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I had already done a nand-sata-install on the MC1 solo I was experimenting on, running from USB it has completed/uploaded/reported 3 work packages so far. This breaks that nodes record by 2. :P Overnight watch time.
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lanefu this XU4 thing might be something to do with disk access. I also turned down the commit time to 120 from 600 since I'm on the USB and not an SD card.
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I chose the worst one of the bunch, it only managed to upload 3 work packages over 5 days before, it's done 8 so far today without a hiccup
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Good morning.
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Good night. ;)
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Good morning :)
Morning Igor
@OPi_Community (Orange-Pi-Community): RT @armbian: Armbian #opensource #soho lab is running critically low on #gigabit #RJ45 ports. Looking for a switch(s) sponsor! https://t.co… (15s ago)
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@sahajsarup (Sahaj Sarup @ home): @armbian It looks like a bunch of bananas if i don't wear my glasses. (16s ago)
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@armbian (armbian): Thanks to the @kobol_io for donating 48-port switch and thanks to @A13_technology for a stash of SD cards! (20s ago)
@nebelgrau77 (nebelgrau/Michal): RT @armbian: Armbian #opensource #soho lab is running critically low on #gigabit #RJ45 ports. Looking for a switch(s) sponsor! https://t.co… (11s ago)
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@pd0alx (Alexander PD0ALX): Hey @armbian, a question: how can I see if my Pine64 and Odroid N2 are using accelerated video drivers when running X under the latest 20.02 release? (7s ago)
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Silly question but - is it possible to "de-armbianize" an installed system?
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That is - given a board with Armbian (Debian) installed, is it enough to remove Armbian repos from apt/source etc and then have upstream Debian running (in effect using Armbian for the initial install only)?
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It looks like it should work (famous last words)
yes, but you won't get kernel updates
since those come from the armbian repositories
steev: awesome :)
* alyssa
is building her own kernels anyway
you can also
there you go :)
Mostly I just wanted to avoid a date with debootstrap ^^
whoa, debootstrap isn't that bad
* alyssa
raises eyebrow cynically
you can also convert it to a derivative if you want, by installing the deriv key, and then pointing at their repos. that's what i do on some machines with kali before i start working on supporting it myself
check back in a year for foss graphics drivers ;-)
<3 thank you for all the panfrost work!
does testing have a new enough mesa? i thought it was still a bit behind on having the fixes
for which borad?
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Tonymac32: oh interesting.. you think its becoming iobound and just crashing?
Tonymac32: not sure if armbian defaults to mount options but noatime,nodiratime would eaise Io a bit
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lanefu it still crashed on USB, but it got 14 wp's complete before it did, so I feel like IO is part of it.
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run like `iostat -mx 5` on a terminal when its owrking lets see what IO looks like
it will be key to snag this when a task hits 100%. I do see %wrqm spiking to 85 now and again just in normal operation
wrqm is an okay thing ot have high... you care more about the iowait stuff
wrqm == write requests merged -- aka how many IO's it's consolidating from the OS and performing as a single IO request to the actual storage
if you have high rrqm it means that you can increase read-ahead on a blockdevice
are you runnig debian or ubuntu?
right, wait is between 2 and 6 at the moment, I'm going to leave it runing and see if I get a final report before it throws the flag and dies
k.. i was gonna say install net data and you can have pretty realtime data
a little more work for deb
we shall wait and see
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IgorPec: Tonymac32: weird-ish question - on armbian, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuX/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq is chmod 666, but on other systems it seems to be 600; i don't see it being set anywhere in /etc though. is this something armbian-* does?
at least it just leaves things blank, heh
I don't feel so bad about AMlogic devices hating my small monitor, apparently windows 10 won't recognize it either, at least not my work laptop
oh, that's good news for us and bad for you :)
In other news, my wife thinks I'm nuts, I'm making some sauerkraut (apparently no one wanted to buy the stores out of cabbage)
echt german stuff :)
My entire mother's family is German, it's where I learned these terrible things
haha, i ran out of saussages but do have cabbage :(
but under those circumstances ... shop is the last place to go
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It only got bad over the last week here, so my last trip was last week. I do have a delivery service, it isn't everything but you can get some meats/fruits/vegetables
I have been wondering if I ought to head over to my local german import shop to buy some of their spicy bierwurst.. it's been over a month since I've had one, and they can't serve food any more, but if they are open would probably sell the sausages..
I don't know that we have German import shops, but we do have a huge number of Polish folks here, just like in Pittsburgh (OK, probably even more in Pittsburgh)
I am from the Appalachian mountains, the only people to stay there were German and Scottish. Quite the combo.
Invent German whisky or Scottish beer :P
actually Scottish whisky with German fruits
commonly known as moonshine
Since the whisky is illegal, I use rum, which is a bit more traditional
There are Scottish beers, have you ever tried them?
