ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<cr1901_modern> Foone: What is a NAM file?
<Foone> it's a text file of tones + lengths + pauses. it's explained in the linked page
<andlabs> what's the context
<cr1901_modern> I suppose I should link the tweets from now on at the end of my msgs, since I always keep getting asked that:
<cr1901_modern> The answer to my q, was one tweet up, which I missed
<andlabs> neat
<andlabs> same
<andlabs> oh the tweet also says same I forgot that
<andlabs> me too, in that case
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andlabs has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
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