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<deasy> hi!
<mike_sun> can I install android on a external sd?
<deasy> the usb otg can take 2Amp in his face?
<deasy> mike_sun, yes
<mike_sun> can I use dd on linux for this?
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<deasy> mike_sun, yes, but it depends of your image
<deasy> if made for allwinner i think it works
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<mike_sun> thanks
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<stulluk> Hi,
<stulluk> I would like to buy one cubieboard A20
<stulluk> Which Touchscreens and LCD displays are directly compatible with cubieboard?
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<dongs> why dont you spend $5 more and get a fucking assdroid tablet
<dongs> if you want LCDs and t ouchscreens?
<dongs> i mean c hina tablets are like $30
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<stulluk> I will not intend to use it as a tablet
<stulluk> I would like to develop an embedded system by using Cubieboard A20
<stulluk> But in my embedded system, I need touchscreen and LCD
<dongs> yes, but chinees tablet running lunix/assdroid = embedded system for less $
<dongs> and you dont have to solder anything.
<stulluk> Right, but are they opensource?
<dongs> is cubieboard???
<dongs> zing.
<stulluk> OMG! Cubieboard is not opensource?
<dongs> yeah!
<stulluk> I am really surprised
<stulluk> I thought that it is like RPi
<stulluk> So, you mean, there is no source code download place for cubieboard?
<dongs> not for hardware, no.
<stulluk> But I thought Hackberry was open source, am I wrong?
<dongs> and kernel is same shit you can run on chinese tablet.
<dongs> also rapeberrypi is just as closed as cubieboard, if not worse
<dongs> at least you can download cpu datasheet for A10-based cubie
<dongs> you can't even download CPU datasheet for hypeberrypi at all.
<Thihi> The gpu is blackboxed in rpi, I'm not sure about the pi.
<Thihi> What... I meant "not sure about the cpu"
<Thihi> :)
<stulluk> Can you give me the link for uboot-kernel-android source for the cubie?
<rm> stulluk, Raspberry Pi is not "open source" either
<rm> not in any sense of the word
<rm> best you can say is "open", but that's also kind of a stretch
<rm> and CB is "open" too, then
<dongs> open like goatsee
<stulluk> yes, but in my meaning, "open source" is, "the one which allow to develop apps on it"
<stulluk> I need a GCC-ARM toolchain,
<rm> that's a very unusual meaning
<dongs> you can start developing android apps today.
<dongs> in emulator.
<dongs> stulluk: you can also develop apps for windows 8, for free, with opensource.
<stulluk> Why you are behaving like that, I really couldn't understand this
<dongs> I'm not. I'm telling you facts.
<stulluk> I just said, I am trying to build an embedded system
<stulluk> And by using CLOSED source RPi, people can do thousands of different applications
<rm> pretty much any computer allows you to develop apps for it
<rm> Cubieboard does too
<stulluk> I feel Cubie is better than RPi
<Thihi> Better for what?
<stulluk> Speed?
<Thihi> I don't think either is very good for snorting speed off of. Not a very flat shape.
<stulluk> You all guys are "users" or "developers" or "company representatives" of miniand ?
<dongs> neither.
<dongs> < professional internet troll
<stulluk> Then who are you?
<Thihi> < tech journalist
<dongs> can't say for the others.
<dongs> (you mean "blogger")
<Thihi> Nah.
<stulluk> So, I am talking with a troll about embedded system development ?
<Thihi> I've been making tech magazines for 15 years.
<Thihi> Blogging doesn't pay the bills.
<Thihi> Paper does, still.
<dongs> stulluk: pretty much.
<stulluk> Ok, let me tell you more
<stulluk> I am currently developing on VAR-SOM-MX6
<dongs> was never a fan of i.MX series.
<stulluk> it is a quad core SOM module, and uboot, kernel,rootfs, android,linux all opensource
<dongs> shit cores, slow, shit peripherals, shit in general
<stulluk> I can modify anything I need
<stulluk> I think this is OpenSource
<dongs> interesting.
<stulluk> Is cubie also have uboot, kernel, rootfs, and if I can download these from miniand website
<dongs> pcb looks like fabbed by same place who did freescale K50 sample boards.
<stulluk> then I would like to buy one and see
<dongs> I think miniand is just a reseller, no?
<stulluk> Does cubie have uboot source?
<dongs> all the stuff youre asking for hsould be somewehre on or so
<stulluk> let me check it
<stulluk> Ok, seems this page has linux sources
<stulluk> what about android?
<dongs> officially you need NDA from allwinner, but there's SDK sources floating around.
<dongs> i duno if theres anything recent.
<stulluk> that is really really terrible way
<stulluk> in VAR-SOM-MX6
<stulluk> we can directly use android 4.2.2
<dongs> looks like some russians have some 4.2.x roms for tablets/other junk that uses A10
<stulluk> dongs, I am building an home automations system,
<stulluk> I am really not interested in tablets
<dongs> stulluk: i am not really sure if you even need that much processor power then.
<dongs> pick a stm32 devboard with 6-7" touchscreen lcd for $50, declare victory.
<stulluk> yes, you are right, but current models in this market all use android
<dongs> thats because programmers are lazy fucks.
<stulluk> I am a programmer too, but not on android, I love embedded linux
<dongs> you can automate your entire fucking house wiht this
<dongs> with tons of cpu cycles to spare.
<dongs> and it even has touchscreen.
<dongs> and LCD.
<stulluk> yes, basically you are right, but this one can not be used as a web server or SIP server
<dongs> thats beacuse it doesnt need to be
<stulluk> Those home automation things moved quite a lot, such as showing yandex maps to check traffic before you leave the house
<dongs> i think for most normal people that would be called a "laptop"
<dongs> or "computer".
