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<Hani_> hi, i buy cubie board A10, how can i start to develope application
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<Hani__> hi
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<Hani__> i am new on ARM and cubieBoard, I just buy A10 developement board,How can i start developement
<Hani__> on this
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<dongs> step1: install lunix
<dongs> step2: you're a developer
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<l_r> hello
<l_r> is the gpu open?
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<buZz> l_r: mali
<l_r> buZz, is it open? open docs or sources?
<buZz> nope
<buZz> but there is the lima project
<buZz> afaik there is _no_ open gpu for arm
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<Gumboot> All you need is a PCIe interface, right?
<buZz> wut?
<buZz> no they arent PCIe
<Gumboot> To attach another GPU for which you might have open-source drivers, I mean.
<buZz> i also dont know of a ARM system with a PCIe interface
<Gumboot> I thought Arndale broke it out.
<Gumboot> I see a lot of devboards with it, but I don't know how many commercially-available ones have it.
<buZz> nope
<rm> I know none with an actual slot, but I have a D-Link DNS-323 NAS, and it uses a SATA controller which lists itself as "blah blah PCI-E SATA"
<buZz> ah
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<wickwire> Hi guys, for GPIO on the cubie A10, which module should be used: gpio-sunxi or sun4i-gpio?
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<bizoru> !ls
<bizoru> hello
<bizoru> anyone here?
<bizoru> ls monitor
<bizoru> !ls monitor
<vinifr> ?
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<vinifr> bizoru, ?
<bizoru> hi vini
<bizoru> I would like to know how I can compile a sun4-gpio enabled kernel for cubie board
<vinifr> gpio-sunxi is better
<bizoru> where I can find it?
<vinifr> have you already downloaded the kernel?
<bizoru> yes I have downloaded the kernel into the cubieboard
<bizoru> but Im not sure how could I make it work
<vinifr> linux-sunxi?
<bizoru> yes
<bizoru> I am using the A20 cubieboard
<bizoru> I have already downloaded the kernel
<bizoru> but I dont know how to make it the default kernel
<vinifr> hum, you need use stage/sunxi-3.4
<vinifr> bizoru, where you live?
<bizoru> in Colombia
<vinifr> nevermind
<vinifr> :)
<vinifr> so, you need use stage/sunxi-3.4
<vinifr> did you use git for download kernel?
<bizoru> yes
<bizoru> using git clone ...
<vinifr> type: git checkout stage/sunxi-3.4
<bizoru> ok
<vinifr> if you have 'xconfig' is easier
<vinifr> make ARCH=arm xconfig
<vinifr> make ARCH=arm menuconfig
<bizoru> is not necessary to compile within the cubie board?
<vinifr> no, use PC
<vinifr> you need cross-crosscompile
<vinifr> sorry, cross compile tool
<vinifr> like arm-linux-gnueabi
<vinifr> lately we are using arm-linux-gnueabihf-
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<bizoru> ok so I have to download the cross compile tool
<vinifr> yes
<vinifr> what is your distro?
<bizoru> debian
<vinifr> 6 or 7?
<bizoru> sid
<bizoru> 6
<vinifr> :(
<vinifr> debian 6 support only arm-linux-gnueabi-
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<bizoru> ok no problem I have another machine
<bizoru> with ubuntu
<vinifr> no problem, you can use debian 6
<bizoru> how could I do that?
<vinifr> is sid really debian 6?
<bizoru> I was wrong
<bizoru> its 7
<vinifr> type: apt-cache search arm-linux-gnueabi
<vinifr> look for arm-linux-gnueabihf
<bizoru> I've found it
<bizoru> do I have to download the gcc , c compiler?
<bizoru> what version?
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<vinifr> no, you need cross gcc, arm-linux-gnueabi
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<vinifr> it generates binaries for the ARM, including kernel, bootloader, programs, everything
<vinifr> could be arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc or arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
<bizoru> ok I just installed
<bizoru> gcc-4.5-arm-linux-gnueabi
<bizoru> ok its done
<vinifr> for no conflicts would be better to use the same version of pc's gcc
<vinifr> gcc -v ?
<bizoru> 4.6
<bizoru> but I just installed 4.6 gcc arm
<bizoru> gcc-4.6-arm-linux-gnueabi
<vinifr> ok, Now you can crosscompile kernel for ARM
<bizoru> for arm
<bizoru> how could i checkout it?
<vinifr> yes. git branch ?
<bizoru> yes
<bizoru> but It doesnt work by typing git checkout https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi/tree/stage/sunxi-3.4
<vinifr> what is the result? 'git branch'
<bizoru> * master
<vinifr> ok, type: ''git checkout stage/sunxi-3.4"
<vinifr> "git checkout stage/sunxi-3.4"
<vinifr> exactly this way
<bizoru> error: pathspec 'stage/sunxi-3.4' did not match any file(s) known to git.
<bizoru> :'(
<vinifr> v
<vinifr> you need to be at the root of the kernel
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<vinifr> for example: 'vini@debian:~/projs/sunxi/kernel/linux-sunxi$ git checkout sunxi-3.4'
<vinifr> result: 'Switched to a new branch 'stage/sunxi-3.4''
<bizoru> ok I see
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<vinifr> you need to use stage/sunxi because only it has support for A20
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<vinifr> at least as far as I know :)
<bizoru> ok its done
<bizoru> theres is a lot of files
<vinifr> Do you have 'xconfig' support?
<bizoru> no
<vinifr> make ARCH=arm menuconfig
<bizoru> ok its done
<vinifr> sorry, first type: 'make sun7i_defconfig'
<vinifr> sun7i=A20
<bizoru> kernel compression mode?
<vinifr> ops: 'make ARCH=arm sun7i_defconfig'
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<vinifr> sorry, first type: 'make ARCH=arm sun7i_defconfig' and 'make ARCH=arm menuconfig'
<bizoru> there is no any sun7i defconfig
<bizoru> is sun3 4 and 5
<bizoru> but no 7
<bizoru> :'(
<vinifr> sure?
<vinifr> are you under stage/sunxi-3.4
<vinifr> git branch, result?
<bizoru> look
<vinifr> only stage has sun7i defconfig
<bizoru> you're right!
<bizoru> ok
<bizoru> im going to fix it
<vinifr> git branch, result?
<vinifr> result: '* stage/sunxi-3.4'
<vinifr> you do not need to download several branches, just type: git branch whatever
<vinifr> sorry, git checkout whatever
<bizoru> then I think im going to switch to stage/sunxi-3.4 branch
<vinifr> it is not necessary
<vinifr> once done 'git clone', it download all
<vinifr> it takes all branches
<bizoru> omg
<vinifr> :)
<bizoru> is It better to do this ? : git clone -b stage/sunxi-3.4 https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi.git ?
<vinifr> you change branch just typing: 'git checkout branch'
<vinifr> you can use: 'git clone https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi.git', does not matter
<vinifr> you change branch just typing: 'git checkout whatver-branch'
<bizoru> mmm ok ok
<bizoru> but In order to avoid to wait too much time I would like to download just the branch
<bizoru> there's a lot of files
<bizoru> wow