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<mryandao> hmm, but dealing with re-orgs say a day worth of blocks is unpractical in the real world.
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<abomb> < multi currency wallet Im building (buy/sell order part)
<kanzure> wrong channel
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<nsh> is there any technical merit whatsoever in anything the ideas behind IOTA? (not interested in the spats and other derps, but is their DAG/tangle concept of any theoretical interest?)
<nsh> where's bsmN when you need them
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<waxwing> nsh, am i imagining it or did Taek give a talk on DAG at Scaling 2016
<nsh> also, are there any serious cryptographic proposals for bitcoin protocol improvements to facilitate dust sweeping and mitigate the fee-scaling issue? (the fee tide is ever-rising and as such more and more low-lying utxos are rendered unspendable)
<nsh> (currently some plaintiff laments about this wrt coinbase, for chitterchatter context)
<nsh> waxwing, will check. thanks!
<nsh> wait, some kind of key escrow might make it possible to use a bunch of dust to credit LN routes maybe
<nsh> i mean you can prove [in principle, not in bitcoin atm] in zero knowledge that you have private keys for amounts that total X without the proof size scaling in the degree of dustiness
<nsh> so consolidation by proof is viable at a secondary layer
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<pigeons> nsh: I don't have any interest in or understanding of DAG issues, but recently I've seen people exploring SPECTRE:
<nsh> ty
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<kanzure> nsh: yes there were some ideas about low utxo sweeping, but they require a hard-fork, and they really only work for UTXOs using the same scriptpubkeys.
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* nsh nods
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<napo1eon> ;;tall
<gribble> Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 12730.1, vol: 52054.82 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 12645.33, vol: 3796.86 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 12355.0, vol: 161499.42 | GDAX BTCUSD last: 13130.13, vol: 88508.11 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 12800.1, vol: 10390.26 | Gemini BTCUSD last: 12708.81, vol: 36491.88 | Volume-weighted last average: 12657.68
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<kabaum_> Is there a way to see the witness of the coinbase tx in bitcoin-cli? There is a coinbase witness, containing the witness reserved value, if there is a segwit tx in the block, right?
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<maaku> nsh: have some sort of utxo commitment and then require spends more then N months/years old to include proofs with the block
<maaku> then dust accumulation isn't an issue
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