<stulluk> thats why most of the companies are ( siemens, shineider, berker, hagel...) choosing android for those things
<dongs> I don't want my air contitioner to tell me the weather or show me a map of my house.
<stulluk> ok, fair for a troll :)
<stulluk> So anyway, my last question: How to reach to those miniand people ? I called this number: 00 61 26 237 024 804 but it even didn't ring
<dongs> isnt that australia?
<dongs> they're probably busy trying to turn upside down
<stulluk> miniand isn't in australia ?
<dongs> fuck if I know. i thought they were nz/aus
<dongs> lets see
<dongs> Miniand is based in Canberra, Australia \
<dongs> shit man stop confusing me
<stulluk> waww, stay calm champ
<stulluk> so, if they don't pickup the phone,
<dongs> and +61 is country codd
<stulluk> then it seems they went to zhuhai
<dongs> they probably have troll alarms going off when you call so they dont pick up
<stulluk> ashahhahahahahhaa
<stulluk> cool
<jelly-home> stulluk: it's 18:00 local time in Canberra, what are their work hours?
<stulluk> yes, thats why I called them 1.5 hours ago
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<dongs> first successful dickstarter scam
<dongs> w/android junks
<dongs> same stuff is now on dealextreme for ~$30
<dongs> (and it was at the time as well)
<stulluk> And this doesn't have any GPIO on it :(
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<rm> maybe they were $70 back then
<rm> but these asked for $110
<rm> so yeah
<dongs> yes but they didnt deliver until Q4 2012
<dongs> when they WERE $30
<rm> stulluk, what doesn't have any GPIO on it?
<stulluk> That USD30 TV stick
<rm> dongs, there are comments from like last month
<stulluk> I can't connect any TPUART chip on that.
<rm> that people still haven't got theirs
<dongs> rm: yea
<rm> stulluk, that link was to a $110 TV stick and shown as an example of a SCAM
<stulluk> I see
<stulluk> Can you recommend where to buy Cubie A20 ?
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<utente> hi all. Debian on cubie has Iceweasel 17. Did someone recompile (succesfully!) a higher version of Iceweasel?
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<dongs> wtf is iceweaser
<dongs> freakin furries
<Thihi> Iceweasel is firefox without mozillas proprietary extensions?
<Thihi> I think.
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<dongs> "proprietary"?
<mathieui> no
<dongs> isnt mozilla opensauce
<mathieui> it’s firefox without the proprietary logo and trademark
<mathieui> which is kind of a pointless fork if you ask me
<dongs> does it still suck?
<mathieui> the code is the same, so if you consider that firefox sucks, then yeah
<mgoetz> My cb2 doesn't output anything on the screen. Any ideas why? It is a screen with DVI input and I'm using a HDMI->DVI cable..
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<utente> gparted is not present on debian for ARM :-(( usualli i use fdisk, but i need a Graphical frontend to make newbies able to partition, format etc... any idea?
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<Bushmills> strange ... "gparted - GNOME partition editor" , from "apt-cache search gparted" on cubieboard
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<utente> Bushmills, let me check again.l
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<utente> Bushmills, no, i have not. can you paste hgere your /etc/apt/source.list?
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<utente> Bushmills, im stupid. my /etc/apt/source.list miss some entries. sorry.
<Bushmills> just a single line using debian repo. it's sid though,
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<utente> Bushmills, i prefere stable :-) just add it, refreshed andi stallaeg gparted
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<danimo> is there any way to switch to english in the default android image on the cubieboard 2?
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<mgoetz> danimo: 你需要找出
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<danimo> mgoetz: ?
<danimo> mgoetz: haha
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<ktosiek> !ls
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<danimo> hmm, all audio is routed via HDMI and the default android image does not provide the option outlined in
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<wickwire> Hi guys
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<wickwire> has anyone been successful in cross compiling Qt 5.1.0 for cubieboard, using the mali libraries?
<wickwire> I'm trying it with mali for framebuffer, so far I got to building Qt5, generating a hello world with QtQuick2 and then I got 0x300b error
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<danimo> wickwire: since you asked: whoever sent you to me was mistaken
<danimo> wickwire: I have done Qt 5 on the pi, but not on the cubieboard
<danimo> wickwire: in fact, the first board I'll do android-only stuff
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<Kamilion> ls
<Kamilion> erk, wrong window
<Kamilion> Having trouble figuring out what the partitions are on my CB2's NAND
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<mike_sun> Hi all, I'm trying to put a android image on external sdcard with dd command, I'm getting: 72+1 records in72+1 records out304830464 bytes (305 MB) copied, 2,08059 s, 147 MB/s , but my sdcard does not work
<mike_sun> and on linux I'm getting unknown format after this process
<mike_sun> before do this I formated in fat32
<mike_sun> and I did exactly as this link: , but with android image from cubieboard website
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<utente> mike_sun, how much big is the original image? do ls -lah imange_name
<utente> btw, if the howto talk about linaro, woh the hell do you think thre same info works also for android?
<utente> is android image is made for nand, nothin on Hearth will make it to work on uSD.
<mike_sun> utente, is android image for nand...
<mike_sun> I downloader from cubieboard website
<utente> mike_sun, if it is android for nand, u cannot use on uSD.
<mike_sun> where can I find an image to use on uSd?
<mike_sun> on cubie 10
<utente> i duno.
<utente> sorry
<mike_sun> alright
<mike_sun> thanks
<mike_sun> and an image of ubuntu 13.04 desktop, where can I find one?