Not yet
well, you can't see through them generally. ;)
I need to seriously improve my German though, I will need to travel to Frankfurt sometime after the apocalypse. I'm afraid it's been 15 years since I studied it, and have made infrequent use in the meantime. :/
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Falls dir mal danach ist frag einfach ;)
haha danke. It's so bad these days I can only read (slowly) and ask for beers. :)
what more do you need? :)
My neverending exposure to Spanish is not helping either hahaha
"ein mal bitte"
what sarnold said :P
I had 5 years of instruction, so hopefully I can get it back quickly.
Learning by doing is best practice I think
agreed, I also work for a German company so I have some material to work with. :)
schoen :)
Gut gut
Michigan is shut down completely for 3 weeks, so I'm not certain how busy I will be in a week or so, will probably have some time
I was supposed to be in frankfurt three weeks ago; it'd been ages since I've practiced my german, and I found duolingo a very easy way to get a fair chunk of practice
(I've been doing duolingo for russian for a few years, and it's way slower progress for me than german was, but that was back in the "go to the store and buy a book" days)
I looked at Russian very briefly, but given the alphabet, and no one who spoke it around me, abandoned the idea
At work it is all people from Mexico, Germany, Romania, and France. The English that is spoken there, well...
Not "correct", let's say
I've noticed at conferences and meetings that quite often the non-native english speakers can keep up with each other way better than native english speakers can; my guess is non-natives are more flexible in what they can understand.. have you noticed anything similar? or am I guessing too much?
No, in some cases this is true
I have found the opposite to be true of written documents, however, Germans like to say "tightness" when discussing something being sealed from the environment, for example
for the guys in Mexico and the US that means there should be a torque spec
and in Spanish, the word for "Solder" and "weld" is the same
that lack of language precision causes confusion
things I'd never considered before :)
Engineering requires some special considerations in language. The two extremes are Spamish and German in my opinion
German: "We literally threw 12 words together so that this is exactly the thing with no questions"
Spanish: "It's like that other thing, but green"
the Germans have decided to use the word "zeug"
in which case you have "flying stuff"
Haha, yeah, we really like adding this suffix to stuff
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hi all
i have an A95X F2, according to my research its a Amlogic S905X2
and i want to run armbian on it
but i come from a universe of grub....
but sadly with donations we can't cover any R&D costs
how much do i need to donate for someone on this channel to help me out?
servers, electricity
that's not on the price list
support in as is way is limited only to the selected hardware we have (almost) full access
remember diversity?
how much i need to donate for someone on this channel to make a wiki page explaining what needs to done from the x86 perspective?
donation is free willing act.
we don't provide services
like "you know grub? here we have uboot. you know the menu to chose the kernel, here we have this compiled(almost txt) file with the boot info)"
when all our bills are paid and fuilltimers will do the job we do i will do it for free, ok ?
im just saying. for the rest of the world this ARM thing is counterintuitive.
it depends from the perspective. it serves the purpose.
if you want x86 experience, armbian is the best you got
A good wiki explaining how you got those 200 devices images may help 1000 users make the support for their own devices.
you are the one who wants to use a hardware for the different purpose it was build for
the problem is that nobody covers the time we are loosing
for making things, now you also wants educating
even knowledge is there, where i pointed you out
i understand. welcome to Linux :P . but if you have any time. explaning your knowledge in a formated way (not a search for 2 useful replies in 100 useless ones) may be more helpful in the long run
There will always allot more devices coming in than your support capability
i am explaining my knowledge way too much.
and i know where our limits are.
please think about it. A main "Armbian on ARM"
how may replies do i need to read in grub development forum to get all that info?
grub is upper level, like windows
but you have to get there somehow
none, there is nothing like grub
its not about grub
its about the wiki page
info is there
each device is different
check manufacturer manuals, armbian hasn't define how chip boots
yes but uboot is the same right?
yes and no
i know,,, versions...
but generaly speaking
and i know i may need to know some binary memory addresses to place on uboot
then what do you want from me?
what are the those addresses? ( i dont know) here a wiki would be usefull
but i can't give you that.
i know. and im not asking you to do it
sounds like you ought to be asking whoever made the device you bought
im asking you to think about if your time is not much more useful to make such a wiki then to provide specific device support
there is absolutely no way that I will do anything like that
we stroggle to maintain this project
Then this project will die... because you will fail to get average users into your ranks. only hardcore self motivated users will be able to join and help
nothing more. just that
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how many times must i tell you that we don't have funds for such luxury?
im asking you to think if its not a priority instead of a luxury
if you want to talk about priorities, you have to become a partner first
im not asking to know them. im asking you to think about it
i did, there is nothing i can do about
GG then :)
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