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<srpx> andytoshi: it takes caution to implement an adder that is sidechannel-free, though...
<srpx> andytoshi: but lamport signatures are absolutely trivial to implement and understand why they obviously work; at least much more so than ECDSA, which has that somewhat heavy elliptic curves machinery, and depends on unproven conjectures
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<sipa> srpx: lamport signatures are indeed very simple to implement and understanf
<sipa> they however also rely on an unproven assumption (properties of the underlying hash functions)
<sipa> and they're also enormous.
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<andytoshi> srpx: there was recently a stir in the news about a cryptocurrency project implementing lamport (well, winternitz) signatures without knowing what they were doing, using them in a context where it was literally impossible to enforce single-use keys, and producing a completely owned system
<srpx> sipa: that's true, fair enough
<srpx> andytoshi: what was that?
<andytoshi> i would be thrilled if you had an example of idiot-proof crypto but unfortunately i really do think it's impossible. lamport signatures kinda "cheat" my intuitive reasons why this would be so, because they deliberately reveal large amounts of key material, turning a weakness into a strength. but then this makes them one-time signatures which is a weird type of cryptosystem that most people have
<andytoshi> little intuition for
<eck> ouch
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<srpx> andytoshi: there is a huge gap between "idiot-proof" and "yes you're a senior dev that's 2 decades on the industry but you still can't implement this, just blindly trust 'the experts', thanks"
<andytoshi> srpx: nobody except you has talked about blindly trusting experts
<srpx> it is the difference between: "don't trust us? ask the engineer on your company to audit the code himself" and "no just trust us, thanks"
<andytoshi> please go review libsecp if you want to, the code is the first google hit for "libsecp256k1" and the second result for "secp256k1"
<srpx> and one-time sigs work well for the purposes of crypto-currencies, so...
<andytoshi> they absolutely don't
<srpx> andytoshi: by the way, yes IOTA is poor in so many different levels that it their best accomplishment so far seems to be making a case against the things they decided to use
<andytoshi> the key holder can't control how often their keys are used, they can't guarantee single signatures without being extremely careful about state, they may want/need to revise transactions even if the previous problems don't apply, and finally nothing is ever final in a cryptocurrency except probablistically
<srpx> wait, why can't they guarantee single signatures? sign once, publish a transaction with the new key, wait enough confirms, done? am I missing something here?
<srpx> are you arguing for the case when you need to replace a tx or something?
<andytoshi> i listed four orthogonal reasons that re-signing may happen
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<srpx> okay
<srpx> andytoshi: by the way, what makes one a crypto expert (your criteria)
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<maaku> srpx: <maaku> someone should have pointed out that "have the code in the host language" is a dangerous requirement because very few toolchains can be trusted to actually generate side channel resistant code after optimization and compiler magic
<maaku> this isn't about "you're not an expert!" or "never roll your own crypto" or any other rediculous reasoning. rather, writing secure crypto software is *hard*. you can't prove security. and most infrastructure out there is not compatible with making crypto libraries secure
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<maaku> well fwiw the fee revision can be fixed if the signature can commit to extra data, which would be next key to be used for bip-125 like safe replacement
<maaku> that has a set of other tradeoffs and one-time signatures are bad or other reasons mentioned, but worth mentioning that
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<srpx> maaku: yep I agree with that, one of the reasons I'd rather have simpler sig schemes, but I agree lamport have its issues
<maaku> in general terms that is a reasonable argument to make. e.g. Schnorr variants is a better choice than ECDSA
<maaku> but we shouldn't shy away from certain categories of crypto because they seem difficult
<maaku> (also, I question that assumption. Lamport signatures only look easier than EC if you treat the hash function as a black box. SHA2 or SHA3 is waaay more complicated than scalar multiply + signature operations)
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<adlai> andytoshi: please don't contribute to "abstinance-only linkography". if the man wants to hotwire his own ABS drivers, let him risk his own neck... at worst, ask him politely to warn passengers
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