ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<Sarayan> Foone, whitequark, do any of you two know if a 3.5 floppy drive gives an index pulse even if there's no floppy in the drive? On 5.25 obviously no, but on 3.5 I'm not sure and that would explain things
<whitequark> it might I think
<whitequark> iirc the index pulse is driven by a hall sensor actuated by the rotor
<whitequark> it might just not be gated on media presence
<Sarayan> I have a fdx that timeouts a read on 3 rotations and nothing else
<Sarayan> fdc
<Sarayan> and the firmware just freezes waiting for it
<Sarayan> do you still have the hardware handy from your "dump fluxes with glascow" happy fun time to check?
<cr1901_modern> I seem to recall that 3.5" controllers don't even bother syncronizing to the index pulse
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> and yes
<whitequark> I don't think they are synchronizing so much as just measuring one rotation or sth
<whitequark> like for read track command
<Sarayan> read track starts reading at the pulse, write track starts writing at the pulse too
<Sarayan> read/write sectors cares less but still can be funky when a sector is partially "under" the pulse
<Sarayan> wq: was the second "and yes" meaning "index is always there"?
<whitequark> 1st to you (I can check), 2nd to cr1901_modern
<Sarayan> :-)
<Sarayan> please check whenever you feel like it :-)
<cr1901_modern> It's an alternate version of your 100,000 follower celebration
<ZrX_NoMs> Don't copy that floppy.
<cr1901_modern> You wouldn't download a car
<Foone> cr1901_modern: nice! seems to be a little lower-pitched than mine, but I am too tone-deaf to tell which one is more correct
<cr1901_modern> It sounds slightly off, but I can't tell if that's due to resolution problems with the dos.h delay() function for 120ms pauses or just an artifact of how the song was generated
<cr1901_modern> I definitely used someone else's code to program the PC speaker tho... I was _not_ in the mood to refresh
<Foone> don't you like writing music by programming one 555 in a weird backwards way?
<cr1901_modern> There are worse things to program
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> 555?
<cr1901_modern> I'm guessing what Foone meant is "The PIT is a glorified 555"
<Sarayan> fuck, it's a 3" drive, not 3.5"
<Sarayan> and 3" is a hole
<whitequark> you have a 3" one you mean?
<Sarayan> I mean the hitachi basic master level 3 with its annoying firmware on its mp-1805 controller uses a 3" drive
<Sarayan> And I also have the old 3" drive of my oric 1 in there somewhere, but that's another story :-)
<Sarayan> my problem is that the underlying fdc is a mc6843 which timeouts a read sector after three disk rotations, and that's the only way
<Sarayan> and the damn firmware seems to do go to track 0, read sector 1 unconditionally
<Sarayan> so if I start the system without a floppy it freezes forever
<cr1901_modern> I never heard of this machine :o
<Sarayan> Neither did I
<Sarayan> Which makes finding pertinent information difficult
<balrog> Sarayan: I'm trying to find the pertinent documentation
<balrog> huh, the main manual talks about the MP-1800 floppy, there's another manual about the MP-1802...
<balrog> there's also an MP-3630...
<balrog> yeah, there's little documentation on this 3" drive and card
<ZrX_NoMs> Hm, friend has this old oscilloscope which requires some manufacturer preformatted floppy to work. Naturally no way to find said floppies anywhere.
<balrog> ZrX_NoMs: what scope?
<balrog> and what form-factor disk?
<balrog> hopefully it's not e.g. a Kodak/Drivetec 3.3 style disk
<ZrX_NoMs> 5.25
<balrog> Kodak/Drivetec disks are 5.25" disks that are 3.3MB, 6.6MB, or 12MB. They have embedded servo tracks.
<ZrX_NoMs> Nicolet 4094
<balrog> is the service manual publicly available?
