sipa changed the topic of #bitcoin-wizards to: This channel is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term Bitcoin development | | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit
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<fluffypony> who else is going to RWC and BPASE18 in Jan?
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<fluffypony> I'd imagine sipa
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<andytoshi> i plan to
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<fluffypony> sweet
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<grzs> is it in europe?
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<fluffypony> grzs: RWC is in Zurich, BPASE18 is in Stanford
<grzs> oh thanks :)
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<yoleaux> [bitcoin-dev] Updates on Confidential Transactions efficiency
<sipa> fluffypony: going to CCC?
<fluffypony> sipa: we have a Monero assembly this year, so I probably will
<sipa> cool
<sipa> i'll certainly go BPASE, unsurenbut likely about RWC
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<maaku> is there registration for BPASE? I fail at finding it.
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<sipa> i assume it's just not up yet
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