<pitillo> agath: seems easier to adapt a kernel to your distro than a distro to a kernel... reuilding it (or cross building it) seems the easiest way to fit your needs (as it seems to be supported (in both, 3.3.0 and 3.4.43)
<agath> ok so I think I should set up a cross-compiling environment on another host.
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<pitillo> agath: or give a native build a try on the toy... it's pretty fast (we haven't tested a native kernel build yet but this dual core is eating builds really fast)
<agath> hmm it has only 1G ram.. however it should work..
<agath> I'll try
<pitillo> 2 cores and 1G ram (probably faster than some of my x86 machines)... I remember old ARM devices builds where it was impossible... :)
<agath> I remember when I spent nights compiling kernels on the slackware with the kernel 1.8.x
<agath> on 486 :)
<pitillo> then you'll notice the difference... we are talking about what? 1h build to get your serial support?... how many time do you need to setup the cross enviroment and build the kernel? :)
<agath> yes sure, a lot
<agath> and it will be much easier
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<pitillo> :)
<agath> it's nice to go back at the day when recompiling kernel was ordinary ... ;-)
<agath> (days)
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<pitillo> did come the day it stopped being something ordinary? :P
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<agath> yes... when you get busy working on other things.. :-)
<pitillo> are we talking about building or developing? :)
<aalm> :)
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<agath> I'm talking in developing a business, so managing empoloyees, customers, product, services, and have not much more time for the interesting tasks :-)
<pitillo> those are big words then :)
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<dongs> lol noone builds kernels in 2013 anymore
<dongs> mostly because noone uses lunix
<dongs> the other day i had to build a kernel for some ancient box that ran 2.6
<dongs> last updated liek 6 years ago
<dongs> i went to kernrel.org
<dongs> and all they had was some fucking .tar.xz files
<dongs> on front page
<dongs> googled what it is, apparently something added to ubuntu in 2009 or osmeting
<dongs> (i.e. after hte time that machine was installed)
<dongs> so figuring out all teh trash needed to untar .xz would take way too long
<dongs> looked into their main directory structure tho and sure enough, they had triple copies of each kernel
<dongs> .tar.gz tar.bz2 and tar.xz
<dongs> what a godawful fucking waste of diskspace
<dongs> lunix is all about choice, but "choice" is generally just a fucking waste of time
<dongs> if instead of creating THREE fucking INCOMPATIBLE compression methods
<dongs> lunix faggots would like, work together on making gzip suck less
<dongs> wouldn't it make so much mroe sense?>??
<dongs> nah I got this ITCH
<dongs> i wanna implement a newfag stuff that isn't compatible wiht anything else
<dongs> (thats why there's like 200 lunix "browsers"
<dongs> and they're all completely shit
<dongs> except chrome
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<wickwire> Hi, I'm trying to use GPIO ports for controlling two motors
<wickwire> on the cubie
<wickwire> is it ok to configure any of the pins available
<wickwire> or are there preferential ones?
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<wickwire> I configured PI10, PI11, PI12, PI1
<wickwire> PI13
<papito00> i need help with cubie...i got mine, connect it to 1080 monitor but no video coming out even the lights tells it is working
<papito00> any help?
<dongs> did you install lunix?
<papito00> i haven't installed anything
<papito00> android build should be running
<papito00> it is factory default
<papito00> the worst part is that in my country send it back is expensier than buying a new one
<dongs> i doubt its broken
<papito00> how can i test it or make it work? could you help me?
<papito00> support from cubie seems dead
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<papito00> no answer
<papito00> ok, moving to pi, bigger community more answers
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<buZz> lol
<buZz> thats quick :D
<buZz> if your attention span for fixing a board is 30 minutes
<buZz> yes PLEASE move to pi
<buZz> :D
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<Tenkawa> !ls
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<Tenkawa> any cubieboard2 slackware users on?
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<deasy> buZz, he was already out, don't care of this kind of people
<deasy> they think the earth must give them all on a table.
<buZz> indeed
<deasy> i'm glad than the a10 come probably the first soc to have an open driver for video decoding acceleration :)
<deasy> great community !
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<buZz> the lima driver?
<buZz> is it working nowadays?
<buZz> oh, video DECODING?
<buZz> wtf
<buZz> really?
<buZz> cedarx is opensourced?
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<buZz> i see!
<buZz> sexyyyy
<deasy> with a video demo
<buZz> cooool
<buZz> i hope they will also do encoding
<deasy> Yes it can be so cool...with a decent captor :p
<Hackelin> !?
<buZz> ?!?!?!
<Hackelin> rereading
<deasy> ?
<deasy> sorry for my bad english
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<deasy> sensor*
<Hackelin> deasy: not worst that mine
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<Hackelin> so is get mali running on cb2 is nearest than ever
<Hackelin> isnt it?
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<deasy> Hackelin, why you say it?
<Hackelin> cedar status news ?
<deasy> cedarX is a circuit independant of the gpu (i think)
<Hackelin> omg im totally missed
<Hackelin> okok
<Hackelin> thx! :)
<deasy> specialized for video decoding and encoding
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<deasy> it can decode h264 or vp8 or some others codecs
<deasy> there is also a part for audio codec decompression as ac3 and dts
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<deasy> the blob for Linux does not work well as the blob for android
<deasy> Hackelin, for 2d, two drivers are
<deasy> i don't know how the state for the a20 is
<deasy> let's hackers work :p
<deasy> they are great
<Hackelin> well im using cb2 with samba4 and asterisk so... video decoding support is only for fun porpouses :p
<deasy> me for nginx/php-fpm
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<noz> !ls
<noz> I've just setup my cubieboard2, with debian SD image, overwritten with kernel from http://files.androtab.info/allwinner/cubieboard2/uImage (for LVM) and I'm having trouble opening sockets.
<noz> Normal services start OK, and appear to be listening, but e.g. exim when it tries to open a socket errors with "Unable to create IPv4 socket to find interface addresses". Likewise some other programs fail at socket creation stage. Any ideas?
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<atsampson> noz: weird -- is some of the network stack built as modules in that kernel, or something?
<atsampson> have a look at /proc/config.gz (assuming that kernel has it), under "Networking options"...
<atsampson> you could also try starting working/non-working programs under strace -f (which'll show you the system calls they're doing), and seeing if you can tell what makes the difference between working/non-working
<atsampson> hm; also, if you grabbed the kernel from somewhere other than the default, did you also get the modules that go with it?
<noz> Found it: The kernel is built with CONFIG_ANDROID_PARANOID_NETWORK, so will only allow root and members of the right group to access any networking
<noz> Tedious, so I either have to rebuild the kernel (which I was hoping to postpone) or create a new group for this
<atsampson> rebuilding the kernel's pretty painless...
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<marciocg> hello!
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<noz> atsampson: Yes, but I am rushing to replace a (home) server, and the less I have to do right now, the better! I do want to build my own kernel, but first I want to get mail, domain, printing, music, etc working again (having given up on my 2nd dead Sheevaplug and bought a Cubieboard2)
<noz> On a related note, does anyone know what uid exim uses to send mail to a smarthost?
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