ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<protosphere> here's the insides of the SC-55K in case anyone was interested
<cr1901_modern> Looks crispy on the inside
<protosphere> i'm not sure why it's so crispy
<protosphere> the area near the heatsink smells pretty bad
<protosphere> i want to see if there's anything extra vs a regular sc-55 for the mic inputs/mixing
<protosphere> the ROM has different markings and isn't socketed but i'm not sure how that compares to a regular 55ST
<cr1901_modern> Not that I'm going to ask you to dump it if it isn't, but... is the ROM dumped?
<protosphere> no
<protosphere> at least not that i know of
<protosphere> i'm guessing the EPSON ones are RAM
<andlabs> oh yeah I still need to figure out what rackmount module the CBX-K1XG is equivalent to
<andlabs> fortunatley I don't have to take mine apart because someone on gearslutz already did
<andlabs> er wait no that's the K1
<andlabs> not the K1XG
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<Lord_Nightmare> that heatsink is probably undersized if it gets hot enough to turn the cover that color
<TD-Linux> the case is also unvented which probably doesn't hlep
<protosphere> the sc-55 normally has a much larger heatsink spanning the entire case width
<protosphere> on the mkii they use one of a similar size and it's fine, though
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<KitsuWhooa> <protosphere> the ROM has different markings and isn't socketed but i'm not sure how that compares to a regular 55ST <-- I should mention There's also a surface mount ROM near the top
<KitsuWhooa> I assume you were originally referring to the DIP one on the right
<KitsuWhooa> With the top cover turning that colour I'm surprised the PCB near the heatsink hasn't darkened nearly as much
<andlabs> so I decided to see what the first GS and XG devices were
<andlabs> and apparently Yamaha has made GS devices
<andlabs> Yamaha MU1000EX and Yamaha MU2000EX
<andlabs> I can't tell if the Roland SC-55 was the first to support GS or the first to support both General MIDI AND GS
<andlabs> okay yes it is
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<fseidel> people with Deflemask experience: What exactly does the volume column do in "Arcade mode"?
<fseidel> Is it actually keeping track of which oscillator is the carrier for whatever instrument is in use, and setting TL for it?
<fseidel> Something else?
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<ValleyBell> If we're being nitpicky, then the early version SC-55 wasn't fully GM compilant, because it treats a GM Reset as a GS Reset.
<ValleyBell> but IIRC it's the first GS device
<ValleyBell> The "GS" mode on the MU1000EX/2000EX shouldn't be different from the TG300B mode of the non-EX version. They just got a license from Roland so they were allowed to actually call it "GS".
<ValleyBell> It's also a bit of irony that some MIDIs made for the SC-55 sound *better* with Yamaha's TG300B mode than they do on a SC-88 with the SC-88 instrument map.