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<Swat-> Hackelin: not yet just the expirimental sd-image from sunxi
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<utente> !ls
<utente> !ls sata-harddrive
<plop2> !ls
<plop2> useless
<utente> !expl sata-harddrive
<plop2> oh wait, i was wrong
<CubieFAQ> sata-harddrive: The onboard 5V SATA power connector is only capable to power 2.5-inch hard disk drives. For 3.5-inch HDD usage you need a power supply that supplies 5V + 12V, and power the cubieboard from 5V and HDD from 5v + 12v. The option of powering both separately from the same power supply is always possible.
<utente> !expl processor
<CubieFAQ> processor: It's a Cortex-A8, therefore it's a single core.
<utente> !expl flash-linux-nand
<CubieFAQ> flash-linux-nand: The fastest way is to use the PIMP_MY_MELE utility from guillaume. For more detailed, roll-your-own instructions, see this thread in the forums. (
<Swat-> utente: alot of this info was based on CB1.
<utente> CB1 mean cubieboard with A10 SoC?
<utente> Swat-, CB1 mean cubieboard with A10 SoC?
<Swat-> utente: yes, the original cubieboard with A10 SoC
<Swat-> utente: alot of info may stil be valid, but for instance the !expl processor is not :-)
<utente> Swat-, in that case it is perfect, cos i have only A10 Cubieboard .-)
<utente> anyway thanks for clarification
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<wooy> Gumboot: I dont think its boat, it will be air mail but not priority, so the packages sits in warehouse until there is free space on one of the planes
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<Gumboot> Slow post is always a marvel to me. If that warehouse were in the UK it would be more expensive to hold it than to deliver it.
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<wooy> Gumboot: the warehouse will be pretty close to departure airport, for sure.
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<ijc> Hello. Has anyone run a recent (e.g. 3.9+) kernel on a cubieboard2? Or perhaps someone has started writing an a20 dts file? Last resort doesn't anyone have access to a datasheet which enumerates the peripheral MMIO addresses and the interrupt mappings etc?
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<dongs> ijc: you mean like this?
<dongs> lol, my hw dudes only have 1.0 version pad_std
<dongs> without mipi interface
<dongs> and some schematic checklist and ddr layout stuff.
<dongs> no register info
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<ijc> dongs: Those are "brief" and mainly focus on the physical aspect (pin out etc). We need things like which PPI the UART0 is connected to on the GIC etc.
<dongs> yeah.
<dongs> ill ask the dudes doing A20 shit here tomrorw.
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<ijc> dongs: That would be very appreciated, thanks!
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<Gumboot> ijc: I think the PDF you cite there was a leak, and consequently a one-off. The best you could hope for now is for somebody to do a survey of the physical memory map looking for those same devices to see if they're still there.
<Gumboot> Or you could hope for another leak, I guess.
* ijc hopes for another leak ;-)
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<Gumboot> Chances are not too much has changed, but you may need to find new base addresses for stuff, or something like that.
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<ijc> Gumboot: the interrupt controller as definitately completely changed, since the A20 uses a Cortex A7 and therefore has a Generic Interrupt Controller, which is nothing like the sun4i interrupt controller. So we need the IRQ assignments for all devices (or we need to guess....). It also has architected timers, althogh perhaps that is in addition to other timers.
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<dongs> dongssssssssss
<dongs> ijc: just curious why are you asking all this stuff after the fact that cubuebored2/A20 has shipped?
<dongs> does it mean it doesnt come wiht any usefulsoftware on it?
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<pacopad> Hi Guys, i'm looking for an android image for my cb2 sdcard
<pacopad> has someone an url to give me ?
<pacopad> swat i only see hand images
<pacopad> not for sd
<Swat-> i dont think there are supported sd card images yet for CB2.
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<pacopad> Do you think it's possible to find the Mele M5 or JesurunA19 firmare ?
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<ijc> dongs: It comes with a 3.3 based android thing, using fex etc. I want to run a more recent mainline kernel. I could reverse engineer some of what I need to know but it would be a lot easier if there were ocs...
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<dongs> ijc: got it
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