<Foone> balrog: and I really want one! they are basically not possible to be found
<balrog> Foone: I think I have 3 drives, currently at Lord_Nightmare's place
<balrog> I dumped the firmware
<balrog> Was planning to use them for microstepping recovery and dumping of Twiggy disks, but never got around do it
<ZrX_NoMs> Oh wait, it works without a floppy but to use floppy it has to be manufacturer preformatted.
<balrog> to it*
<balrog> don't have a controller, don't have any disks
<Foone> balrog: very cool. I have some servo drives here, that I need to do more research and post about
<balrog> ZrX_NoMs: those look like ordinary drives; Kodak/Drivetec drives have a weird lever
<ZrX_NoMs> Dumped the ROMs to see if the format could be backtracked from there but can't read TMS(?) CPU opcodes.
<balrog> no access to a formatted disk?
<balrog> (so you can flux dump and look at it)
<ZrX_NoMs> As I said no disks to be found from anywhere.
<Sarayan> .jmi
<Sarayan> ZrX: Do you know if the data on the disk is needed for the oscilloscope to work?
<balrog> Foone: I poked you in #discferret but is there anything you'd be interested in doing with a Drivetec drive?
<balrog> also what servo drives do you have?
<ZrX_NoMs> No. Disks are used for storing measurements.
<Foone> balrog: I mean, I'd love to have one, but I don't currently have a plan to do something with it. Eventually I'd love to have them controllable so I can do things like high-res archival of bad discs, but that probably won't happen soon
<Foone> I'm not sure what the servo drives I have are! I need to look at them. They appear to be standard drives that have been professionally modified into being servo drives
<balrog> Foone: yeah. from all I can tell, the servo-following is done in their microcontroller and they present as a mostly-standard 34pin drive
<Sarayan> ZrX: is there a "standard" fdc controller in there?
<Foone> they came out of an AME floppy disk analyzer, which is a thing that doesn't really have any results on google. that's why I need to post about it
<balrog> oooh
<balrog> hm can I invite philpem here?
<balrog> he's been discussing hypothetically writing catseye disks
<balrog> (yeah this is a public channel)
<balrog> Foone: do you have this AME device?
<Foone> yep! I have had it for a couple years and only recently pulled it apart to take some pictures
<balrog> I'd be very interested in pictures, documentation, software, anything!
<Foone> I've got no documentation or software, but I'll post pictures soon, and dump any firmware I can find on it
<balrog> does AME stand for anything?
<Foone> not sure. American Magnetics something, maybe?
<Foone> I basically do all my research while I'm posting the thread, and since I haven't done that yet, I know basically nothing
<balrog> fair :)
<Foone> I'll @ you here when I finally post it
<balrog> please do
<balrog> I don't think I have twitter notifications on for you heh
<Sarayan> Ask Me Everything? ;-)
<ZrX_NoMs> Sarayan: Can't remember what the bolx had inside.
<ZrX_NoMs> box
<Foone> balrog: It's a 1100 Diskette Analyzer from Applied Micro Electronics LTD, of Dublin Ireland
<ZrX_NoMs> Oh great, RTFM does work. The oscilloscope manual has a note that to do initial formatting of a disk there's a hardware switch to preformat a floppy. After that it can be softformatter.
<ZrX_NoMs> softformatted
<Sarayan> nice
<Sarayan> at one point we should add the 'copes, LAs and anything of the kind to Mame
<balrog> Sarayan: there already are a few
<balrog> so yeah, the time to add them is now
<Sarayan> TODO list too high already, not gonna do it at this point :-)
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<cr1901_modern> TODO list bankruptcy
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<balrog> Sarayan: oh sorry, wasn't suggesting that *you* should be doing it
<balrog> Foone: do you have any automated duplicators?
<Foone> at least two! One is mostly rebuilt into an automatic imaging machine. I had to put it aside when the pandemic hit for space reasons, and haven't gotten it out yet
<Foone> both are CopyPro 2000s. I've actually been to their offices... they don't have any extended hoppers anymore, so I had to build my own with 3d printing and laser cutting
<Foone> the other remaining company affiliated with them is AWP, who make the Trace series. They apparently still have one 5.25" duplicator left, but they want 5000$ for it
<balrog> the Trace is quite well known.
