondline__thirdline.type.location'
<Lord_Nightmare> so it would probably be 'roland_r15159970__mb834000a-20_3b1.ic18' (note i left the ROM type out since mb834000 appears on the label)
<KitsuWhooa> Oh, you need the third line too, then?
<Lord_Nightmare> well, silkscreen. it isn't a label
<Lord_Nightmare> sure
<KitsuWhooa> silkscreen is under the chips themselves
<KitsuWhooa> and there was a typo there
<Lord_Nightmare> ah, that's the pcb silkscreen
<Lord_Nightmare> the printed text on an epoxy or ceramic packaged chip which doesn't have a paper sticker stuck to it is also called a 'silkscreen' as far as i know
<Lord_Nightmare> its a bit confusing
<KitsuWhooa> oh
<KitsuWhooa> TIL :p
<KitsuWhooa> Actually, do you consider "Roland" the first line?
<KitsuWhooa> If so, all the information is on that table
<Lord_Nightmare> if it appears on its own line, then yes
<KitsuWhooa> Well
<Lord_Nightmare> do you have an actual picture of the pcb and chips?
<KitsuWhooa> it's a bit complicated
<KitsuWhooa> ues
<KitsuWhooa> yes
<Lord_Nightmare> that would make it a bit easier
<Lord_Nightmare> you said that the pcb silkscreen under one of the chips is wrong?
<KitsuWhooa> yes
<KitsuWhooa> that works
<KitsuWhooa> I was looking for a better one
<KitsuWhooa> I took a bunch of good pictures and I have no idea where I put them
<KitsuWhooa> Lord_Nightmare: you definitely need the fourth line too in that case, as that indicates the mask rom number
<KitsuWhooa> the 3B
<KitsuWhooa> I can't remember where all the pictures I took are. great.
<KitsuWhooa> slightly out of focus but you can read the part numbers too on the pcb
<Lord_Nightmare> ok
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