ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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the area near the heatsink smells pretty bad
i want to see if there's anything extra vs a regular sc-55 for the mic inputs/mixing
the ROM has different markings and isn't socketed but i'm not sure how that compares to a regular 55ST
Not that I'm going to ask you to dump it if it isn't, but... is the ROM dumped?
at least not that i know of
i'm guessing the EPSON ones are RAM
oh yeah I still need to figure out what rackmount module the CBX-K1XG is equivalent to
fortunatley I don't have to take mine apart because someone on gearslutz already did
er wait no that's the K1
not the K1XG
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that heatsink is probably undersized if it gets hot enough to turn the cover that color
the case is also unvented which probably doesn't hlep
the sc-55 normally has a much larger heatsink spanning the entire case width
on the mkii they use one of a similar size and it's fine, though
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<protosphere> the ROM has different markings and isn't socketed but i'm not sure how that compares to a regular 55ST <-- I should mention There's also a surface mount ROM near the top
I assume you were originally referring to the DIP one on the right
With the top cover turning that colour I'm surprised the PCB near the heatsink hasn't darkened nearly as much
so I decided to see what the first GS and XG devices were
and apparently Yamaha has made GS devices
Yamaha MU1000EX and Yamaha MU2000EX
I can't tell if the Roland SC-55 was the first to support GS or the first to support both General MIDI AND GS
okay yes it is
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people with Deflemask experience: What exactly does the volume column do in "Arcade mode"?
Is it actually keeping track of which oscillator is the carrier for whatever instrument is in use, and setting TL for it?
Something else?
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If we're being nitpicky, then the early version SC-55 wasn't fully GM compilant, because it treats a GM Reset as a GS Reset.
but IIRC it's the first GS device
The "GS" mode on the MU1000EX/2000EX shouldn't be different from the TG300B mode of the non-EX version. They just got a license from Roland so they were allowed to actually call it "GS".
It's also a bit of irony that some MIDIs made for the SC-55 sound *better* with Yamaha's TG300B mode than they do on a SC-88 with the SC-88 instrument map.