ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<cr1901_modern> You didn't add that constraint. You asked "is there anything that runs on the 5150 but not the 5160?"
* cr1901_modern will stop being a pedantic asshole now
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* andlabs bops cr1901_modern =P
<cr1901_modern> Estimate delivery between Feb 1 and Feb 19 :D
<cr1901_modern> Foone: Unfortunately I can't remember the details offhand, but PS/2 is open drain. 3.6V is a reasonable upper limit for pins on 3.3V micros. Use a pullup resistor up to 3.3V rail.
<cr1901_modern> The resistor dividing action between 5V and 3.3V should give you an okay voltage
<Foone> good to know.
<cr1901_modern> This is what I did for my AT2XT keyboard converter
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<andlabs> hp 9000 series... external hard drive/floppy drive combo unit?
<Foone> yeah. HP did a bunch of things like that. GPIB (or HPIB) is very generic so they could easily support more than one storage type in a single box
<Foone> I think there's combination floppy/CD ones and CD/HD too
<cr1901_modern> HD == hard disk?
<Foone> yeah.
<andlabs> heh
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<Foone> not HD-DVD. that'd be weird
<Foone> I don't think you can get those in HPIB
<cr1901_modern> Right... wasn't thinking critically here. I thought they were selling full computers that were floppy/CD only :P
<cr1901_modern> which would be bizarre
<andlabs> not even the soviets were safe from chiclet keyboards
<andlabs> er whoops, membrane
<andlabs> anyway woof