<balrog> At this point probably easier to get a used one off eBay
<Foone> I've been keeping an eye out for them for at least 4 years, none have shown up
<balrog> Is the code/tools around the automatic imaging online?
<Foone> not yet, no.
<Foone> the plan is it for being open sourced but I was waiting until it had been more finished, a lot of it was in flux when I had to put it away
<Foone> part of the issue is that I was really overcomplicating it. it doesn't just insert the disk, read it, and eject it, it also takes a picture for later indexing
<Foone> I basically got stuck with endless yak shaving on the imaging part. better cameras, better lighting, etc
<balrog> what was that saying, "Perfect is the enemy of good"
<balrog> :)
<balrog> you don't need a *perfect* picture, just a good one
<balrog> philpem: were you recently doing analog capture of floppies? I forget
<Foone> I was thinking about doing that recently. I worked on a project to build a bunch of Domesday Duplicators, for imaging laser discs.
<Foone> but fundamentally they're just a fast ADC connected over USB3
<Foone> so depending on the signal levels and speeds you might be able to just plug one into a floppy drive analog signal
<whitequark> you don't need that fast for floppies, i'm pretty sure
<balrog> you don't.
<balrog> and you rarely need analog either
<balrog> (iirc the applesauce reads at 96mhz but downsamples to 8)
<philpem> @balrog: yep, will be doing it tonight too
<Foone> probably how it's able to do a flux copy on a teensy
<philpem> 10Msps on the scope was plenty
<philpem> sampled both of the diff channels and did A+(-B)
<balrog> Foone: well the teensy it uses is plenty capable of high rate capture (it's a 3.6)
<Foone> yah. I'm a big fan of the teensy, I pretty much have one of every model
<balrog> teensy is cool except for the fact that you can't use an ARM debugger with it due to sloppiness
<balrog> (which Lord_Nightmare was complaining about heh)
<balrog> re Applesauce, its UI is an example of how to build a good flux imager, disk editor, etc
<balrog> though its fast image is also fairly "intelligent" -- I pasted some info on how it works on
<Foone> yup. if only it ran on something other than macos
<balrog> well, it's written in pure Swift/Cocoa, so it's not exactly portable to non-macOS either.
<Foone> apparently the plan is to port it once it gets more stable
<Foone> but I think I was last told that in 2019
<Foone> but yeah. I have a macmini under my desk right now solely for applesaucery
<balrog> I talked to him more recently
<balrog> He asked someone to try; person tried and didn't get very far
<balrog> I think you might be able to adapt the core algorithms, but the UI would have to be re-done from scratch.
<Foone> shame. I'd offered to help (back in 2019), but haven't heard from him since
<balrog> Ahh.
<balrog> He's mostly active on the Apple2Infinitum slack (I see you're there too)
<Foone> in theory! I haven't actually been there in a while, since I'm not on slack for work anymore
<balrog> oh hah
<balrog> yeah that place is pretty active
<balrog> philpem: what disks are you imaging that require this?
<balrog> also did you get the wabash disks yet?
<balrog> (hopefully they're the kind that are useful for experiments)
<Foone> nope. I only vaguely remember what those are
<balrog> wabash disks are disks that suffer from sticky-shed
<balrog> (it's a brand, they were among the cheapest)
<Foone> ahh, right. the cartrivision of floppy disks
<Foone> (speaking of things I need to build an imager for)
<balrog> cartrivision?
<Foone> 1972-1973 home video format. the tapes still exist but the players are gone (they were only sold built into big TVs)
<philpem> balrog: some recovered source code, we're revealing it in a few weeks. 5.25 DSDD BBC Micro format
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<balrog> philpem: ahh nice!
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