ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<andlabs> for gold extraction, of course :capitalist-sagenod:
<andlabs> also
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<cr1901_modern> Silly q... does anyone use this channel through the matrix bridge?
<linkmauve> I use it through a XMPP bridge, dunno if that counts.
<linkmauve> A, because there is no SPOF here like is.
<cr1901_modern> Someone who uses Matrix only wants to connect to this channel through the bridge, but she can't find it on the lists
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<cr1901_modern> Ahhh, nevermind. Maybe the room is hidden
<cr1901_modern> (In fact, I seem to recall it might be)
<andlabs> no SP/DIF here
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<KitsuWhooa> Well, that's interesting
<KitsuWhooa> I found a remarked M27C512 in my parts
<KitsuWhooa> Apparently it's an SMJ27C512
<KitsuWhooa> I can't figure out why they would bother to make it look like an ST chip
<KitsuWhooa> I'll get some acetone for fun
<KitsuWhooa> Markings came right off :p
<Foone> that seems a pretty low value chip to remark, yeah
<Foone> although I've heard that a lot of times it's not really about making a cheap chip look like a more expensive chip, it's about making a pile of random similar chips look like the same chip
<Foone> because basically no one wants to buy a 50 random 27c512s from 12 companies
<Foone> but if they remark them all as ST 27C512 then maybe?
<KitsuWhooa> and when they try to program them they get errors anyway
<KitsuWhooa> :p
<Foone> yeah that's the thing. IDs, yo.
<KitsuWhooa> they might even have a different vpp
<KitsuWhooa> idk, I wouldn't care if I bought random ass chips but whatever :p
<KitsuWhooa> I guess since this one wasn't ceramic they just sanded it down
<KitsuWhooa> oh come on, my M27C322s are also remarked
<andlabs> gotta hype up those EEPROMs
<ugla> cr1901_modern: I'm connected through the Matrix bridge. The channel name is
<cr1901_modern> ugla: Tyvm for that info. Incidentally I think I have this room hidden from Freenode's "show rooms" command
<m4t> it's +s
<andlabs> Foone: your taste in catgirls with headphones is good though
<andlabs> m4t: lol
<m4t> it's an ST an ST
<m4t> laser etched tho, not just blacktopped
<andlabs> I mean your remarking should keep the brand the same
<andlabs> but also `brand echo echo echo echo`
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