ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<ValleyBell> andlabs: Crashing SMPSPlay should only happen with improperly ripped files. And even then it should be hard :/
<ValleyBell> The driver should be similar to the one in Dangerous Seed.
<andlabs> I'm going to guess that it's not actually valid SMPS data and the driver is just boilerplate from the SDK
<andlabs> this is from a ROM I will be releasing hopefully in th enext few days :ssh:
<ValleyBell> possible
<ValleyBell> At offset 018000, what are the first 16 bytes?
<ValleyBell> It should be a list of pointers. Order: sound priority, background SFX, songs, normal SFX, modulation envelopes, PSG volume envelopes
<andlabs> 00018000: f781 1810 3682 0010 0e80 5481 9000 2280 ....6.....T...".
<andlabs> and if we look at 18263 anyway,
<andlabs> er 18236
<andlabs> 00018230: 8080 8080 8080 5482 dc82 e787 d388 238a ......T.......#.
<andlabs> 00018240: 738b c38c 138e 638f b390 0392 5393 a394 s.....c.....S...
<andlabs> 00018250: f395 4397 aa82 0602 0200 a282 0000 7e82 ..C...........~.
<andlabs> 00018260: f410 8882 f410 8e82 f410 9482 f410 9a82 ................
<andlabs> 00018270: f410 a182 f408 0704 a182 f40b 0000 ea84 ................
<andlabs> this definitely looks like a song header
<ValleyBell> yeah, the songs begins at 018254 and it looks good
<ValleyBell> *song
<ValleyBell> You should be able to dump everything with SMPSExtract's "-all" option, I think.
<ValleyBell> If SMPSPlay's Z80 offset detection goes wrong, just rename the file from 01.bin to 01.8254.bin
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<andlabs> ah
<andlabs> I guess I'll try that in a bit
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<andlabs> nope, it still crashes
<andlabs> heh
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<ValleyBell> If you want, you can upload the ripped song and I'll have a look.
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<cr1901_modern> andlabs: >I should probably go back and figure out all the C99-isms that aren't stdint.h
<cr1901_modern> VLAs and designated initializers are probably the big two you use, haven't checked tho...
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<andlabs> I don't use VLAs
<andlabs> utf has no designated initializers
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<Foone> cr1901_modern: yeah. it's a distinction that only matters in terms of how different storage formats do "formatting", within floppies you'd never do a write-filler-bytes erase, you'd just reformat