sipa changed the topic of #bitcoin-wizards to: This channel is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term Bitcoin development | | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit
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<maaku> waxwing: the generalized B-N specialized to 1 signer is exactly identical to (fixed) Schnorr
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<sipa> who will be at 34C3?
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<fluffypony> sipa: I won't this year, unfortunately, but I'll see everyone at RWC and/or BPASE18
<sipa> fluffypony: cool!
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<waxwing> there will be 1 of 5 monero devs at the conference, but you won't be able to tell which one it is
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<waxwing> andytoshi, you meant sG = R + eP above (pendantry but just in case anyone's reading)
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<contrapumpkin> lol
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<nsh> extradition bail -> no 34c3, except if someone decides to wear me as a videolink again
<kanzure> i'm not sure modern fashion is compatible with... well it's 34c3 so maybe.
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<fluffypony> waxwing: lol
<fluffypony> waxwing: we can guess that it might be the most recent contributor, though...find out more in my new paper, ContributorLink
<waxwing> :)
<fluffypony> sponsored by the GItHub Enterprise Alliance
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<kanzure> "Efficient multi-exponentiation"
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