Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Forums Feed: #armbian-rss | This channel is logged -> irc.armbian.com
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I booted Balbes' S905X2 image in about 30 seconds on my S905X2 box...
wow... that backlog
yeah, IgorPec did a very good job keeping calm :) I might not have been so successful were it me..
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@jintakhan (Jintak Han (한진탁)): And the @armbian tweet monitor is live! Now waiting on parts to turn it into a file server. (Too bad the board is too slow to play any video, which would be really nice) https://t.co/2BkRKCQgQZhttps://t.co/b9elWfxVOI (19s ago)
Good morning
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interested in having a bouncer for irc?
what does the bouncer do?
Basically it holds the connection to the channel for you. Like a always connected proxy client. It records the chat when you are offline as well as direct messages.
From a privacy point of view it also hides your IP address if this is a matter.
like a private chanserv?
The cloak does this too though but is not designed to do that and you should not rely on it for that purpose.
Not really like that ^^. You connect to the bouncer like it would be an irc network. The bouncer 'bounces' your stuff through to the real irc network.
so you mean that when you get online, you have chat history there?
now we rely on a client
Kind a like having weechat running in a screen session on your server which can be anywhere in the world but a bit more comfortable since you can stick to your known to use irc client from home.
As soon as you reconnect it will automatically reply the recorded history in your channels from the point you disconnected
Which you could read at whitelogger irc logs as well of course ;)
sounds usable
that's click away :)
I've set up mine a few month ago and it seems stable enough.
good, let's do it than
First time setup is a bit more complicated to be honest.
I will try to do most of the steps in advance, give me a few minutes
no rush. i am stil booting up. coffe. another coffee ... :)
If I may butt in, what method are you using to make your coffee?
that quite common way of making a coffee here. In SOHO situation, in office we do have some black box :)
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I do instant coffee. I dont make a big deal about coffee ;). As an excuse it is not the cheapest one on the market.
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that quite common way of making a coffee here. In SOHO situation, in office we do have some black box :)
ups :)
wrong windows
Seems legit :P
I see a clone.
Attack of the clones?
clone, git clone? Where? :)
Maybe Unit193 means that IgorPec_ guy which seems celebrating a proper (german) party.
Curious, have you tried using OpenSUSE's build service for testing a package on an armbian build?
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@rasp_ap (RaspAP 📡): On the horizon: working to extend beta support to more Debian-based distros. This includes @armbian @debian and @ubuntu server. #raspberrypi https://t.co/JRYGvvPpii (18s ago)
@UbuntuBot2075 (UbuntuBot): RT @rasp_ap: On the horizon: working to extend beta support to more Debian-based distros. This includes @armbian @debian and @ubuntu server… (2s ago)
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@armbian (armbian): RT @rasp_ap: On the horizon: working to extend beta support to more Debian-based distros. This includes @armbian @debian and @ubuntu server… (21s ago)
@thexiao77 (Adrian ♠): RT @rasp_ap: On the horizon: working to extend beta support to more Debian-based distros. This includes @armbian @debian and @ubuntu server… (18s ago)
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An error has occurred and has been logged. Check the logs for more information.
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ERROR: Something went wrong trying to search Twitter. (500)
An error has occurred and has been logged. Check the logs for more information.
Bad boy...
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werner: changed to SASL
@raspberrytorpes (raspberryparatorpes): RT @rasp_ap: On the horizon: working to extend beta support to more Debian-based distros. This includes @armbian @debian and @ubuntu server… (12s ago)
Did not work as expected though, still the cloak has been applied after you joined, no idea why.... Unit193?
doesn't matter
bot is back in function i guess?
Not yet. oddluck believes this is an issue at the Twitter API. He may add some better error handling to catch such messages.
twitter may have had some hickups
probably everyone is tweeting now and its overloaded :)
ERROR: Failed to lookup Twitter for 'armbian' (500)
ArmbianTwitter, unload Tweety
Werner: The operation succeeded.
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Tonymac32: did the name of the source package for the kernels change? on the nanopi m4 i have 5.4.26 (20.02.5) installed, but linux-source-* only lists 20.02.1 (5.4.20)
this means we forgot to update source packages along with the kernel
it's not a big deal, i just wanted to try some things with it :)
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switch to nightly
The Twitter thing should work again
great. was it on the twitter side?
Most likely. Though some better error catching has been implemented and some libs updated
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Werner: I can tell you that when he joined, he wasn't identified.
IgorPec: okay, i'm an idiot, how do i switch to nightly?
armbian-config -> system -> nightly beta
IgorPec: i'm missing something... i see no sources at all in nightly?
oh, true
there is something wrong
there is a script that only leave latest sources ... but obviously not working properly
sorry, i'll fix it on main
repositories are apt.armbian.com and beta.armbian.com
right i knew that, i just figured i screwed up :D