ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<andlabs> are 3M dual-wipe DIP sockets any good
<andlabs> ?
<andlabs> hm these are the only ones that list themselves as dual wipe on mouser and mouser doesn't have a wipe-ness filter
<andlabs> actually hmmm didn't I already buy sockets from either jim brain or thefuturewas8bit before? I forget now, ugh -- nor do I know if they're the right one (DIP48)
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<TD-Linux> almost all dip sockets are dual wipe
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<Lord_Nightmare> its hard to even get single-wipe sockets anymore... and if you can get them... don't.
<Lord_Nightmare> also the side-wipe sockets (2-piece with brass forks inside) are complete crap
<Lord_Nightmare> if you ever find some NOS of those, please, PLEASE don't use them
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<andlabs> Lord_Nightmare: wait are you saying that they only mke the good kinds of sockets now?
<Lord_Nightmare> not exactly. you might be able to get the bad kinds on certain stores
<balrog> the only reason you would want single wipe or side wipe sockets is for restoring hardware with period components
<balrog> people do this with extremely valuable computers like Apple I's
<cr1901_modern> I'm am SO glad that I'm not a stickler for that sort of stuff (within reason)
<balrog> I mean — it might make sense with an Apple I or an Altair 8800
<cr1901_modern> Perhaps, but the truth is... I would be actively using an Altair 8800 or Apple I if I owned one. So it's highly unlikely to appreciate in value under my care.
<cr1901_modern> Granted, I wouldn't do something like Dremelgate
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<balrog> if I was in the position to own a rare computer that's worth that much money — I'd restore it to working condition and use it once in a while, and build a replica for active use
<ZrX-NoMs> Who understands LCD/TFTs? Bought a display for a project a while ago and looked so good I thought it was IPS, but according to manufacturer is plain standard TFT. Also got some clearly plain TFTs and the usable viewing angles are just horrible. So ordered actual IPS from the manufacturer for comparison.
<Foone> I'm watching the latest Tech Tangents and he's drilling into some old hardware. I think retrotech people should have some tradition for when they do this, like play a bit of the 8-bit-guy theme while fading in a 10% transparency David Murray picture
<ZrX-NoMs> Will it drill of will it blow.
<cr1901_modern> balrog: This is what they did with Andy Warhol's Amiga AIUI
<ej5> Foone, is that the SCSI enclosure build?
<Foone> yeah'
<ej5> music workstation - WITH FLOPPY DRIVE
<ej5> reminds me, i need to track down a 3 or 4 drive external scsi enclosure along with some fast scsi-2 drives for my amiga video toaster flyer
<Foone> all the best music comes from floppies
<Foone> I've got some 3-drive enclosures (from CD-copiers) if you want one
<ej5> the tricky part is that each drive needs a separate connector. most enclosures have 2 connectors on the back so in theory that would work for a 2 drive enclosure
<ej5> hmm, 3rd drive is optional (and audio only) anyway, so i might just go with 2 drives instead
<Foone> why separate connectors? can it not do multiple scsi drives on one cable?
<ej5> it's too slow, the Flyer needs to run up to 5MB/s on two drives simultaneously
<Foone> ahh, fun
<ej5> in order to do transitions it plays back 2 clips at once and uses the Toaster to mix them
<ej5> (which also means you have to sort the clips and shuffle them between the two drives)
<ej5> sadly the Flyer hates the SCSI2SD otherwise i'd use two of those instead
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<ej5> Foone, saw your thread about EGA. i'm going to do a deep dive on it at some point, but the reasons for the bit planes are quite fascinating
<ej5> each plane is essentially a separate set of memory chips so the card can fetch the data for 8 pixels all at once. it has to do this so that memory accesses with the ISA bus can be interleaved
<ej5> the CGA and MDA use a similar trick but only have 2 bit planes and those are addressed using the A0 line on the ISA bus so they only "appear" to be contiguous.
<balrog> ej5: does it hate the scsi2sd because the scsi2sd is too slow?
<ej5> scsi2sd is fast enough but the data coming out of it gets corrupted somehow
<balrog> ahh
<balrog> might be worth reaching out to Michael McMaster and attempt to debug
<balrog> btw I have an Ancot U2320 SCSI analyzer though it's on loan
<balrog> Foone: have you run across any of those Ancot analyzers? the older ones came as an entire portable PC chassis
<balrog> the U2320 though is a single PCI card
<Foone> balrog: nope!
<balrog> there's a bunch on ebay, all overpriced
<andlabs> why is scsi
<Sarayan> scsi is everything and everywhere
<Sarayan> only nvme managed to do something new, I think
<andlabs> yes but why is scsi
<andlabs> why is it not way simpler and why do we have to deal with one guy and a million people stealing his design if we want to do anything modern with it
<Sarayan> because it's a packet-based storage protocol, probably the first, and that won over register-based because it's way way more flexible transport-wise
<Sarayan> and packet-based is also way more easy to extend and evolve
<Sarayan> plus there was an overproduction of goats, so sacrificing them was good for the economy
<TD-Linux> ye olde parallel scsi isn't that complicated
<TD-Linux> but also no one cares enough for there to be more than one hdd emulator
<andlabs> heh
<andlabs> also how intentional was SASI's electrical compatibility with SCSI
<andlabs> becsause I'm still surprised SxSI is possible
<TD-Linux> very
<andlabs> also I have no problem with packet-basedness
<andlabs> I am more referring to stuff like dip switches for everything and termination
<andlabs> but eh I guess it's better than the anarchy of floppy disks and MFM drives